3 Americas: More Truth Than We Can Handle 11 The Alpha Dopes and the Zionist Media (And their role in helping the Deep State kill us)

(Last updated: August 13, 2024)
3 Americas: More Truth Than We Can Handle
Chapter 11
The Alpha Dopes and the Zionist Media (And their role in helping the Deep State kill us)
by D.R. Wolfe
{work in progress}

(Includes strong language)

A culling of the herd is when nature reduces the population of a particular species. It’s nature’s way of balancing the natural system. It uses starvation, decease, or a larger predator to accomplish this. Usually, the targeted species will eventually come back when nature is able to balance the earth. This happens when the intent is good, as it is with nature.

However, the elite, those with money, power, and influence, have determined there is no need to have a large human population any more, which is threatening to their own survival. The elite and the sheeple on the far left always say over-population is threatening to the environment. And since war has become so unpopular, the Deep State was forced to find a new way to cull the human herd.

The Report From Iron Mountain, which the elite tried to deny it’s existence for many years, confirmed that the outline for this plan existed. We now know this secret report described how the rich and powerful wanted to cull the human herd, but today thanks to the World Economic Forum they’re not shy about admitting their objective to reduce the global population.

This is a very evil plan to get rid of the “bottom feeders,”as they call those living in Third America. Promoting abortion on demand; either making kids homosexual or mutilating their breast or genitals ; and sterilizing everyone with plastic. We truly live in evil times much like the dark ages. The Deep State has put the most evil people in charge of our courts and government, all working for the wealthy. Who are desperate to depopulate the earth and not be caught.

Perhaps some time in the future the record will show that 2024 presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy Jr., tried to warn us how this would happen. They would create a pandemic, than offer a mandatory cure, which was worse than the decease and targeted children.

Kennedy said in his book, “The real history of Anthony Fauci,” the Deep State would use the media and the government to make sure that most of the gullible goydumb would fully cooperate, “by ostracizing those who are uncooperative.”

So this final chapter is about the role of the media, the Forth Estate and it’s capitulation with the wealthy to “cull the herd,” and silence the dissenters. And more importantly, what it means for our future. Especially for those of us with disabilities living here in Third America.

After reading this chapter the reader may agree, that Alpha Media is the worst media company in the Portland area, but there’s a lot of stiff competition around here, and I suppose every where else.

I would say the ugliness in our local media is not that uncommon. It’s a reflection of the trend that the national corporate media has taken, thanks partly to Trump’s arrogance. But it’s mostly the arrogant, ignorant people who work in the media and the people who control them, as this chapter documents.

In two letters, I wrote to US. District Judge Michael J. Simon, when he was allegedly gathering testimony from the disabled community about their experience interacting with members of the Portland Police Bureau. I believe it was really about getting our own bullshit consent decree from the amorous U.S. Attorney, Amanda Marshall, so the city isn’t sued by the DOJ, not that it would matter. But I suspect Judge Simon never read anything I wrote.

And not surprisingly, the formal Consent Decree did nothing for the disabled, since I’m still being tortured here at the Southgate Death Camp on 82nd Avenue by some psychopaths, under the color of law. My feet and other parts of my body are being electrocuted with these low level shocks every time I lay down, usually at night or early in the morning, before I get up.

I suspect this is what was happening to Jeremy Christian, the “Max Stabber” in May of 2017.

After Christian was convicted, according to one of the dumbest repolrter ever in Portland, Rosemary Reynolds from the Alpha Dope Network, reported that he said “I can’t talk about it or I’m afraid something will happen to me in prison.”

He was convicted of stabbing and killing to other passengers on the train who he said “attacked me first.”

However, based on what Christian and his useless public pretender, Gregory Troll, said during the trial, I suspect he, like me, was being electrocuted at night by the Deep State, and over-reacted the next morning on the train.

Let’s take a brief moment to dive a little deeper into this 2017 case, and the case involving Daniel Penny’s killing of Jordan Neely in 2023.

Christian had been yelling offensive and vial racist things at two Muslim women for no reason, and this isn’t okay under any circumstances. But suddenly he was attacked by three men who wanted to forcefully silence him.

Maybe Christian was extremely paranoid, and that’s why he happen to be carrying a knife that day. But he ended up killing two of the three men who he believed were attacking him.

In Christian’s worried mind maybe he thought that if he didn’t have the knife he would have been killed by one of these men, or someone else, who wanted him to be quiet. But his mind wouldn’t cooperate no matter what.

As we saw in the George Floyd and the Jordan Neely case, often people with authority, or perceived authority, over others will apply excessive pressure to the wind pipe in order to silence them.

We need to ask, did Christian really over-react in defending himself against three men who he perceived were attacking him, for something he may not have been able to control?

When he was attacked by these perceived vigilantes, He may have already forgotten the Muslim women and what he was yelling, and feared for his life.

Everyone who believes in fundemental fairness should ask, why did Jeremy Christian get the shittiest lawyer in Oregon, Gregory Troll? In case anyone like me gets suspicious, they gave this sorry ass attorney multiple bogus awards, like Rosemary Reynolds, to prove he had some skill.

Here in Oregon, dozens, if not hundreds, of indigent clients have been screwed over by this pathetic lawyer and his assistant.

I realize many over weight people are addicted to this unhealthy processed food sold in America. In which most of the fibers and nutriants are intentionally removed. Also many are disabled and can not control their weight because of the medications.

I suspect there are a significant number of overweight people, like Troll and his assistant Bernard Moore, who are simply lazy people who eat crappy diets and never exercise. We, the former-clients, know Troll and Moore probably never actually studied the law, but it doesn’t really matter in our
American injustice system.

The Supreme Court has ruled with regard to our right to have effective council that it doesn’t matter if a indigent person is compedently represented, as long as the public pretender is breathing and has a law license. They ruled, “Having effective council present is all poor people are entitled too under the U.S. Constitution.” In fact, the Supreme Court ruled it’s constitutional, even if the public pretender is sleeping during the trial. And even if the accused is facing the death penalty, it doesn’t matter to the wealthy elitist who run our injustice system.

However, in a very rare instance justice was served, and George Floyd’s murderer was sentenced to prison. He may have eventually died from a drug overdose, but we’ll never know. Nevertheless, Derek Chauvin undoubtedly contributed to Floyd’s demise and deserved jail time for his conduct.

Hopefully, Daniel Penny will face this same accountability. Here’s why.

Penny, an ex-marine, had no right to attack Jordan Neely, a emotionally-disturbed black man, on the train simply because Neely was upset about something. And as emotionally-disturbed people often do, Neely was ranting all sorts of crazy stuff,. And he did this while he was marching back and forth to expell the energy building up inside of him. But Neely did no violence to anyone that day.

It’s true, some people were very scared. But Penny had no right to escalate the violence because of what Jordan was saying. Penny use excessive force to take the life of Neely, with reckless disregard for Neely’s safety.

At the time, Penny knew nothing about Neely’s past and only had the right to yell back, since Neally hadn’t touched anyone on the subway. If he had, the circumstances would be different and maybe Penny would have been justified in what he did.

Calling someone a “fag” or using the N word, or yelling anything that we may find offensive, doesn’t ever justifies physical violence. But neo-liberals think using violence against people they don’t agree with, like former-U-K swimmer Riley Gaines, is justified, but it isn’t.

In 2023 in San Francisco, a group of gender-impaired men attacked Gaines for saying this, but she’s right. Allowing men to take scholarships and opportunities away from real, biological women is just another form of toxic masculinity. It’s gender confused men obviously using their physical strength to oppress women.

Likewise, Daniel Penny may have imagined himself still a marine and wanted to exercise his authority and control over the perceived enemy, Jordan Neely. But Neely was a fellow American in distress and did not deserve to die.

Why didn’t Penny try to calm him down, rather than using excessive force to silence him by choking him? Instead, Penny crushed Neely’s wind pipe and caused his death. Penny may not have wanted to kill Neely, but he did, and he should spende a few years in prison.

Back to Jeremy Christian and why he may have been so upset that day on the train. In Margaret Burnham’s book, “By Hands Now Known”, she describes a similar case from 1940 involving the police using electricity to torture a young black man, only sixteen-years-old.

She writes, “One of the Civil Rights Commission first cases of racist police violence in the Twentieth Century was that of an Atlanta police officer in 1940. That year the accused officer, W.F. Southern, branded sixteen-year-old Quintar South with an electrical device. to force him to confess to a burglary at Clark University gymnasium. Officer Southern had a reputation for torturing black suspects.”

“Atlantans, both black and white. persuaded state authorities to initiate a criminal prosecution. But some of Southern’s fellow officers testified that they saw no wounds on Quintar South’s body and after a one day trial he was acquitted by a Fulton County jury.”

And when Southern was retried in federal court by the U.S. Attorney he was once again acquitted. Eighty years later in Oregon our state and federal government is allowing the police to electrocute troubled men with disabilities, for some reason.

Often I’m startled awake with some kind of sharp electric shock to my feet or toes, or some other part of my body, which really pisses me off all day. And during the day, I’m constantly being itched to death with this same weapons that seems to attack bare skin, such as the face, legs, and hands.

While I’m sleeping they’re able to burn me, so I wake up with welts and what feels like sun burns all over my body. From what I know, It seems like they’re using some kind of electro-magnetic microwave weapon or perhaps some kind of Scalar Wave weapon. And maybe that’s what they used on Jeremy Christian.

Perhaps it’s some kind of ECT therapy by some mad scientist from Kaiser or Providence, posing as a doctor? And maybe they tell some sleazy judge on the government’s payroll I have something the Deep State Jewish, homosexual shrinks call “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” and they have a cure?

Except ECT is supposed to be administered while the patient is asleep and sedated. But apparently these mad scientists can’t wait until I’m about to fall asleep to shock me. And obviously, I’ve never been sedated, or given them any kind of informed consent.

Honestly, I feel if I wasn’t completely Blind and owned a gun I would probably shoot somebody, or anybody to make it stop! And maybe that’s what happened to Jeremy Christian, who was screwed by the same public pretender as me, Gregory Troll.

Perhaps this is what’s happening to a lot of these shooters who are being rolled off the shelf. But we notice, they never seem to shoot the rich people who are doing this, under the protection of Merrick Garland and the Injustice Department.

And what is completely amazing to me is that nobody, despite my written pleas, will help, including Christopher “Don’t Say Gay” Ray, the current FBI Director or Judge Michael Simon, who is a federal judge. They will do or say nothing to make them stop shocking me!

Much like the people in Gaza, I’ve been held prisoner in my RV (and fenced in yard) by these “people” since February of 2015.

They’ve made it clear to me, as I’ve described in previous chapters, “Stay where you are or die (on the streets of Portland, Oregoon)!

And that’s why I suspect the Deep State and its agents are doing this all over the country, to a lot of troubled men, who then go out and kill children and other people. And I believe it’s a coordinated effort (from the Deep State homosexuals) being done to eventually declare Martial Law and take away the guns from the law abiding citizens.

In April of 2023 the United Nations passed a resolution saying that the age of sexual consent be eliminated throughout the world. This will protect the wealthy pedophiles, who only fear an angry parent, not the willfully blind police or useless persecutors, who only go after the poor and men with disabilities.

This is why the police always get a secret credit check of the “suspect” before they make an arrest, which doesn’t appear on your credit report.

As more and more information about Epstein’s history and Client List leaks out, It’s the only way the Deep State can protect these wealthy pedophiles who don’t fear the government, but only fear a lone wolf or a disgruntled parent with a gun. And here’s the proof of how federal and state law enforcement agencies allow this to happen, while going after poor white men, especially men with disabilities.

In Barry Levine’s book, “The Spider”, he writes “Epstein’s sense of being coated by a suit of Teflon armor was re-enforced in the summer of 1984. During a vacation on Hilton Head, South Carolina Epstein met a thirteen-year-old girl, only identified as Jane Doe 4 in court papers filed in 2019.”

“The girl was the daughter of a woman whom Epstein had rented a beach house. Jane Doe 4 routinely worked as a babysitter for vacationing couples and thought nothing of it when Epstein hired her. But Epstein had no children of course.

And when the girl arrived at the house, he offered Jane Doe 4 alcohol and drugs. Epstein raped her for the first time later that night.”

“The rapes would continue over the next few years on subsequent trips to Hilton Head, according to court documents.

“Epstein flew the girl across state lines to New York on three or four occasions, according to the court filings, and offered her as fresh meat to a circle of male friends. The lawsuit includes disturbing descriptions of how Doe was raped and beaten by this group of friends, who are not identified.”

That’s why Merrick Garland, who many believe covered up the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing and the identity of John Doe III, sent the FBI after angry parents who objected to mask mandates and pedophile teachers and counselors promoting transgenderism for children.

Julie K. Brown, who to date wrote the most definitive book on Jeffrey Epstein, “Perversion of Justice”, explains how the Injustice Department, federal Persecutors, and police avoid going after the billionaire pedophiles. “I realized here that the story wasn’t what was in the case file but what was not in the file. There was almost nothing in the file about Epstein. Normally, when there’s a criminal investigation into a suspect the file will include a background check into the individual. In this case, there were extensive background checks on the victims and their families, but nothing on Epstein. Or for that matter, on any of the other people accused of helping him.”

Why didn’t local law enforcement rush the classroom in Uvalde, Texas, since they had three hundred and seventy-seven officers available, with at least thirteen heavily armed police officers in the hallway, waiting outside of the classroom, sanitizing their hands.

Was this their orders to stand down? Perhaps, so that the shooter had the seventy-seven minutes he needed to kill these nineteen Latino children and their teachers.

Doesn’t it seem suspicious that law enforcement claim they were waiting for a key to the lock, that any gun could have instantly disabled? And then we find out, the classroom door wasn’t locked.

Why did this teacher prop open the door In late may, in Texas, which violates the school safety policies? Didn’t the school have air conditioning?

Was perhaps the teacher, like Sirhan Sirhan, being brain washed by the Deep State to unlock the door? Maybe that’s why she doesn’t remember? Maybe the rock was a distraction, like the remote-controlled planes used on September 11th, or all the movies, sports, or fake news?

And where did this kid, who was apparently undergoing transgender therapy, get thousands of dollars to pay for these two guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition? And who was this mysterious acquaintance online who may have offered to pay for the guns? And will these questions ever be answered?

