Open Letter: The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act is one of the most anti-American bills ever introduced in Congress.

May 30, 2024

Dear Senator Merkley:

I am writing to encourage you to oppose the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.”

First, this bill violates the First Amendment amd our right to free speech, but more importantly, it removes any opportunity to debate. And debate is the foundation of any democracy. We know from history, rigorous debate eventually always finds the right answer.

You have stood up for the Palestinians, and I very much appreciate it. Surely, you agree preventing criticism of Israel and what they are doing is our right as Americans. The fact that the ICC and their families are being threatened is outrageous.

But it goes farther then that. We have a right as Americans to criticize Jewish people who believe they can silent people who oppose “Jewish Power” and “Jewish Supremacy.” For example, AIPAC represent the interests of Israel, yet they don’t have to register as a foreign agent? That doesn’t make sense.
And the ADL is nothing more than a hit squad that goes after anyone who opposes Jewish power, and should be labeled as a terrorist organization. Frankly, it’s a group of thugs and should be prohibited from pressuring Congress and our universities.

Please don’t let them take away our right to debate these important issues and oppose the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.

Yours truly,
Don Wolfe