The shooter in Buffalo, who was recently convicted, also had a handler. He was a retired federal agent, as if these people ever retire. The shooter in Buffalo was conversing with him online, just thirty minutes before he was rolled off the shelf by the Deep State and sent in to massacre eleven African-American shoppers. But his handler online has apparently never been questioned by law enforcement, let alone convicted as an accessory.

The Uvalde and Buffalo shootings are also awfully similar to the recent FBI false flag entrapment case in Michigan. In that case, several straight white men were allegedly coerced by several FBI informants to say they were going to kidnap and murder Governor Whitmner, but apparently it wasn’t true. A jury from Michigan said that two of the men were not guilty and were entrapped by the government agents and informants.

However, in what many felt was a sham trial two other men were convicted by the same persecutors from the Injustice Department. Except, if it was entrapment for half of the defendants in the first trial then logically it must have been entrapment for all of them.

Ironically, the chief FBI agent at the Detroit Field Office, Steven D’Antuono, who orchestrated the Michigan spectacle, went on to serve in D.C. as the chief FBI agent in charge on January 6th, where it appears he orchestrated another hoax.

Jack Smith has dropped his case of insurrection against Trump in D.C., and it appears that most of these January 6th convictions may be completely unconstitutional. I predict, when Trump is re-elected in 2024, not that I intend to vote for him, we’ll find out the truth about the sham known as “January 6th.” Resignations may not be enough to protect some people at the FBI and the Injustice Department this time.

Meanwhile, no one’s willing to give an inch on gun control, except everyone blames mental illness. Meanwhile, kids keep dying, in our violent American culture that worships the people who fight wars, and play violent games such as football, boxing, and dodgeball, and now we got slap fighting. And none of the ex-perts can figure it out.

Did you know American children on average view over 200,000 images of violent before they turn eighteen?

The Democreeps in California, D.C., New York, and Illinois as well as the Jewish homosexuals and pedophiles in Hollyweird, who all promote drugging and mutilating children, don’t see this as being a big part of the problem.

I think most Americans are tired of these network ex-perts from the Ivy League pretending they know what the hell they’re talking about. When are they going to bring in some current perts to set things straight?

When they take away the guns, as the Deep State will eventually do to protect the wealthy predators, people will learn to build bombs, just like the Irish Republican Army. And eventually most people will be dead, or living in one of Katie Couric’s re-education camps.

Getting back to torture, Its ben reported that the Oregon Department of correction is doing this same thing to disabled inmates down in Salem, at the State Prison’s mental health unit. Prisoners from this unit have said that every morning, around 4:00 a.m. they are awoken by the guards who administer an electric shock to their feet. Isn’t that a curious coincidence?

I believe this is what Oregon’s FBI’s HRT Unit did to Robert LaVoy Finicum, shooting him in the hands with these weapons, causing him to pull his hands down and rub them against his body. Whether the State Police acted in good faith when they shot Finicum in the back, because they thought he was reaching for a gun, or whether they were part of the plot to kill him and blame the Bundy protesters, we don’t know.

In the subsequent Finicum murder investigation, District Attorney John Hummel from Deschutes County, the wealthiest county in Oregon, allegedly investigated the killing on behalf of the State. When he announced his findings, that the Oregon State Police did absolutely nothing wrong, he made sure no one from the alternative media could attend. So in other words, there were no hard questions from the mainstream slut media for Hummel. Not surprisingly, the murder of LaVoy Finicum by law enforcement was quickly forgotten by the government and the media.

It’s not just the FBI and the U.S. Marsals, the dirty state and local police and the correction creeps who are torturing and killing minorities and people with disabilities, I told Judge Simon, along with law enforcement, the media plays a big part in what’s happening to us disabled people and some minorities here in Oregon. I gave him a few examples of how this type of ridicule is regularly used by the media, directed at those with disabilities. Specifically, I mentioned the local sports talk morons and Alpha Media’s biggest asshole, Lars Larson, and gave several examples of how this ridicule is regularly a part of the media, including some of their advertisers.

And it’s not about the people who operate Alpha Media, I Heart Radio, KBOO, and the local NPR station, as well as most of the local newspapers and magazines, but it’s about the people who own the media and the orders they give, as to what to say and what not to say.

Maybe that’s why the DOJ and Judge Simon, who perhaps has no choice, seems to be okay with this sort of public shaming and torturing of men with disabilities?

As I see it, here’s the problem. At least twenty-two countries, including Canada, have made it illegal to criticize Israel or Jewish people for anything, or to question the lies told about the German army at Nuremberg, while ignoring the atrocities committed by the allied soldiers.

This is important to understanding our history, and how we came under this global Zionist Control. Which is mostly controlled by wealthy Jewish people and zealot Christians who believe word for word the Old Testament, mostly written by Jews.

Perhaps to understand the insane rationalization of the Jew we can read the words of Jewish author, Amos Oz, who writes that “Zionism has the justness of the drowning man who clings to the only plank he can. And the drowning man, clinging to this plank, is allowed by all the rules of natural objective universal justice to make room for himself on the plank (even if the Zionist has to shove children into the sea).”

Daniel Sokatch in his pathetic 2021 book, “Can We Talk About Israel”, defends Jews by using this argument by claiming Jews had the right to steal Palestine because Jews had no where else to go. Apparently, even if that means shoving innocent Palestinian children into the sea, burning them alive, or shooting them in the face.

For example, in June of 2023 the Israeli Death Squads shot a two-year-old baby in the head and our government says nothing, even though America probably provided this twisted Jewish soldier with the bullet.

Meanwhile, President Biden, U.S. Senator Lindsey “Lady G” Graham, along with “Back Room Stikki Nikki” and “Pencilhead Pense” (a.k.a. Reverend Jim Jones) thinks Ukraine (formally Kazaria) and Israel and the military should get even more money!

In other words, the neo-liberals support war in Ukraine, and the neo-cons support war in Gaza. Something’s wrong when neither party supports peace.

Zionist-Christians believe in this crazy idea known as manifest destiny, which is nothing more than colonialism for able-bodied white men. The Old testament tells them that it’s okay to exploit the animals and environment, and then according to this ancient book, they will ascend into this glorious place called heaven and live forever and ever. But it’s all a bunch of bullshit.

As far as modern history goes, Jewish terrorism against Palestinians began in the 1920’s. But the idea of Zionism actually began with an article written in February of 1896. In this article, Theodor Herzl called for the creation of a Jewish State, and this became the cry of the European and American Jew.

Fundamental Christian zealots were totally on board with this idea. Because they also believed Jews needed to take back the ancient land of Israel to bring on the second coming of Christ. Than according to Zionist-Christians, Jews would need to either convert to Christianity or die.

Obviously, Jewish Israelis ignore this part of Zionism, and so an unhealthy partnership began based on their mutual love for money and the power of colonialism.

except, it’s a complete bunch of psychopathic bullshit, by both these twisted Israelis and the Zionist-Christians. And it’s all based on the most violent, racist, sexist, pornographic book ever written, the Old Testament.

Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists, but almost all wealthy people in the United States and Europe who believe in this fractional banking system, mostly run by Jews, are Zionists.

Jews laugh aloud when anyone says this. But Zionists do run the world and control everything, including the media and the courts. They control the pharmaceutical industry, the defense industry and the military industrial complex. They control Congress and the White House, and of course all the central banks. Who bye the way, print and distribute the global currency, soon to be a global digital currency. And this will be the beginning of the end of freedom for America, as we have known it.

And now they want the corner lemonaide stand. But I think its probably more about getting their sleazy hands on the children who run these lemonaide stands rather than the economic prosperity of the lemonaide stand itself.

No government on earth has ever practiced pure socialism, because otherwise there would be no billionaires or trillionaires. This is because the extremely wealthy are in control, and they use this instrument called government and money to cull the herd, and retain their power. All the time pretending our elections aren’t rigged and most of our politicians aren’t compromised, like Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

I’m not a communist, but Bernie Sanders is right. Capitalism without restraints doesn’t work in a democracy. We need companies and corporations to be heavily regulated, so that they can be punished for any wrong doing, and can’t buy off the media and the Injustice Department lawyers.

As Thom Hartmann and Senator Bernie Sanders always say, “Any company or corporation that is too big to fail is too big to exist.”

In his excellent 2023 book, “It’s okay to be angry about capitalism”, Bernie Sanders points out the simple problems of unfettered capitalism and unrestricted billionaires (and trillionaires).

“When I launched a plan to tax billionaires in 2019, a New York Times reporter wondered whether I was trying to get rid of billionaires. Actually I replied, I don’t think billionaires should exist.”

“There is an American oligarch every bit as dangerous as the oligarchs we decry in other countries.”If we accept that the truth will set us free, then we need to face some hard truths about American oligarchs.”

“It is a struggle for the dog eat dog, every person for themselves culture, in which wealth and money are worshiped. We need to recognize once and for all that for the people on top, enough is never enough.”

Sanders went on to say, “How much do they need? The answer is always , more.”
One billion dollars in wealth is not enough. Five billion, not enough. A hundred billion is not enough. Like heroin addicts, oligarchs are never satisfied with what they have . They need another fix. More, more, and more, no matter what the consequences of their greed.”

“The only real difference is well, that heroin addicts end up dead or in jail, destroying the lives of themselves and those around them. Greed addicts never end up in jail. Instead of destroying themselves, they destroy our communities, institutions, and our society.”

I believe along with killing the elderly and people with disabilities one of the goals of creating Covid was to eliminate most of the small businesses. Using shut downs that allowed the big stores to stay open while tens of thousands of mom and pop businesses went out of business. This is exactly what the Deep State and the globalists wanted, less competition, along with a global currency.

But here’s the problem. The third rail in politics that can never be said means there are certain things we’re not allowed to talk about. Yet it’s the reason things are the way they are, and we’re all getting a little poorer every day,, so let’s break taboo and talk about the third rail in Third America, and look at the greatest hoax in history.

We know a lot of the testimony given at Nuremberg was true and the German guards were extremely brutal. They told the prisoners, “Work or die!” Then they shot many of them in the head anyway.

However, six million is not accurate. The number of Jewish prisoners who died during WW II, mostly due to starvation and illness, was probably about 1.5 to 2.0 million, if we want to give the Jewish historians the benefit of the doubt.

Jumping forward, Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestine Authority, the organization that controls the West Bank, was hated by most right wing Israelis because they wanted a Two State Solution. However, Nutanyahu the Yahoo and his fellow psychopaths never really wanted a State of Palestine. And that’s why they financially supported Hamas, who have always wanted a One State Solution, where the Israelis and the Palestinians would have to live together in peace , with equal rights for all. And now ironically, Nutanyahu the Yahoo want to get rid of Hamas and calls them animals with no rights. But who is the real animal?

Long before all of this, Mahmoud Abbas introduced his Doctoral thesis with ninety-seven documents that prove only about one million Jewish prisoners were killed during the war. And certainly, that’s a lot of souls to lose in any war. But why do Jewish people continue erroneously claiming six million Jews died, as if it were a magic number taken from the Talmud?

in case the reader doesn’t know, the Talmud is one of the Jewish people’s most religious books, which includes several notable lines advising Jewish people how they should live their lives. Including, “Jews are God’s chosen people”, “The goy is inferior to the Jew”, and “A Jew can only be judged by another Jew.”

We know that approximately a million German soldiers were murdered by the Allies after the war in the internment camps. And some say that in the six decades that followed the war as many as five million more German citizens were subjected to retaliation and revenge killing by Jewish vigilantes, proudly calling themselves “Nazi Hunters.” But perhaps what we need today is, “Zionist Hunters,” who can go after the real racist terrorists who rule the world with their sick ideology.

So maybe that’s where the number six million comes from since we know there weren’t that many Jewish prisoners killed during the war. We know this because of how many cremation facilities were available. Logically, the math just doesn’t add up to six million.

The real science also proves there were no gas chambers used in any of he internment camps. Not to say the Germans commanders and their mad scientists didn’t torture and murder a lot of prisoners in cruel and unusual ways.

The Nazi’s especially enjoyed torturing and murdering prisoners with disabilities, similar to what the CIA did to Muslims at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib ,Bagram, and other CIA black sites, to cover up the truth about September 11th.

Compared to what Stalin’s Army did, raping millions of Polish and German Women, what was said about the German soldiers should raise questions about the veracity of the sworn testimony given at Nuremberg.

For example: no Jewish prisoners were made into lamp shades or soap; and no Jewish babies were thrown into pits of fire; yet this was part of the testimony given. So we know there were some untruths told by the traumatized prisoners, which would be expected.

One prisoner testified that his wife came to the fence every day and through him an apple, so he lived. Does anyone believe in this one case the German soldiers were kind enough to look the other way? And doesn’t this contradict the Jewish version of the evil Nazis’s?

Jews want to make it a crime to question any of the testimony given under oath, whether it is true or not. In fact, under these Ron Wyden Gag Laws they want to make it so that you can’t say Jew or Zionist, or “international bankster”, because it is offensive to Jews, who run our banking system and everything else.

And to distract the goy, they’ll make sure the media is focused on the rights of transgender people and not the poison that causes it, while they peddle the government’s misinformation about the Covid Vaccines and the origin of the Virus.

Today Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, who is a Jewish Democrat, and Senator Lindsey “Lady G” Graham of South Carolina, who is a war mongering neo-con, want to bring this sort of unconstitutionality in our law to America, to protect the Deep State and all its “isms”, which we know is mostly run by unscrupulous Jewish billionaires, like Zuckerbooger, Bloombooger, and all the other rich boogers from New York, Chicago, southern Florida, and Los Angeles.

The police don’t use this technology, the ability to see through walls, to catch the rich pedophiles, who have hundreds of sleazy Jewish lawyers and police to protect them. But rather, they use this emerging technology to watch the poor men in their homes while they masturbate, so that the police can labels them as sex criminals and legally take away their right to privacy. And we can Thank the dirty judges who protect the dirty police, who protect the dirty politicians, who apparently regularly shower with their daughters.

The reader may be surprised to know that almost half the billionaires in America are Jews, even though Jewish people only make up less than 2% of the population in our nation. Any neutral outsider would ask, is that fair to people who just happen not to be born Jewish? And now under this Zionist control, Ron Wyden want to make it illegal to even ask the question, if it has to do with Jewish privilege or Jewish supremacy?

If the reader doesn’t know, this is because the game is rigged against the goy, that is anyone who isn’t Jewish. For example, a person is 1000% more likely to get into the Ivy League if they are Jewish, which is where most of the influential people who run our government and corporations come from.

When people began objecting to this practice, and the Zionist media was unable to cover up the truth, Harvard changed the way they count “Jews.” Now Harvard claims that Jews only include these crazy right-winged religious fanatics, who pound on pots and pans all night, keeping everyone awake. So now, the number of Jews who attend Harvard, according to this new Harvard math, only make up about 11% of the total student population, which is still about six times as many Jews as non-Jews at Harvard, when compared to the 2% of Jewish people in the general population.

When asked to explain this significant ethnic difference, between Jews and non-Jews, in who runs our American corporations and our government, I once heard these two morons from Revolution Radio, who were filling in for the regular host, Heather Holman, say (with a straight face), “That’s because Jews are so smart.” They didn’t mention the truth, that most Jewish people practice nepotism, mostly hiring and promoting other Jews. But also promoting radical feminists and homosexuals, who share their fascist, achiest ideas about controlling what the people think, say, and do.

According to G. Edward Griffin, ever since they created the Federal Reserve, Jews began running the central bank in 1917 which runs everything else, including the pharmaceutical and weapons industry. And it’s all based on debt.

The banksters are able to loan out money they don’t have, called the fractional banking system. Unlike most Muslims, By charging exorbitant interest rates to the goy, the Jewish banksters are able to enrich themselves and other Jews. And because of it, most people are a little poorer every day. The game is rigged against the goy.

That’s probably why the public doesn’t know anything about the demolition of Building 7 and the Twin Towers, or the cover up of the Oklahoma City bombing, or the Anthrax attacks or the killing of Senator Paul Wellstone, or the bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty by the State of Israel, or anything else that matters.

Kind of like how today all fiction writers are told by their Jewish publishers to include derogatory remarks about the elderly and people with disabilities, which they know devalues these groups. And in some cases the publishers just stick this bullshit in, demeaning the Deaf, dumb, and the Blind, especially the Blind.

Maybe it’s because most Blind people, unlike most Jewish people, can’t appreciate the esthetic value of Diamond’s, Silver, or Gold?

But what we do see in almost every fiction books, along witg the promotion of Jewish culture, Jewish people, and even the Hebrew language (as if anyone who isn’t Jewish would care), is the promotion of homosexuals, and what many straight people consider their deviant sexual activities (as though it were perfectly normal). Although we’ll never see any non-fiction book involving wealthy Jewish pedophiles, even though it is prevalent in our modern American society. Consider this, MOSOD Agent, Jeff Epstein, had over three hundred underage girls forced to have sex with about ten thousand fat, ugly old men, maybe more. Yet, not one of his clients has ever been arrested or prosecuted.

Ironically, here’s an example of this sort of bigotry and manipulation by the Jewish publishers, and how they can use toxic masculinity to promote their own Jewish, homosexual, and radical feminist agenda. In William K. Johnstone’s latest book, published in 2023, “The Last Rebel”, he writes first about these amazing Israeli female fighters, and then a moment later, he jokes about making people blind, like KBOO Community Radio.

It reads, “I was thinking one day, with my ninja background and willingness to fight, I was probably more like an Israeli female fighter than an American.”

According to the book, this female character lives in Wyoming, yet she considers herself to be more of an Israeli than an American. This is why we don’t want duel citizens from Israel, or anywhere else, to hold positions of power in America. There’s no doubt, America must be first in the minds of those who make decisions about our future, or we’re all doomed.

And then Johnstone writes, “What are you gonna do,” one of them asked Beverly, “Blind them!”

The other protagonist, Jim, smiled. “He thought the remark funny too,” Johnstone writes. As if, blinding anyone is funny.

Through all his male characters, Johnstone also ignorantly thinks people who don’t eat meat aren’t healthy. As every vegetarian knows, this isn’t true.

In all of his books, Johnstone likes to pretend he’s some kind of courageous mountain man pumping out a book per week, like he’s a literal genius. Or perhaps, he’s using some kind of AI, which would explain his prolific lack of imagination.

The protagonist, Jim, enlightens us by ignorantly saying , “If you treat someone like they’re a cripple then they’ll become a cripple (Unless of course, they’re already a crip?).”

But the ugliest aspect of this book is the ending. In a makeshift hospital, Jim says to his wife, Beverly,, after she is sodomized by four enemy soldiers, has one breast cut off, and has hydrochloric acid poured on her face and body.

“Look at me,” she said.

“I am.”

“I’m not all here,” she said, half laughing and half crying.

“Listen,” he said. “The important thing to me is that you didn’t lose the most important thing in my life.”

“What’s that?”

Jim leans down and whispers in her ear, “Your butt.”

This is probably what happened to Dr. Michelle Alexander’s excellent book about America’s prison industrial complex, “The New Jim Crow.” and she had no part in this obvious bigotry, intentionally attacking blindness in her book over and over, and over. It wouldn’t be a problem if the Jewish publishers would have said “willfully blind,” and I wouldn’t complain.

The mostly Jewish publishers also regularly attack those who would theorize about the crimes the elite, the people who run the government and corporations commit, calling them “conspiracy theorists,” as the CIA Holes like to call us. Even though we know criminal conspiracies are being committed every day by wealthy people with power, especially in our criminal injustice system. Yet the media would like us to believe this isn’t true. And instead they focus on violent crimes, fires and car crashes, instead of the hundred thousand innocent Palestinians killed by the Zionist, with American bombs and weapons.

As I said, the Jewish publishers today include in almost every fiction book that is published, and sold on Amazon, countless references to Jewish culture or Jewish history. And the Jewish publishers constantly mention Jewish people, who are posing as celebrities and leaders. Mistakenly, the reader begins to think Jewish people are more plentiful than they really are. And more importantly, so that the reader or viewer begins to believe that Jewish people, and their civilian prisoners of one particular war, are more important than every other prisoner, who isn’t Jewish. I ask, aren’t civilian prisoners of all wars equally important?

Is it because Jews are so smart, or is it perhaps something else?

It’s part of the brain washing process. Doesn’t matter if its true or not, just say it over and over, and over, like the lies told about pedophile Leo Frank or what they claim happened to the Jewish prisoners of war from WWII, and allot more. Unfortunately, eventually the goydumb will believe the lies.

So what does this mean for us, and our future?

Here’s the hard truth, and forgive my overt rudeness. Unfortunately, the answer is we’re really fucked! Which is bad news for most of us who aren’t wealthy or don’t have enough Jewish blood.

But would you rather not know? If so, then you better stop reading and go back to cat videos, because I hear that’s what’s trending among the well-uninformed.

The reader has probably already figured it out, but the problem begins with the corporate media. Not so much what they say over and over, but what they leave out of the story, or never mention.

For example, the Great Anthony Fauci once said during an interview in the 1980’s, ” You shouldn’t go into a house or bedroom with anyone who has AIDS, because you can catch it.”

While this may be true today about gay men who ingest fecal matter and contract “Monkeypox”, it wasn’t true about AIDS. But the corporate media never plays this particular interview from Fauci during Covid, because he’s an iddiot and of course, the money they get from Big Pharma.

Because it means Dr. Frankenshot-Fauci may be wrong about a lot of things. Including the origin of Covid and the efficacy of vaccines, which doesn’t protect vaccinated people from catching the next variant, or the one after that. Eventually, only the unvaccinated will be protected, with natural immunity.

Not withstanding Robert Kennedy Jr.’s book, Noted feminist and author, Naomi Wolf wrote one of the best books about Covid. In what may be the greatest crime committed against humanity, Wolf’s book is called “The Body of Others”.

British medical authorities are reporting that in July of 2022, 94% of Covid deaths are occurring in people who have been vaccinated. Given the government’s role in pushing vaccines on everyone, including small children, Wolf is right, this may be a criminal conspiracy beyond our imagination.

If you’re interested, in a follow up article Naomi Wolf wrote there is evidence the Covid vaccines harms both unborn and new born babies, and Big Pharma and the FDA knew it.

We know there is lots of crooks peddling snake oil in the pharmaceutical industry, because they act like crooks peddling snake oil. It began with the Rockefellers in the early Twentieth Century. They set up this crooked system to profit off their snake oils, by silencing the competition and critics, and controlling the AMA and the medical publishers.

Then the Sack-of-shitler family took over around 1940 and completely corrupted the medical system, paying off doctors and buying off the medical publishing industry and the government.

The Sack-of-shit-lers, another crooked Jewish family, murdered a half of a million people in America, but the Injustice Department let them get away with it, after paying a small fine. Meanwhile, the federal soldiers and doctors are all told to vilify marijuana users while promoting Big Pharma’s harmful drugs and vaccines.

This is exactly how they did it. First they put their own people in charge of the boards at the FDA and the CDC that approve what ever product they come up with, even if it’s a douche for the nose. And the cons in Congress approve who ever is nominated for these Boards of Ignorance, who all come from the drug and chemical industries.

Then they buy off the media by providing the advertising dollars that keeps the media afloat, kind of like crap floating round and round in a toilet (with nose and boob jobs).

The media attacks anyone who criticizes their advertiser, and they cover up any information about adverse reactions or injuries from their advertiser’s products. Instead they try to scare us with a story about some violent criminal with a gun, and ignore the fact that this processed food isn’t slowly killing us.

Before any of that, Big Pharma buys off congress with bribes given to them by their wealthy friends, through their well paid lobbyists. Then Congress makes sure no one can sue the pharmaceuticals for producing these vaccine, no matter how harmful they are to people. And then they add the vaccine to the scheduled vaccines for children.

Meanwhile, the neo-cons and the neo-liberals looks the other way when the government funds war after war, glorifying the employees who volunteer to fight in these endless corporate wars. Almost every holiday celebrates the employees of war, but we can’t have a national holiday to vote? We’re expected to donate to injured soldiers, but why doesn’t the Defense Industry and the U.S. Military provide workmen’s compensation to the employees who are injured on the job, often by defective products made by the Defense Industry?

The neo-cons always support law and order and the cops and persecutors who enforce these arbitrary laws, with no exceptions. Neo-cons support impunity, when the cops abuse or kill anyone who objects to their authoritarian rule, especially if they’re poor, has brown skin, or happen to be or look like a man with a mental disability. Rarely with qualified immunity and public service unions is there justice in abuse cases involving law enforcement, if the victim has no money.

The drug-pushing Deep State opposes marijuana and get Mike Pence, a Neo-Con from Indiana, to promote this failed policy of prohibition. Does Pence want poor people in Arkansas to take drugs that may include Fentanyl, rather than safely using this completely harmless drug called marijuana? It would behoove Michael Pence to know that in states where it’s legal, people can get marijuana from legal dispensaries without any risk of taking Fentanyl.

If you listen to Pence’s video preaching against marijuana legalization, he sounds a lot like the late-Reverend Jim Jones, who was also from Indiana. In these anti-marijuana propaganda ads, similar to Jones Pence offers up his righteous Judeo-Christian view preaching his ignorance about the harm of a plant that grows from the earth, but never mentions Fentanyl.

State-by-state, America has rejected this neo-con authoritarian approach to government, controlling the uninformed. But what Pence and the Deep State is actually doing is promoting the use of alcohol, pharmaceuticals, and surreptitiously promoting dealers who can put Fentanyl in anything except perhaps legal marijuana or magic mushrooms.

Turning to the 2022 Election, at the last moment the Democreeps reminded voters that the neo-cons promote cutting Social Security and Medicare, which scared the hell out of older independent voters on election day. And it wasn’t true, some Republicans proposed cutting benefitgs for future recipients.

Thanks to the cons in Congress the rich never pay their fair share of payroll taxes on every dime they earn. But if we remove the cap we could lower the FICA Tax for everyone, including the wealthy Jewish billionaires.

Meanwhile, the Deep State Zionist war-mongering Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey “Lady Graham,” proposed a federal band on all abortions, with no exceptions. It had no chance of ever passing. and Graham had to know this, But it did motivate women from across the country to get out and vote for the Democreeps. And it cost Trump the 2020 Election.

Was Graham just following orders from his Deep State Zionist handlers?

Republicans should be aware of this if they ever want to win back the presidency, there must always be exceptions for people that make mistakes, including abortion. We must be reasonable and give women a way out. Otherwise, they may kill themselves, or falsely accuse a man of rape when the sex was completely consensual.

On the other side, the creepy neo-creeps want everyone to put on a fairy costume and join the parade down the yellow brick road to the “MIGHTY QUEERDOM” and become homosexual, bisexual, or transgender.

The DNC targets children and vulnerable people, because I suppose misery loves company, disenfranchising biological parents and traditional families.

Unlike September 11th, the Deep State now seems to supports the Democreep Party. By stealing up to 3.5%, they’re able to steal almost every election without being caught or raising to much suspicion. And these gullable sheeple, who ignorantly vote Democrat, either don’t care or are clueless, unless they happen to lose.

However it goes allot deeper than that, as I’ll explain. Rather than focusing on economic solutions, the neo-creeps and the neo-cons are clearly working together for the Deep State. And their real job is to promote chaos, Big Pharma’s product, and endless wars (with lots of American-made weapons and energy), while the banksters loot the treasury and slowly raise interest rates. They support every war and every drug, and they keep the American population angry and divided, distracted with politics, sports and entertainment, and other irrelevant issues.

They do this by taking turns and swinging the pendulum farther and farther each time. First to the far right and then to the far left. But we should know by creating the Covid Virus in the lab and releasing it in China and Iran as a bio-weapon they’re completely insane! And don’t be surprised if we eventually learn that China was in on the plot — the CIA’s plan to kill all of the little people on earth.

I predict one day they’ll swing the pendulum too far and it will slip from its pedestal and destroy every living thing on earth. Based on the evidence, whether it’s bombs, poison, or AI, it’s inevitable. It’s only a matter of time.

If there were no billionaires or trillionaires, the average person who is targeted by the government because of what they said or allegedly did wouldn’t have to accept the incompetent public pretenders. Instead they could hire a Jewish lawyer to deal with the Jewish court and take on the wealthy able-bodied white man’s injustice system.

Okay maybe I exaggerate, but it’s true that around 30% to 40% of America’s lawyers are Jewish. And if you haven’t noticed, they seem to get all the attention from the Zionist corporate media, even though as I mentioned Jewish people are less than 2% of the general population.

And our judges are selected exclusively from the pool of available licensed lawyers, which means that about 30% to 40% of our judges must also be Jewish. So should those of us who aren’t Jewish, or who aren’t enough Jewish, be concerned by this many self-absorbed Jewish people running our legal system, like Alexander Acosta, Bruce Reinhart, and Merrick Garland? Every group has its own implicit bias towards its own people (and those who publicly support those people).

On the other hand, those who talk about Jewish Supremacy and this overwhelming imbalance in our western culture, like Kanye West, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, are quickly killed or destroyed by the Deep State operatives.

The neo-liberals, who currently run the Democrat Party and play the left like trained monkeys, telling them wearing masks is good for them; aborting their children is a good thing; saying it’s perfectly normal for men to believe they’re women; saying women are always victims (unless their sexually assaulted by Clinton, Biden,, or some other neo-liberal elitist); and healthy people getting vaccinated, rather than having natural immunity, is good for everybody.

So let’s all sing together:
“Monkey see, monkey do, I’ve been vaccinated too!”

And don’t forget, let’s sacrifice everything to prevent this elusive problem known as “Climate Change”, formally known as “global warming.” And let’s spend every dime on this “problem” even though it just may be a natural cycle of the earth, that’s been around for over a billion years and we don’t have the data to prove it’s not man made. It may also be that our galaxy is colliding with another galaxy since all of the planets in our solar system are heating up. But more likely, it’s a result of geoengineering by Douglas Macmartin and the “Controllers”, according to Dane Wigington’s “Bad News Broadcast” (available at:

Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones

Wigington always says, “We know, the best lie is one that includes a little bit of truth.”

President Obama’s Jewish Chief of Staff, Ralm Emanual, once said something like “Why put a serious crisis to waste.” And that probably sums it up for all these politicians who are also getting rich even though we don’t pay congress all that much. Funny how that happens, isn’t it?

Did you know seven of the top thirteen wealthiest counties in America are counties that surround Washington D.C.? Including the top three richest counties, and that’s a lot of money to spread around.

No wonder they couldn’t get a jury from D.C. to convict an admitted criminal like Michael Sussmann. I suspect most of the available jury pool in D.C. is somewhat corrupt, because we know that’s where the corruption begins.

And we only needs to look at our current president, Joe Biden, to know this is true about all these politicians who go to live among the reptiles in the swamp, getting rich, and getting their egos (and other body parts) stroked.

According to the diary of his youngest daughter, Ashley Biden, which she carelessly left behind at a treatment center, wrote that her father, Joe Biden, used to regularly take showers with her, apparently in the nude.

Learning that the diary was missing, and what was in it, the Biden’s were horrified, not surprisingly. So the Biden’s first decided to lie to the police and FBI, claiming the diary was stolen during a break in. But they made it all up to hide the truth.

As usual, this didn’t matter to the FBI, who harassed and intimidated the woman who found Ashley Biden’s diary and promptly sold it to the highest bidder. The FBI acted as though the Bidens were some sort of royalty and deserved this sort of protection from our government.

Ashley Biden gave the diary away when she moved out and left it behind, as though it were trash. Intentionally or not, Ashley has no one else to blame except herself for leaving the diary behind.

This is probably why the Bidens were so worried. Ashley Biden wrote in her diary that someone in her family was molesting her, as a young girl who was “hypersexualized” at a very early age. In her diary she doesn’t say her age or the type of sexual molestation that took place, and she didn’t name the person who was molesting her.

Because of what we know about Tara Reed’s experience, a Biden staffer who claimed she was sexually assaulted by U.S. Senator Joe Biden, and I apologize for this, when he forcefully jammed a finger in her vagina in the stairwell. So we can easily imagine there was a hell of a lot more going on in that shower than just back scrubbing.

What is really sad about this, is that Dr. Jill Biden apparently knew about these frequent showers between her husband and her young daughter and was willing to look the other way while her daughter was molested.

We shouldn’t be surprised, Dr. Jill Biden was a married woman when she began sleeping with Senator Joe Biden. Although her husband may have been an asshole or just another shitty lover, so she may have had her reasons for sleeping around. It certainly does explain why Jill Biden might be willing to looked the other way if her husband was molesting her daughter in the shower. Since after all, he’s a United States senator who is working hard for the American people, really hard.

In fact, I suspect that a lot of these connected mothers in the wealthy District of Columbia are willing to allow their young daughters to serve these “leaders in the shower, if it helps their career.

Then we find out from Hunter Biden’s laptop the president wired $100,000 to his son to pay for sex workers and cocaine. It’s a funny coincidence, given Ashley Biden’s own mistake of leaving something compromising about her family behind, but Hunter Biden carelessly left a very incriminating laptop at a local computer store. And on the laptop there was lots of evidence of sex, bribery, blackmail and other crimes involving his family, including evidence of Hunter’s questionable payments that were funneled to Joe Biden, the “Big Guy,” and twelve other family members, totaling over thirty million dollars.

Going into the 2020 Election, the liberal media, the DNC and the Deep state claimed the laptop was a hoax, but I suspect it was a lot worse than they ever knew, or pretended to know, as we will eventually find out.

Itlooks like the protesters on January 6th were right and the 2020 Election was stolen by withholding information from the American people about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the activities of the Biden Crime Family. And knowing that Joe Biden was very likely compromised by China and Ukraine (formally Kazaria), who would have voted for Joe Biden?

It’s a fair question to ask. Especially in light of these expensive hearings about the January 6th Protests over the stolen election, that are only willing to tell one side of the story. They certainly has the corporate media’s complete attention.

Why didn’t the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pigelosi, allow the Capitol Police to testify at the congressional hearings? After all, they may have murdered three white people. They certainly murdered at least one unarmed woman during the mostly peaceful protest.

Was it because the officers that were involved were all black?

And is it okay with Democrats to let black police officers abuse white people, just as Sergeant Brown of Wasington County did to me? Apparently, it’s okay with our Jewish Attorney General.

Is this perhaps yet another way the Deep State and the Zionists can further divide the races, getting blacks to hate white people, and getting whites to hate blacks?

“This is a serious crime,” Jew Goodman, Thom Fartmann and the Democreeps say. Except, when the Democreeps are the ones committing insurrection it apparently doesn’t matter, as history tells us.

In Susan Wels book, “An Assassin in Utopia” she writes about the murder of President Garfield as follows:
“In early January, 1877, a Democratic Congressman called for 100,00 partisans to rally in Washington for the inauguration of Tilden (the Democratic candidate). Joseph Puletzer, publisher of the New York World (and the founder of the Pulitzer Prize for excellence in journalism), urged them to come to the Capitol, fully armed and ready for business.”

Wels wrote, “In Chicago, a former general supposedly recruited veterans to steal weapons from federal arsenals. The White House was even warned that Tilden supporters from Missouri were planning to seize 700 cannons and fixed ammunition, enough to supply an army of 60,000 men, from the federal arsenal in St. Louis.”

Other than the murder of President Kennedy, the Oklahoma City bombing, and September 11th, as well as creating the deadly virus and the “miracle vaccine,” Twittergate was the manipulation of social media by “intelligent” agents of our government. It helped steal the election for Genocide Joe in 2020, and it is one of the greatest crimes ever committed against the American people by our government, with the help of the Democreeps and the corporate media.

Former and current FBI agents were telling Twitter and the other social media networks not to publish comments or links that contradict the Deep State’s plans to depopulate America. The Court of Appeals over ruled this injunction, Hopefully, the conservative Supreme Court will eventually set things right, by ending this mutilation of the First Amendment by Jew Garland and the Democreeps.

So you know how unfair the Democreep Party and the Deep State are, the highly corrupt governor and State Attorneys General from Michigan in 2023 indicted sixteen senior citizens for signing a paper that made them alternative delegates. However, in 1876, in a highly disputed presidential election between Garfield and Tilden, Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina selected alternative delegates. Even though this was found to be unconstitutional by fifteen bipartisans. However, none of these delegates were arrested or ever charged with a crime. But with today’s weaponized DOJ and Homeland Insecurity’s hostile environment, it’s all part of the Deep State’s practice of lawfare.

In a July 4, 2023, Missouri v. Biden, a courageous judge from Louisiana issued a temporary injunction that prohibited the government from restricting or coercing a third party into restricting free speech. In other words, the government can not have a third party do what the government can’t constitutionally do itself.

I wonder if this include the government getting the landlady and others to torture and harass a severely disabled, straight man with opposing views?

It’s the speech we least agree with that we need to defend the most if we want to keep our democracy, which seems very unlikely. Because true democracy is a place where rigorous debate is allowed to exist, so that we might reach a consensus. Sometimes, as with slavery, it might take a long time before enough people agree. But it’s better than the alternative, a civil war, which seems to be where we’re heading.

As many suspect, Barack obama was not our first gay president. The Washington Free Beacon wrote in August of 2023 , “In an interview with Tablet magazine, Barack Obama biographer David Garrow discussed a letter the former president wrote to a college girlfriend in which he “repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men.”

No wonder some Americans believe Michelle Obama is actually a man with a boob job, which I doubt. But I’m blind, so how would I know from hugging her in 2008.

The first gay president was actually James Buchanan, who held office just before the civil war (1857-1861). Just like the homosexuals are doing today, weaponizing the government, mutilating children, Buchanan stirred up the animosity between the north and south there was no way to avoid war. When Lincoln took office in 1861 a peaceful resolution was no longer possible.

And today, the lap top story and the Biden bribes is still being ignored by Jew Goodman, NPR, and all the usual corporate pressitutes to protect the Deep State and the Democreeps’ homosexual agenda.

In fact, weeks before the 2020 Election fifty-one extremely unintelligent agents from the Deep State signed a letter sent to the media stating there was evidence that the Hunter Biden laptop had “all the classic earmarks of Russian disinformation.” In other words, they willfully interfered with the 2020 Election to get Biden elected.

Much like the censorship of social media, this letter was complete bullshit since the FBI, Homeland Insecurity, and the Injustice Department immediately knew the laptop was real when they received it a year earlier in 2019.

Not that he’s some kind of savior, but thanks to Elon Musk we now know that every one of these fifty-one unintelligent scoundrels knew it was real long before they released this misleading letter to the New York Times and the Compost, in order to help steal the 2020 Election.

Our current Secretary of State under Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, who also happens to be Jewish, was one of those behind the fabricated letter, promoting a “false narrative” that the laptop wasn’t real. Just like the lie the Bidens told about their daughter’s, Ashley Biden, “stolen” diary.

Antony Blinken is a duel citizen of both Israel and the United States. Much like Merrick Garland and many others, Blinken favors the interests of Israel over America. And that’s why we’re fighting a proxy war in Ukraine (formally Kazaria).

This is why Blinken and the DOJ support the right of revenge of billionaires from Israel against Russia. The Jewish billionaires were thrown out of Russia for looting the country during the 1980’s and the 1990’s, and this war is all about getting even with Russia.

To make all of this happen, Blinken and the Deep State were “spreading false narratives,” so that Joe Biden would win. Meanwhile, the media hopes it will all go away if they ignore the House hearings set for 2023 and 2024, and continue to lie about Ukraine (formally Kazaria) eventually winning the war.

The Neo-cons, as well as the Neo-Liberals, always support the weapons manufacturers and the military industrial complex, usually giving the president more money than he asks, regardless of who is president or which war .

That’s why the neo-cons in 2022 blocked any oversight from the Inspector General of the Defense Department, and went along with President Biden’s plan to give Ukraine (formally Kazaria) the money. But what’s funny is that the neo-cons gave Ukraine (formally Kazaria) even more money than Biden asked for. And hardly a word from the Democrats or the media about this fact, even though this amount at the end of 2022 grew to one hundred billion.

Except there’s nothing to help pay off student loans, or nothing to pay American citizens who are descendants of African slaves who were forced to help build this country and were never paid.

According to the great Dr. E. Michael Jones from Culture Wars Magazine, Disney, a Jewish owned company, put out a children’s video claiming slaves built this country.

Actually, enslaved people helped build this country, which is a completely different thing to say. Unless of course, one wants to agitate and create discontent between the races.

Wealthy Jewish billionaires and their corporate media use this ploy to maintain power by calling all white men “white supremacist.” But the truth is, Jewish people played a major role in importing and owning enslaved people throughout the Americas.

What’s remarkable, is that France, controlled by the Rothchilds and other wealthy Jewish families, forced Haiti to reimburse the French government for their loss of property when in 1791 they overthrew their masters and became free from France.

Imagine that, for almost two hundred years the Jews in France made Haiti pay reparations to France for over throwing their masters, but the French Jews never paid the Haitian people for their labor.

Ever since Waterloo and the theft of British Assets by the Rothchilds,, this was then and still is today how the world is run by this demonic cult of international Jews, which is referred to as International Jewry. But crazy Jewish conspiracy theorists, who also claim Germany had gas chambers and murdering pedophile Leo Frank was innocent, claim this international cult is merely a conspiracy theory.

Here’s the connection. No one in the mainstream media will tell you this, but these sleazy Ukrainian billionaire Jews, who run Ukraine and were some of the same people who looted Russia under President Boris Yeltsin, took the CIA’s dirty money and agreed to put in more than thirty dangerous bio-weapons labs, right there on the border. And the CIA promised the billionaire Ukrainians, “Don’t worry, we got your back.”

Under Putin, most of the billionaire Jewish oligarch’s were thrown out of Russia, and now the Jews want a pay back against Russia and what they call their god given “right of revenge”. But history proves that most Jewish people don’t care about other nations or peoples, as everyone can now see from their occupying of Palestine, because of what the Nazi’s allegedly did.

According to Dr. Kevin Barrett of “False Flag Weekly News,” the Jews have been thrown or drivin out of 136 countries. There must be a reason we aren’t allowed to talk about “The Elephant in the Room,” on the radio or television, or any where else. Ron Unz of the Unz Review explains this a lot better than most, if the reader is interested in learning the truth about Jews, and can handle it. And since Ron Unz is Jewish, they can’t call him antiso-what-emitic, but the Zionist will do it anyway. Just Jews being Jews.

The CIA and the MOSODOMITES were Putting in these dangerous bio-weapon’s labs in Ukraine (formally Kazaria) and threatening to join NATO, which really pissed off Putin, so naturally, he had to do something about it.

When the Ukrainians refused to back down and remove the labs, Putin invaded Ukraine (formally Kazaria). And that’s why the American people are financially on the hook for the war whether we like it or not, thanks to the sick fucks at the CIA and the State Department, who loyally serve Israel.

No one should be surprised by this. In 2022, Tucker Carlson formally with Fox News pointed out there was evidence that the CIA, along with Israel and the mob, murdered President Kennedy. And it’s very likely that “Havana Syndrome” is electro-magnetic weapons being used on our own citizens by the CIA, not China, Russia, or Iran as the scumbag Zionist media claims.

Meanwhile, we’re sending Ukraine (formally Kazaria) even more powerful weapons, that have a range of over one hundred miles and can hit targets well within Russia. I’m predicting that this continued escalation can’t end well for anyone, except the wealthy who apparently think they can survive a Nuclear Holocaust, and that’s the only real holocaust that matters, deep under ground.

I can’t tell the reader who will win WWIIII, but I know who will lose. EVERYONE!

The Zionist media’s job is to sell the drugs and the war, or any war, to the American people, so that they can be paid. By selling more products for the pharmaceutical and defense industries, and promoting war, they enrich themselves. . Then to pay for the vaccines and weapons the government borrows even more money from the Fed, which is a private group of banksters who prints “our money.” And the tax payers foots the bill.

Meanwhile, the media falsely tells the American people that the whole world is behind Ukraine (formally Kazaria) even though only 15% of the world supports sanctions against Russia.

Did you know that despite Ukraine (formally Kazaria) being only about 2% Jewish, seven out of the eight Ukrainians billionaires are Jewish (87.5%)? And it’s estimated 80to 90% % of the American weapons industry is also overwhelmingly owned by Jewish people. So, is this just a lucky coincidence or is it an example of Jewish privilege in America, wealthy Jews helping other wealthy Jews get rich, while the rest of the population is slowly depopulated?

We know the weapons industry will get most of this money, and as usual, the Ukraine (formally Kazaria) billionaire elitists will skim Five or ten billion off the top. Meanwhile, the Zionist media will falsely tell the American people that “Ukraine (formally Kazaria) is winning the war! They just need a little more support (i.e. more money).” It’s all a Jewish scam.

the neo-cons glorify war by glorifying every veterans, no matter what atrocities they commit on behalf of these corporations. The Neo-Cons almost always defend the rights of the corporations, who they claim are people. Meanwhile, they refuse to provide any significant help or protection to anyone who is poor, elderly or disabled.

Liberal millionaire talk show host, Thom Hartmann, who apparently once worked with the CIA while in Germany, and probably still does, always says we can change the party from inside by voting for someone different in the primary. Much like what Hartmann said around 2014 about stochastic terrorism, this is pure bullshit.

Except in very rare circumstances involving discrimination, the courts have said we have no jurisdiction because parties and their elections are private clubs where either party can cheat or rig an election if they want. The court’s reasoning is that we have a choice, to accept the rules and join the club, or not.

Specifically, the Supreme Court ruled it’s not within its jurisdiction to make sure every private club is fair, and certainly “Bernie Bros” know there is nothing fair about the primary elections.

As a result, many think the DNC leadership in 2016 stole the election from Bernie Sanders by creating these Super Delegates who had more voting power than anyone else in the party. Just in case, they also rigged the voting system in the Arizona and California primaries.

Many believe Congressman James Clyburn and the DNC leadership stole it again in 2020, by rigging the South Carolina primary. Until this point Sanders was ahead in the primaries, but after Biden’s win in South Carolina the Deep state Zionist media suddenly claimed the race was over.

We now know both parties conspired together to steal the 2000 election from Al Gorr, who obviously didn’t want to be president since, as Vice President, he could have put a hold on certifying the results until every ballot was counted. Maybe he didn’t want to be president because he knew what was coming on September 11th, like a lot of other elitist, including Bill and Hillary Clinton (“Pillary” and “Killary”).

So the real problem is, both the neo-cons and the neo-creeps are working for the Deep State, a secret society made of the rich and powerful. And under this first level, there are dozens of other levels, who pick all of our leaders, depending on the bribes and blackmail available. And then these politicians go to Washington D.C. and pass laws that help to cull the herd while they protect the wealthy with thousands of hidden loop holes, that corporate lawyers can only seem to find.

It’s always the choice between two evils. And any honest candidate is ridiculed out of contention by the corporate Zionist media, like Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Ventura and Tulsi Gabbard.

Frankly the Democreeps have made it easy by supporting crazy policies, such as:
* Forcing children to wear mask in school and be vaccinated, despite no risk to their health and to please the public service unions;
* Locking down every small business in America;
* Supporting gender de-affirming drugs and surgery for children;
* And finally, legal abortion for everyone, regardless of your true gender, up to the time of birth and beyond.

I think most average Americans feel the Democrats have lost their minds. They have completely abandoned the idea of freedom and liberty, and have become a party of raging fascists. But I predict soon they will be cast aside by the Deep State and we’ll all be enslaved people.

So let’s look a little closer at the local media. Understanding the media begins with understanding what they aren’t telling their audience. And understanding all the lies they are feeding us to destroy our humanity, beginning with the children. They really are coming for the children.

Understanding how these lies about saying the Ukrainians are kicking Russia’s ass and vaccines and masks will save our lives and prevent Covid from spreading are corrupting our society, from the inside out, beginning with our youth.

Courageous Cat McQuire once said on False Flag Weekly News, “Wearing masks to prevent Covid is like using barbed wire to keep out mosquitos. How ridiculous!”

More than anything else, children use facial expressions to learn, so forcing children to wear masks is extremely harmful to their education. But the neo-liberals and the Deep State care very little about kids, or anyone else they can’t pervert with their influencers. The transgender movement and the weaponization of our justice system proves they don’t care about the future of our society.

In order to investigate the national media’s corruption and their complicity with the Deep State, I will closely examine the local media here in Portland, Oregon. This chapter is mostly about the radio scene, since along with the Internet and audio books that’s how I get most of my news and information. I’ll go back to something I heard last year.

It was the first week in August, 2020, I was listening to KXL ) a Portland news radio station on FM. After the morning news, there was this sort of phony exchange between the morning news hosts, Veronica Carter and Brett Reckamp, along with the hosts of the next show, featuring three able-bodied, conservative white guys: Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dumb, and Tweedle Even Dumber (who always likes to talk about Ugly Ed’s Electric Bleachers).

One morning Carter made the following comment, “You know what’s really funny, is people who have funny shaped heads!” And she giggled. Then the men nervously laughed too, as though it had been rehearsed or scripted.

When I heard this, I thought about all the people with brain cancer, who wear a hat or a scarf to cover their heads. This is because the tumor grows outward, creating a massive lump, and usually they’re embarrassed by it. When the tumor grows inward, and they don’t look, as Veronica would say, “so funny”, it usually kills them pretty fast.

Not to mention, people who are born with Downs or some other birth defect feel about being made fun of by sick people like Veronica Carter and KXL because of their misshapen heads.

This last chapter is about the sick Portland media. and even sicker national media, Although the Alpha Dopes seem to be especially vicious, no matter who’s on the air. I suspect it has something to do with the people behind the scenes, that is the people in marketing and advertising, the management and the Zionist ownership.

“Dope Larson” is the name I used to describe Alpha Media’s “superstar” host, according to Larry Wilson, the owner. he stands about five foot tall, and is almost four feet wide. He’s best known around the northwest for his big mouth, both literally and figuratively.

As part of his secret corporate advocacy on behalf of Big Pharma, he would always refer to marijuana, which is a medicine to many, as dope,” even though the Oregon Cannabis Act had already passed.

So by Alpha Dopes, specifically I mean the idiots at KXL and KGW (channel 8), and the sports talk morons at “The Game”, formally owned by Portland Trailblazer owner, the late-Paul Allen. Alpha Media now owns over 200 stations across the country, and KXL is one of them. But I’ll get back to Portland’s Media in a minute.

Eugene is where my history in Oregon first began. As I wrote about in several earlier chapters, there were two Register Guard front page articles written about me when I lived there.

And my roommate, Olga, had another front page article written about her, describing her as a Cuban refugee who was blind and sang with the local orchestra. It also mentioned that she had graduated from the same Ivy League school, with honors, that Hillary Clinton had also attended.

While Living in Eugene I would call a local conservative host, Victor Boc, from time-to-time. And I would regularly talk to the two knuckleheads from the local part-time sports talk station. While we may have sometimes disagreed about things, they were usually fairly friendly.

And they didn’t make nasty comments about the caller after hanging up, which is a regular practice among Lard Larson and the talk show hosts here in Portland.

It all began when I was about fourteen, I started calling Larry King at night, and became a regular caller to his show, I think that he liked that some little kid was calling in in the middle of the night. I sounded younger than I was. However, when I got older, and didn’t sound so cute, he was kind of a jerk to me and most other callers who didn’t identify as being Jewish, so I stopped calling. But I never gave up calling other radio shows.

After moving to Portland I began calling the local ESPN affiliate, and became a fairly regular caller. It was kind of cool, because they didn’t know I was blind, and it never came up. I would talk about sports like everyone else, and after all, I was back then a seriously addicted sports fanatic, even if sometimes I didn’t know what I was talking about.

Once they were talking about Scott Padget who played for the Golden State Warriors. He had put the ball in the wrong basket and everyone was wondering why.

So I called the station and told them, “I can sum up the Scott Padget play in one word.” I paused for a moment and said, “Can-tuck-key!” And I added a little southern twang to my voice on the last word, and everyone laughed.

If you don’t know, Padget played for the University of Kentucky, and I was a post-graduate student at the time. I’m pretty sure he never scored any points for the other team.

In the afternoon, while writing programs, , I would listen to Colin Cowherd on the only twenty-hour sports talk station back then, who did a sports talk and political show, where he would spew out his dime store philosophy about sports and life. Sometimes it was funny, although it was mostly stupid stuff about his life being a degenerate gambler and attacking “mouth breathers” every day.

Because of my former-sports addiction, much of my time was wasted listening to this sports crap. However, because of my political science and pre-law degree, and since I leaned a little to the left at the time, I started listening to KPOJ, a new liberal network called “Air America”, featuring a local host, Thom Hartmann.

We moved from Beaverton to southeast Portland after Abraham was born. I stayed home most of the time to take care of him while Christel worked on her “education.” Most of the day I listened to the radio while we played with his plastic dinosaurs.

I’ll skip a little ahead here and tell you another story about my frequent calls to the local radio stations. In August of 2004, coincidentally about two weeks before the police showed up at my wife’s apartment in West Linn to question her about me, according to Christel, I called Victoria Taft show.

Taft had a far right-winged talk show on KPAM at the time, which is part of the Pamplin Group. Pamplin also owns the Portland Tribune, the same paper I mentioned in Chapter 5 that published the dishonest-looking painting of my step-daughter that my wife had painted while I was in jail.

During the brief call, I told her that George W. Bush and his brother were known cocaine runners when they were younger, which is true. And I told her that I thought his administration was behind 9-11, along with our military and the governments of Israel and Saudi Arabia. She hung up on me, and literally blew a fuse.”

It was pretty funny, listening to her rant for ten or fifteen minutes about what a lunatic I was…and how they were going to eventually find “weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, someday”.

Curiously, at the exact same time I called, the Clackamas County District Attorneys Office was being used to create the infamous “Swift Boat Ads”, belittling the military career of presidential candidate, John Kerry (who I believe actually won the election).

I just happen to be campaigning for John Kerry and U.S. Representative Darlene Hooley at the time, canvassing in the West Linn and Lake Oswego area, encouraging people to get out and vote. Which apparently outraged some of the Clackamas County far right-wingers, who were sponsoring the Swift Boat Ads.

It was very important to the Pamplin Group and Clackamas County, where Pamplin is located, to embarrass me by promoting my case and my alleged victim. Except, I think it embarrass my step-daughter even more, and raised a lot more questions about what my wife knew, as I described in Chapters Five through Seven.

In the spring of 2005, I moved back to southeast Portland and began listening to the local community radio station, KBOO.

Stephanie Potter was one of my favorite hosts. She hosted a show called “Recovery Zone.” Community radio was commercial free, and I really liked the idea of having no more stupid “Creepy Kyle and Linda Cox” commercials, written by these talentless people that work in radio advertising.

Collecting a little something from everyone to broadcast a message from the left, it sounds good, until you figure out what the message really is, and that it is controlled by the controllers. So before I knew the message, designed by the Deep State, I joined the station and became a regular contributor. Every month they took a little out of my social security check, and I hardly noticed.

In 2008 I contacted Stephanie Potter, and told her I was a fan. I gave her one of my piano CDs, called “Jammin’ With the Whales”, and she promised to play it on her show. I even hooked up her husband Rob with some weed, or medical marijuana as we called it back then, and mistakenly thought we had become friends. I became a volunteer working in the news room, but I soon discovered it wasn’t the friendly, non-judgmental group of people I first thought.

I really appreciated Crystal Alinsky, Jamilla Boardman, and a few others, including one of my favorite volunteers, Kit Brazier, who was a close friend of the District Attorney for Multnomah County, Michael Shrunk. I taught him how to edit audio files and we often talked politics. He once told me that he knew Shrunk from serving as am officer in Vietnam and wrote about his experience.

I began covering a lot of the police stories involving corruption and shootings. I think, the Jordan Case killing really effected me personally and directed my interests in this subject, and shared some of my personal thoughts with Kit.

I appreciate that KBOO made a few major changes to accommodate my disability. For example, in order to have my accessible speech work in the studio, as well as the news room, we had to put it on the server. This is the only way it would load like any other program, but only on the two selected computers.

It took a few weeks for the engineer John to get it right, even if it wasn’t completely legal. We needed to purchase a different kind of license that allowed it to be on the server, and I didn’t have the $300 we needed. At Jenka’s recommendation, I applied for a grant from the Blanch Fisher Foundation.

Two months had passed and we hadn’t heard back from them, . Then things began to unravel at the station, as my alleged “criminal past” became known.

It began when this woman (who I suspect was Jewish) asked me to participate in a Martin Luther King Jr. show. At first I said yes, but as I got to know her personally, I changed my mind, and told her I was no longer interested.

After telling her this, she became irrational, saying that I had sexually harassed her in a previous E mail. This was untrue. As proof, I provided the station volunteer coordinator Ani Haines with all of our correspondences, which were in the form of E mails. My accuser never did provide any proof. She just made it all up to get even, as women from Oregon will often do.

However, I made the mistake of taking Jenka in another room and privately telling her about my “conviction”, and explained how they had locked me in solitary confinement and coerced me into accepting a plea bargain, to get out of the isolation dungeon.

I realized later that this was probably a mistake, but I was afraid that if she found out she would never trust me again. Accept, it didn’t matter. Jenka’s helpful, accommodating demeanor changed, once she learned I was a “registered sex offender” and obviously guilty of some horrendous act.

Apparently when the station says, “Are you a member of a under-represented group? Would you like to be on the air?”, They don’t really mean everyone.

I believe the reason Jenka began telling some of these radical feminists about me may have been because of something that happened about a week later.

I was heading to the bathroom. walking with my white cane, and I heard Stephanie Potter’s voice talking to some other women. They were about ten feet away from the rest room and I figured I’d say hello when I came out, since I had to really go. Besides, she didn’t say anything to me when I walked bye her, which seemed a little strange.

I tried one door, on the right, and it was locked. So I tried the other bathroom door, and it was open.

So I went in and locked the door. As usual, so I didn’t pee all over the seat, I pulled down my pants and sat down in the tiny restroom. Obviously, I never turned on the light.

Suddenly, someone opened the door! So there I was, sitting there with my pants down, right in front of the door, with the light off.

I knew the lock worked, because sometimes I would find both of the bathroom doors locked, and I would come back later. Apparently, the lock I used didn’t work, but there was another lock above it, and it did work. Of course if you were blind, you would never imagine there was two locks, and one of the locks didn’t work.

When I came out I was too embarrassed to say anything to Stephanie, and she may have left for all I know. I did make it a point to tell Jenka that one of the locks in the second bathroom didn’t work, but she didn’t seem concerned. So I didn’t say anything about what had happened, but I wondered what Stephanie and the other women thought, seeing me sitting there with my pants down, and no lights on…perhaps, waiting for some helpless woman or child to open the door!

I think it was the first day of June, in 2008. A group of “performers” from KBOO put on a radio skit, “starring Lynn, Vicki and Grace,” which I later found out was actually Willow Reed and her mother, Grace Reed, and another woman. A show that seemed awfully coincidental to my own circumstances, being tortured in the Isolation Dungeon of the Washington County Jail.

The radio play involved three women who were being pursued by a man. Apparently, he took all of their clothes, except their panties and bra and threatened them with sexual assault, but he hadn’t touched them yet when they miraculously escaped.

After escaping, they should have known he had broken the law. He kidnapped them and was holding them against their will and threatening them with assault. This is a crime, and they should have reported him to the authorities and let the justice process proceed. But that’s not what they did.

It was a perfect teaching moment for KBOO. An opportunity to show how the system is supposed to work, where everyone gets due process, and justice is served. Instead, the message being sent to the listeners by KBOO is violence and revenge, if that’s what the feminists collective decided is appropriate. Who needs a stinking trial! We all know what happened, and we know women never, ever lie.

So the three women were able to capture him. They duct taped him to a chair and began poking out his eyes with a hot poker. First, they slowly poked out one eye, while he screamed. Then they slowly poked out his other eye, as he continued to scream.

The three vigilantes had willfully blinded the man, which seems to violate the station doctrine of “peaceful, non-violent behavior.” The play never revealed whether or not he died from his injuries, but his screams suggested he probably had, or at least wished he had.

It seemed coincidental with regard to my own situation, a blind man who was accused of a sex crime being held under horrific conditions. I was never given due process by Washington County before I was “convicted”. And I never got to question the witnesses, or confront the evidence against me. And I was never given effective council. Instead, I was held in isolation with nothing to read or no way to write anything down. And I wasn’t even allowed a cup in my cell for water.

Meanwhile the media in Oregon always asks the public, “If there are any other victims the police would like you to contact them.” Except, where men are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, shouldn’t they have asked for more information from the public about this case instead of assuming there was any victim, let alone saying “If there are any other victims”. This only encourages anyone who may want to get even to lie.

Another problem at KBOO was that there was this large African-American man, who was apparently on parole after serving a prison term in Oregon. And he was being supervised by Clackamas County. He would smack me every time he saw me.

The first time it happened, I was working a pledge drive, trying to raise money for the station. We were in the back area, and there was only one or two people around, when he smacked me across the face. I was momentarily stunned, and then a moment later, I became angry.

I said, “Don’t ever hit me again”, and let the matter drop. I figured since he was on parole he would stop, but he didn’t…as though he had been ordered by someone at Clackamas County Corrections, who I knew well, to continue abusing me.

About a week or two later, I was working in the news room with the headphones on, and he smacked me with a newspaper in the back of the head. But what made this even more outrageous was that the News Director, Jenka Soderburg, was sitting there when it happened, a few feet away.

She said, “Ron, don’t do that,” but didn’t say it with much authority. I thought, smacking a blind guy in the back of the head with a newspaper! Good thing for him I’m not a dog, or I’m sure Jenka would have been all over him!

Another time, I was working in the news room when he came in and punched me really hard in the arm. I finally had enough, and spoke to the general manager, who suggested perhaps as a equitable solution, we should not be in the same area at the same time. “Oh great,” I thought.

With all of this, I decided to quit volunteering at KBOO, and a few months later, I ended my monthly contribution, although they still send me requests for money.

I suspect KBOO and some of its volunteers didn’t end their harassment, just because I stopped volunteering.

About a month after I left the station, a KBOO reporter I never met, Miles Bryant the Third, interviewed a Zionist lawyer from Portland, named Kenneth Kreusch. Not surprisingly, this mocking bird reporter, Miles Bryant (the Third), as he liked to be called, when on to work with the local NPR affiliate.

Jenka, who was the normal news director was working on a fellowship at Stanford, and Mr. Ney was the Acting-News Director. Ney is a gender-impaired individual who believes he is a woman and called himself “Rebbecca.” And since most of KBOO’s interviews are pre-recorded, I suspect Mr. Ney, along with the reporter Miles Bryant, pre-planned this interview to take a cheap shot at me.

During the interview, Kreusch said he was the President of the National Lawyers Gild, and was talking about incarceration, so it caught my attention. He was allegedly representing one of the innocent detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay, who probably had no idea that his appointed lawyer was misrepresenting him.

We know today that most of these 720 hostages were completely innocent. They were captured when a neighbor or someone else they knew turned them in for the $8,000 reward money which the CIA was offering to everyone, in cash.

Then a few minutes into the interview, completely out of the blue, Kreusch said, “If you’re being held in jail or prison, don’t be a Wolfee.” In other words, he was saying don’t complain.

It would be hard to misinterpret his message, or threat, considering what happened to me, both while I was in jail, and what had been happening to me over the last several months at KBOO. And what has been happening to me in my home ever since I stop volunteering.

While I volunteered at KBOO, I sent a draft describing my experience in the Washington County Jail, as a deaf-blind person, To another KBOO reporter, Alihondro, who worked with a local organization that investigated human rights violations. I had also sent a copy to civil rights lawyer, Lauren Regan, who often appeared on KBOO’s evening news.

I had interviewed Ms. Regan earlier that spring, and believed she was sincere about helping indigent people who had experienced discrimination involving law enforcement. I told her how, despite everything that had been done to me, now the state was trying to take my son away and wasn’t allowing me visitation. I told her how it all started with being falsely accused by my wife, who was guilty of abusing both of her girls, regularly beating them with wooden spoons and showing them explicit pornography.

This was unknown to me at the time, but apparently Lauren Regan is a “good friend” of personal injury lawyer Sean DuBois, and his law school chums, Kenneth and his law partner, Ben. Not surprisingly, she didn’t want to take my case and responded with a brief, unfriendly letter.

The material I gave to Alihondro and Lauren turned into one of the chapters in this book, Chapter 6. The reader can decide whether or not my analysis of “Bob Hermann Monster’s Isolation Dungeon and the Coerced Plea Bargain” is a fair analysis.

As I explain below, DuBois was one of the lawyers who pretended to represent me when I was “accidentally” run down at 82nd and Flavel in 2010 on Halloween, by some drug dealer, or more likely, an undercover cop.

So here’s the story on Sean DuBois. I was campaigning for medical marijuana dispensaries at the time, and carrying a white cane, two large signs, and a three foot fake joint. And despite the minimum settlement they could get, the two Jewish lawyers, Sean DuBois and Josh Shulman, (who coincidentally, appeared first on my search engine), took almost 80% of the money from the settlement. Which they promptly split with the State of Oregon.

I only got about 20%, despite The tendon in my right arm being completely severed. The surgeon drilled a hole in my shoulder and reattached the nerve, but it’s never been the same, if I try to hold anything over my head.

I remember, the day I picked up my settlement check for about $6,000, Shulman came out into the main office where I was sitting, but he never said anything. As he walked into the back, I heard him chuckle.

After he left, I asked the receptionist who that was that had come out of the back room? She said it was Sean’s partner, Josh Shulman.

I thought, why didn’t he introduce himself to me. After all his firm had received twenty-five thousand dollars that day because of my accident. Instead, he only snickered under his breath, as he walked away.

If this wasn’t enough proof there was something strange going on, when I heard Shulman go back into his office, located in the back, I herd several people laugh, including his assistant, Jamie Lynn. This kind of surprised me, since Jamie had always been very respectful, even when I told her about the coerced plea bargain I was forced to take from Washington County.

On my ride home that day, the Tri-Met Lift driver told me, “There’s a large coffee stain in the middle of your sweater.” I had no idea, but I thought about why Shulman was laughing. It was very creepy, and reminded me of the guys on my floor at Michigan State University, who would stand outside my door and tell jokes about the “creepy blind guy.”

I realized later the crappy settlement they made, giving the State 100% of their expenses, which is never done when a lawyer only gets the minimum settlement from the insurance company. This is probably why Shulman was laughing at me, about what a pathetic loser I must be, and how easy it was for his firm to rob the blind, blind. But it’s not like the BAR or anyone else is going to do anything to a lawyer who screws over a poor client.

In August of 2008, another KBOO Community Radio host said something that was completely outrageous and I immediately stopped my monthly contributions.

It was the “Abe and Joe Show, featuring two Jewish guys usually promoting their own version of left-wing Zionism.” Joe was gone on vacation, and Abe was in charge. He was talking about abortion, which I don’t believe in, but I don’t think we should tell anyone else what to do with their body, unless their a child. Maybe if we paid women to be mothers, and provided day care and complete health care to them and their child, we could legitimately argue against most abortions.

With the overturning of Roe v Wade, the corporate controlled media will often say “Most Americans support abortion.” But this isn’t true, when you ask people if they support abortion during the last month of pregnancy, they overwhelmingly say no.

Perhaps the question the Supreme Court should ask, is when does a unborn baby begin to feel pain? All Americans have a constitutional right to life, liberty , and the pursuit of happiness, once they become a legitimate person. And under the constitution they have certain inalienable rights as a person, including the right to live. So the question for the courts to answer is when does this occur?

If one can feel pain, then it seems logical they would know happiness, and that is a guaranteed constitutional right. Perhaps that’s where the line should be drawn, when the unborn baby begins to feel pain. And I and many others believe he or she becomes a legitimate person at this point.

It is frightening to learn that in 2022 in Kentucky a few Jewish women filed suit against the State under their First Amendment right to practice their religion and abort their children. And over 400 other Jewish organizations have signed a petition supporting this lucifarian cause to kill the unborn. So we are to conclude that the killing, or blood sacrifice, of an unborn child is a part of their religion, Judaism?

There are perhaps some good reasons a woman could argue they have a constitutional right to get an abortion, especially in the first trimester. But to argue that abortion is a fundamental part of a woman’s right to practice her religion is kind of creepy, even if one supports abortion.

So it’s no wonder that this arrogant Jewish bastard, Abe Proctor, told his audience:
“If I knew a baby was going to be born with Downs, I’d slit its throat ten seconds before birth!”

I imagined Proctor shoving his fist up some extremely pregnant woman’s vagina with a scalpel, as she’s giving birth.

As Orgonians we shouldn’t be surprised by this neo-liberal attitude toward people with disabilities, this is what the Trans-movement is really about. I imagine that they often say to each other, “We need to get rid of those ickie, defective people and bring back the Board of Protection”

As I mentioned in a previous chapter, Oregon was the last state to formally end the practice of eugenics, in 1983. And those responsible for this barbaric practice, the Board of Protection, became the Board of Medicine.

However, some disability advocates from Oregon say they never really ended eugenics. It’s now being done using the protective services, social workers and teachers who pressure the parents of children with disabilities to sterilize them, before they reach puberty. Or in some cases, they wait until after the child is born, and use the courts to take the child away from the disabled or African-American parents, and give the child to some deserving gay couple.

It wasn’t only the disabled that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, would go after (who also believed in “seven levels of mind-control”). The African-American community and the disabled community were systematically being targeted by surprisingly, Helen Keller, and Sanger’s Planned Parenthood people using eugenics.

But blacks aren’t being told the truth about a lot of things by the Zionist-controlled media, not just what’s in the vaccines and how many abortions are being performed in the African-American communities. Or that all of this is part of a bigger plan, to depopulate the earth.

I suppose we could say Abe Proctor is just another Jewish entertainer, with a sick sense of humor, and what he says doesn’t really matter.

Sarah Silverman, an alleged comedian who is Jewish, once said, “remark “I hope the Jews did kill Jesus, I’d do it again in a second!” And if we look online the Zionist media and the Zionist search engines pretends she never said this, or didn’t mean it.

As a matter of fact, did you know “black face” was exclusively used by Jewish performers, as part of their performance, long before any white-looking person ever did it.

And why can a man dress up as a woman and claim to be a woman, when the politically-correct crowd would never allow a white person to where black face? Isn’t this demeaning and degrading to all biological women? Are the feelings of black people more important than the feelings of biological women, who don’t go along with this homosexual agenda?

For the wealthy Jews, it’s about playing the little Jews against the goy, blacks against the white-looking people, women against men, and gay people against straight people.

Similar to how the Zionist banksters play both sides against each other, whether it’s war or a self-induced pandemic. The game continues today, thanks to the dishonesty of our corporate media.

Ukraine (formally Kazaria) had over thirty CIA controlled bio-weapon labs in their country, just a stone throw away from the Russian border. So why the hell wouldn’t Russia feel threatened and take these labs out.

I feel bad for the Ukrainian people, but their government has always been extremely corrupt. and maybe that’s why the Deep State corporate media doesn’t want to tell the American people the truth about Ukraine (formally Kazaria) or Hunter Biden’s laptop, or the dirty deals his family made with China, so that Joe “Paraquat Biden” would be elected.

Did you notice, the corporate media never talks about these bio-weapons labs. So maybe, the Jewish Defense Industry can sell more weapons to America, to save the Ukrainian people, since the vaccine scam is no longer making money.

In “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, G. Edward Griffin offers this example of how truly deceitful these Jewish international banksters are, and not just because they were funding both armies at Waterloo.

When Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo in 1815, Nathan Rothchild played the British for real suckers. Although he knew England had won the war, before anyone else, he looked dejected on the morning of June 16th, the day after the battle at Waterloo, and immediately began selling off his British government bonds on the London exchange. Rothchild played it perfect, and everyone believed he had inside information and England had lost the war. Since after all, Rothchild was a powerful Jewish financier and had a direct line of communication to the front lines.

As a consequence of Rothchild’s treachery, the English aristocracy began selling off all of their stock. When the stock got low enough, Nathan Rothchild, from the House of Rothchild, quickly bought all of the stock, pennies on the dollar. And he bought most of England, which they still own and control today.

A few decades later, John Pierpont Morgon Jr., a investment banker with J.P. Morgan, used a similar ploy to make his family’s fortune when he pretended to American investors that he was extremely antisemitic. Because of the Waterloo scandal and other reasons, most American businessmen didn’t trust Jews and wouldn’t do business with any Jewish Banker from America or Europe. All the while, Morgan was secretly maintaining a very close relationship with the House of Rothchild, who controlled the Bank of England.

According to Griffin, the same manipulation of the markets has been used by the Zionist banksters throughout history to start every major war since Waterloo, including WW I, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. According to Griffin, to maximize their profits, The Zionist Banksters will always try to extend every war as long as possible, loaning money to both sides.

Vietnam is the best example of this corrupt system, endless wars for profits. And the soldiers, who were drafted, are not to blame, although to say they are all hero’s and the Vietnamese were the bad guys is also incorrect.

There’s no doubt, Lew Jennings was one of the best helicopter pilots during the Vietnam War. In Jennings 2018 book, “19 Minutes to Live”, he describes in great detail the horrific events of the war and how long he would be expected to live in combat as a helicopter pilot.

However, he misstates the facts when he describes the incident in the Gulf of Tomkin.

“The Gulf of Tomkin Incident in 1964, where the North Vietnamese attacked US Navy ships with torpedo boats, propelled Congress to pass the Gulf of Tomkin resolution. Giving then President Linden Johnson far ranging authority to use conventional troops in Vietnam…”

We learned from the Pentagon Papers , this wasn’t true. According to an excellent article from the History Channel, written by Jesse Greenspan, called “The Gulf of Tomkin Incident; One real and one phantom fire fight embroiled the United States in the Vietnam War,” he gives us the truth.

Greenspan’s article begins by describing how the American military was providing South Vietnam with weapons and targets in the Gulf of Tomkin, which were very often innocent fishing villages. The US.S. Maddox conducted electronic espionage missions in order to relay intelligence to South Vietnam, who would arrange these attacks.

On August 2, 1964, in response to the unprovoked attacks on their villages a fire fight broke out involving the Maddox and the North Vietnamese. Two days later the Maddox and another naval ship claimed they were attacked with torpedos. But as Greenspan carefully explains the details of the seven days leading up to the start of the war, he writes, “It never happened”. Apparently, Lew Jennings never got the memo that the Vietnam War was started because of a classic false flag. Throughout his book, Jennings calls the Vietnamese the “bad guys”. But America had no business starting a war with Vietnam, occupying their country, and killing innocent Vietnamese women and children, to allegedly stop the spread of communism. So, just like Palestine, who are the people writing our history?

If there were no international banksters or central bank, there would be no money for wars. And who knows, maybe instead nations would be forced to negotiate for peace, and then, maybe peace would break out?

It has been well documented that Adolph Hitler was supported financially by wealthy and powerful Jews, like Paul Warburg and the House of Rothchild. At the time, they were promoting Hitler as a decent guy to the gullible Americans and Europeans, And today most of the little angry Jews will still defend these wealthy and powerful Jews, like Warburg and Rothchild. They still call any criticism of any Jewish person antisemitic, no matter how despicable they are, like Epstein, Weinstein, Wesnerstein, Soros, Zuckerbooger, Bloombooger, Merrick Garland, or AIPAC’s favorite lawyer, the “Douche (a.k.a. Alan Dershowitz) , . And it doesn’t matter.

Or what Helen Buyniski, from “helenofdestroy.substack.com,” calls the “Antisemitic Industrial Complex,” even though no one can define the term aantisemitic.

If AIPAC represents Israel before Congress, then why aren’t they required to register as a foreign agent, or does even asking this question make me antisemitic? No other lobby that represents any nation on earth can get away with this control AIPAC has over our Congress. However, Israel’s agents do get away with it because Zionist run our government.

In Barry Levine’s book he confirms this, “The Spider”, when he wrote about America’s dirtiest Jewish lawyer, a friend of AIPAC. Levine writes, “The E mails in question between Guifrey and Mail on Sunday journalist Sharon Churchill, Guifrey had begun writing a book about her experiences and had asked Churcher for help making a list of men she had previously identified in photographs.”

“Don’t forget Alan Dershowitz,” Churcher wrote in an E mail. “We all suspect Alan is a pedo.”

It wasn’t the only time KBOO’s Jewish entertainer, Abe Proctor, would put on a monkey suit and perform for the gullible goydumb. Another time on the show Joe mentioned that Abe was wearing a Portland Timber jacket into the studio, which he proudly confirmed.

If you don’t know, the Portland Timbers are the local soccer team, and they’re owned by Henry Merritt Paulson III.

Merritt Paulson is the son of the former-Secretary of Treasury, Henry “Hanky” Paulson II. And if you don’t remember, dirty Hanky” Paulson was the man in charge as the U.S. Treasurer during the 2008 mortgage scandal. Regrettably, the older Paulson never went to prison, even though some experts say him and his fellow Zionist banksters swindled the world out of an estimated three hundred trillion dollars. Go Timbers!

If the Deep State is able to scam three hundred trillion dollars this one time, and we know they are running these type of scams with the defense budget all the time, does anyone really think Jeff Bezos is one of the richest men on earth? The truth is that Jeff probably fetches coffee and other “things” for the ones who are really in charge, whose names are never to be mentioned.

It’s unlikely anyone wealthy will be prosecuted ever, since the Injustice Department didn’t prosecute anyone in the Bush White House for 9-11, and no one was ever charged with the crime, including Osama bin Laden. In fact, not one person lost their job over the blunder known as September 11th, in which almost 3,000 people died. Its not likely that they would prosecute Paulson or any of the banksters for their role in the derivative scandal, is it?

Most KBOO listeners knew about the Paulson’s, and didn’t support the Timbers because of it. But Professor Mocking Bird Proctor did.

And here’s the funny thing, the Paulson’s hired John “Little Bit Strong” from Lake Oswego High School to be the Timber’s play-by-play broadcaster. Obviously, it wasn’t because of his talent or experience since he was barely out of high school when the Timbers picked him. Many local fans thought it was a strange choice since there was three or four other local guys who were better, with a lot more play-by-play experience.

As usual, it had nothing to do with talent, and it had more to do with John’s dad, Bob Strong, who had a home repair show on one of the Alpha Dope’s stations at the time, KXL.

Before his son was chosen by Henry Merritt Paulson III, owner of the Timbers, Paul Allen gave John Strong his own show on the new Blazer Radio Network., Strong had been working for another sports talk moron station as their designated update babe, when he was hired. So ironically, Merritt didn’t hire John Strong based on his merit, unless he has some other talent we don’t know about?

I suspect Strong was given certain instructions about a certain trouble maker that would sometimes call these sports talk morons and stir up trouble.

One day on his show, Strong ask the question, “What goes with a lolly pop fellas? You can call in anonymously. But let’s first get the scores from our hot update babe, Jessica Simpson.”

Jessica Simpson was one of the update people that worked at the station giving the scores every fifteen minutes, which almost never change. She was the only female doing sports on air in the Portland area. She sounded like a young, attractive woman when she gave the updates in her casual, care-free way sounding board out of her flippin’ mind. When Strong asked the question, I imagined her licking a lolly pop and reading a glamour magazine, while reading the scores.

Unless you were a gay man, the answer that Little Bit Strong was fishing for from his mostly male audience, seemed obvious.

Being the clown I can sometimes be, I took the challenge and called in, anonymously. I said “I know what goes with a lolly pop.” I paused, then said “Jessica Simpson”.

He quickly cut me off before I finished, and started ranting, “I don’t want any registered sex offenders calling in here, okay. That was really creepy. Wasn’t that creepy Jessica.”

She unenthusiastically answered, “Yeah, sure John. Really creepy.” although I think she knew who the real creep was, the one who had set it up.

the other host, Kenny Vance, who used to work for the Pamplin Group, jumped in and said, “He got one bye you John. That’s really funny,” and laughed hysterically for several minutes. So that means John Strong was told to expect my call, and his rhetorical question seemed intentional.

John Strong looked like an idiot that day, so I sent him a lolly pop, anonymously.

It’s Unfortunate that Ms. Simpson didn’t sue Paul Allen and the station, since his behavior was clearly sexual harassment on the job. To have embarrassed her like that over the public air waves, she should have sued for at least two or three million, and I’m sure would have won.

However, John Strong wasn’t the sickest sports talk moron on the radio. Colin Cowherd would win that award, for sure.

Every day Cowturd would attack the disabled, constantly calling everyone he didn’t like a “mouth breather”. It’s curious that Disney would allow one of their employees to act this way on the public air waves. Especially since they are all about defending the gender-impaired, even though breathing out of the mouth can be a symptom of either a physical or mental disability.

The reason people breathe out of their mouth can be because of Aerophagia, which is swallowing air, a habit that can be done subconsciously. It can also be a nasal blockage, or a problem with their throat, such as having a tracheotomy. More often, mouth breathing can be caused by allergies or asthma.

Mouth breathing can also be the result of having Downs or some form of mental retardation, either mild or severe.

Although it isn’t the reason why they fired him, making fun of the disabled. He made some comment that offended the radical feminists, but apparently his daily attacks against people with disabilities was okay with most radical feminists and these sick homosexual bastards at Disney!

One day I was listening to ESPN on the radio, around Halloween, 2008. Cowherd had been ranting all week about how Halloween was his favorite holiday (probably because, he’s kind of a monster himself).

He was angry because his wife was given custody of the kids during his favorite holiday. He said, “She supposed to keep an eye on the kids, even though she is going to be with her new boyfriend and will be distracted.

Then Halloween morning, this sicko said his seven or eight-year-old daughter would be wearing a “M&M” suit for Halloween. Whether he meant the candy or the singer, I don’t know. But his intentions suggested that he wanted his listeners to think it was the candy, which seems pretty perverse for a dad to say about his own daughter. Although he works for Disney, and apparently that’s pretty normal for Disney employees, making sexual comments about kids masturbating and dressing up like little pieces of candy.

And what makes his intentions even more revealing is that he never once mentioned what his son would be wearing for Halloween that year?

At the same time, the celebrity moms of young kids in Hollywood are fighting to make it illegal to take pictures of their kids. Obviously, for their safety.

It seemed rather reckless for Cowturd to inform his male audience that his daughter would be dressing up as a piece of candy. Many times, he mentioned her name over the air. He also mentioned the town where his wife and kids lived. So it seemed really reckless to give out this additional information about what his daughter would be wearing during trick or treating, where she might be lured away. It also seems like the kind of information a sexual predator of celebrity kids would be listening for, not that anyone should consider Cowturd a celebrity, although he may be a predator. We know from the story below he’s kind of a monster.

In 2008, when it happened, I wrote about Cowturd on my blog, J. Edger, a father intentionally endangering his own daughter. Apparently, he found out about it from the local sports talk morons and decided to get even. So he, and the two other morning Disney knuckleheads, Mike and Mike, came up with a special show for me on the morning of the NFL Draft, in 2009 (since they knew I would be listening).

Cowherd, mike Golic and Mike Green put on what they called the “Blind Prognosticator”. This character was made to look like a mumbling, bumbling fool, kind of like my fake lawyer, “Gregory Troll”. But unlike me, all of his Prognostications sounded stupid.

I have a strong feeling that Eric Knudsen, with Multnomah County Corrections, had something to do with all these sports talk morons who were attacking me over the public air waves, curiously on Paul Allen’s new sports talk station.

Knudsen was my Probation Officer at the time, and he told me he coached youth basketball. He made sure to make his coaching and his relationship with the local ESPN station and the Blazers front office known, as though associating with Bill Gates former-partner, suspected pedophile Paul Allen’s, was some how a badge of honor.

Knudsen once told me as a “recovering alcoholic” he used to be a very, very mean guy. But I don’t think he ever changed.

Knudsen was forced to resign (quietly fired) from the Portland Police when he kicked a homeless man have to death. According to Knudsen, the homeless man was sleeping in a sleeping bag on a porch when it happened. Although not surprisingly, Knudsen was never charged with this brutal beating.

That’s how he ended up at Multnomah County Corrections supervising sex offenders. Apparently, his supervisor, Alison Kinsey, and the Oregon Department of Corrections didn’t mind if he brutalize a registered sex offender with a physical or mental impairment. But those in charge never do.

Maybe we shouldn’t be defunding the police and correction officers. In fact, maybe we should pay them more. We know it’s a shitty job and we don’t want them taking it out on vulnerable people or racial minorities. It makes them all look bad.

I say hold them accountable when they abuse anyone under the color of law. This way hopefully violent, abusive people won’t become cops or correction officers, as they so often do.

The district attorneys aren’t going to prosecute police and correction officers when they abuse people because of the threat of “Blue Flu.” So maybe we need a separate state agency, that can’t be threatened with the “blue wall of silence”, to go after these dirty cops and correction creeps.

For example, I believe a Lake Oswego police officer, or maybe some federal agent, in the summer of 2004 used his vehicle to slowly shove me out of the way as I was about to enter the Safeway store in Lake Oswego. And what’s most outrageous about this, I believe he did this to determine whether I was actually blind, or just “faking my blindness as cops always say around Oregoon.

Immediately, I went up to the Lake Oswego Police Department to report the incident and file a report, which was agrevated assault since the driver had bent the white cane I was carrying beyond repair and it felt like he had slightly bruised my ribs.

It’s very likely that the same person who had assaulted me a few minutes earlier with his vehicle came in from the parking lot an introduced himself as a Lake Oswego Police Officer. When I first came into the police station, I briefly described to the receptionist when I entered the police station what had just happened, and she asked me to take a seat and an officer would take my statement in a few minutes. I thought someone would come out of the back, but that’s not what happened.

The first thing he did was to get down on one knee, like I was a little kid that had a problem. Then he said, before ever asking me what happened, “We have no jurisdiction over a private parking lot. I’m so sorry.” He sounded extremely sincere and I imagined his sad puppy dog look.

“You’re saying that even if a person is shot or raped in a grocery store parking lot, you can’t do anything, including taking a statement from the victim?” I thought to myself, how gullible do you think I am?

It was probably that same racist cop from West Linn, Terry Timeus, who once worked as a cop in Lake Oswego, that screwed over Michael Fesser, who was a black man, by falsely arresting him on behalf of a friend that employed Fesser. Everyone knew it was nothing more than pure racism.

Fesser eventually got $600,000 for his false imprisonment, and justice was served. But I got nothing after apparently being assaulted by a cop from Clackamas County.

And then a few weeks later I find out from Christel that I’m being investigated by the Beaverton Police. Maybe the Lake Oswego Police had something to do with the Beaverton Police investigating me for something that allegedly happend three and a half years earlier, to protect this dirty cop.

When I moved back to Portland the following spring, in the mornings I would listen to Tom Hartmann and Heidi Tauber on KPOJ. This one morning Heidi told a joke that began, “Maybe we could hire the homeless to collect fairs around here.” Portland planned to end what was called the “free zone where people could ride the buses free in this ten block area downtown.

She went on to say, “Oh but that wouldn’t work. They would keep the money, wouldn’t they?”

Then the following week she saw Tom Hartmann wearing a pair of wrap around glasses and said, “You look so funny, Tom! You look like one of those blind people!” And she laughed.

I wrote to Hartmann and Clear Channel management, and told them about Tauber’s two jokes, that to many of us listening, weren’t that funny. I said it seemed pretty hypocritical that a liberal woman who is working at a liberal station that claims to support the homeless and the disabled would tell such offensive jokes.

Later that week, they fired Heidi Tauber. I don’t know if my E mail was the only complaint they ever got, but I felt that on behalf of these two unrepresented communities it needed to be reported to somebody. There was no intent on my part to have Tauber lose her job over it, but apparently, that’s what happened.

Before this, she had worked at several of the talk and information radio stations around town and was well known. However, after getting fired from KPOJ, Heidi Tauber never again worked in Portland radio.

About a year later, according to news reports Tauber was trying to get onto the Interstate, when she drove up the wrong ramp and was struck and killed by a semi-truck. Her death was ruled an accident, but I always wondered.

Heidi Tauber wasn’t the only liberal on the radio telling tasteless jokes. Another time when I was listening to Sam Seder with Air America, I heard Sam tell a joke that went like this:

“A blind man goes into a restroom.”

And if you didn’t get the joke, that was supposed to be the punch line.

And once I heard another one of these Air America trolls, Randi Rhodes, out of the blue screaming over and over, “GEORGE BUSH IS A BLIND MAN! GEORGE BUSH IS A BLIND MAN! GEORGE BUSH IS A BLIND MAN!”

Since we can reasonably assume that George W. Bush is of the male gender, do you suppose she was intending to be complementary by calling him “blind”, over and over?

However, calling the president this awful word, “blind”, over and over, and over, may be why someone assaulted Rhodes while she was walking home from a local pub, knocking out her front tooth, which may have been an improvement?

Although, it may have also had something to do with her comment about the infamous Caribbean trip that Rush Limbaugh and his nine mysterious male traveling companions took, apparently, without any of their wives.

You may remember, when returning to the United States Rush was busted by border agents with several bottles of prescription drugs in someone else’s name. , This is despite that he was on probation for a drug felony at the time. Yet he wasn’t immediately arrested. Isn’t that’s curious?

Normally, one would think this sort of probation violation would result in having a person’s probation immediately revoked and they would likely be jailed, but not Rush. and maybe it had something to do with who his mysterious nine traveling companions were?

Besides, do you think anyone else could leave the country while on probation for a drug dealing felony? We know it wasn’t job related since his job didn’t require him to travel out of the country.

As I said, he was busted with three bottles of Viagra in his possession, under someone else’s name. This is a felony under the law, for most of us. But apparently not for an influential Florida man from Palm Beach, with these nine unnamed wealthy friends, who may not want to be embarrassed by the publicity, not that their wives would ever say anything about their husbands’ secret trips.

Apparently the men were on their way to Costa Rica, not the Dominican Republic? A very important correction I noticed Randi Rhodes made shortly after someone had knocked out one of her front teeth.

Around 2008 or 2009, Paul Lindman, a former-anchor for both KATU and KGW television, was raising money on the local Clear Channel radio station, KEX, now owned by I Heart Radio. The annual fund raiser was intended to help kids who were visually-impaired or hearing-impaired get glasses or hearing aides.

This is an admirable charity, raising money to buy glasses or hearing aides for underprivileged kids whose families may be unable to afford them. However, he subconsciously said something that seems to reflect how the community appears to feel toward people with disabilities. Especially, those without sight or hearing.

Lindman said, “If your kid is blind or deaf they are never going to succeed.”

I was shocked by this remark being said by a veteran anchorman over the public air waves, but I shouldn’t have been. What he really meant, that without glasses or hearing aides, it’s going to be almost impossible for a kid to compete in the regular classroom. This is true.

However, what he actually said and the message it sent, is that if a person is already completely blind, like me, or is completely deaf, or partially deaf like me, and can’t benefit from hearing aides they will never succeed in Portland.

Here’s another example of how our media thinks.

In December of 2014 as part of their Science Notes section Discover Magazine published a study by Knox College about What people think is creepy. Except what people said, according to the study entirely targeted people with disabilities. So I wrote to Discover Magazine and expressed my concern over this obvious bigotry, but not surprisingly I never heard back from the Jewish publishers from North Chicago or anyone else.

According to this study, that surveyed mostly college age females, they claimed seven of the eight most creepiest things were symptoms or characteristics of having a disability, or using some kind of medication, such as “people who lick their lips”. In fact, half of the symptoms described in the study as being creepy, written by three young women from Knox College, targeted people with visual impairment, including: having bulgy eyes; having crossed eyes; having squinty eyes; or people who have bags below their eyes.

If we were honest wouldn’t most people (who aren’t living in this liberal bubble) say that a man, pretending to be a woman and wearing a dress and lipstick, and going into a girls restroom is far, far more creepy?

Not surprisingly, Knox College produces many of our future corporate mainstream “journalists,” and maybe this explains what’s gone wrong with our media.

I could write an entire book based on the bigotry toward those with disabilities in the marketing and advertising industry. This one example of a company from Texas and how they attempted to cover up their own bigotry , and I Heart Radio’s decision to use these ads, illustrates part of the problem people with disabilities have with our media.

The court has usually said that “for-profit companies” have a higher standard in advertising, and presumably publicly insulting minorities, including those with disabilities, is not permitted., And if someone insults the gender-impaired community then there will be hell to pay from the ACLU and the government lawyers. But apparently allowing a private business to publicly call totally-Blind people “monsters” in the name of a company, an then use this name to advertise is okay with our gender-fluid government?

It is everyone’s First Amendment right as a private citizen to be a bigot, or just ignorant, or plain stupid in what we say or write, especially comedians like Sarah Silverman. However, presumably the standards in America for a business or any other entity that intends to profit on their name or advertising is higher than that, as I’ll explain.

Creepy Kyle Cox and his wife, Lynda, from Houston, Texas, decided to start a company that sold window blinds. Their biggest competitor online was a company called “Monster Blinds”, so at first they decided to call the company “Blind Monster, probably since “Blinds Monster” sounded really, really stupid. Than apparently, They shortened the name to Blindster”, with one “s.”

Obviously, Kyle and Lynda never once gave a moment of consideration to the people who are actually blind and might be offended by this name. But when you have money and can afford lots of dirty corporate lawyers it doesn’t matter.

Creepy Kyle in one of his original ads boasted of having formally worked for a Fortune 500 company, he made sure listeners knew him and his wife were among the elite and there was nothing the Blind Community could do to him and his bigoted company name.

Except that “blinds” refers to the covering placed over windows, and the word blind, refers to the inability to see anything. People often use the word blind in a derogatory manner to describe people who are unable to conceive simple ideas. Many blind people feel this is discriminatory, but we know it’s a part of our vocabulary.
In fact, those who have some vision always hate to be called blind. Because in our society blind means stupid. On the other hand, it might surprise the sighted world to know that most totally Blind people, who are no longer ashamed of their blindness, don’t mind being called “Blind.”

“Don’t ever call me Blind!” Most partially sighted people will angrily say to any sighted person who dare to suggest that they are Blind. “I told you, I’m not blind!” They will angrily say.

Usually when people actually become totally Blind, and they adjust, they don’t mind being called Blind. Although using the term, “Blind Man” for someone who is a unlikable person, like George W. Bush, and who is not actually blind is an insult to all Blind men.

Creepy Kyle and his lawyers know all of this is true. Because in one of his recent radio ads Kyle and his announcer bot say the company is actually called “Blinds ter”, and spell it, as if this was their original intent. Yet they still pronounce it, “Blindsster.”

Generally within the Blind Community, those who have some usable vision identify as “visually-impaired” and those who do not have any sight identify as Blind”. Even Creepy Kyle and his ignorant wife know this, but as usual the government will do nothing. So they get away with making fun of totally blind people, insinuating they are monsters.

Curiously, the visually-impaired have far more in common with the sighted world than they do with anyone who is totally blind. However, the politically-correct crowd would prefer you used the word “visually-impaired” for everyone with poor vision. But whether a person has some vision or no vision really does matter, and the totally blind know this better than anybody. Ironically, we the Blind people are the only real experts on blindness, if anyone cares.

So other than a few ignorant shills from the National Federation for the Blind and the Oregon Commission for the Blind, most blind people reading this (using their screen readers) already know Kyle and his wife are lying bigots! But will the FTC force them to change the name to “Blindsster with two s’s”? And will the FCC say that this ad violates the civil rights of totally blind people? Probably not. But maybe we should find out?

I explained this difference between the Blind and the visually-impaired in great detail in the first chapter, if the reader is interested. In that chapter I used the relationship between Stevie Wonder and his tutor, Ted Hull, to illustrate why this difference really matters.

If Kyle and Lynda called the company “Blinds-ster”,with two s’s, it would make sense and there would be no issue. But if the reader checks online they would find these two bigots, and their lawyers, didn’t see it this way.

I Fart Radio (really stinks you know) can’t wait to play this ad every morning to piss off all the blind people, who have no power in this Jewish, homosexual government run by the billionaire pedophiles.

So would if we use one of Kyle’s first ads and substitute a few words, like substituting the word “Jew” for “Blind”. And produce an ad for this new pest control company, would it be less tolerable? We know the Jews would scream “You antisemITIC!” And the ad would be quickly removed. Maybe the ad would go something like this:
“HI, I’m Kyle Suck Cox! Me and my slut Lynda Suck Cox, and my other slut, Michael Suck Cox, recently moved into a new house in Texass, because we’re proud Texassans. Of course, we ain’t too proud of bein’ cowards at that Uvalde school and all those poor dead Mexican kids, but they was Mexicans any way, so who really cares? And then there’s that executing Cameron Todd Willingham, an innocent father. And then there’s that not coming down to help those out-of-state suckers who came down to fight for us at the Alamo. And of course, the Texass Rangers not protecting President Kennedy when he came to Dallas. And we’re real sorry about that new law to pay vigilantes to go after women who want an abortion, but a feller’s got a right to make a livin’, don’t he?”

“And to be honest, we’re not to proud of Texass bein’ the home of America’s greatest mass murderer and the grandson of Aleister Crowley George W. And of course, these mass shooters probably all started with that marine feller in the tower at the University of Texass who killed all those long haired communist. But overall we’re really, really, really nice people down here in Texass, you can take my word on that partner.”

“So me and my slut Lynda found ourselves surrounded by these ugly rat bastards with big Barbara Streisand noses and long winding tales that go on forever and ever, and ever about persecution, like Leo Frank, World War II prisoners, and other shit.”

“They were stealing our kids, the pets, the car, the house, our money, and the interest on the money, and the interest on the interest on the money, and the interest on the interest on the interest on the money!”

“So I came up with a product to once and for all get rid of the little rat bastards who was stealing our money, and everything else. You just point it at their big noses, and you can’t miss, and gas the dirty rat bastards! I call it Jewster, and you can get it at Jewster.com.”

Project “Mocking Bird” is the government’s plan to use the media to control the population and criminalize all poor people.
Similar to what was going on during the 1960’s, the federal government through Homeland Insecurity is once again paying members of the media, the “superstars”, to manipulate the truth, by withholding information.

To understand how this works, let’s closely examine the following two former-Portland News Directors, Lisa Loving and Rebecca Marshall. The evidence would suggest they were both compromised by the Deep State, in what they said and did. Then when they were no longer useful, others were brought in, and the operation continues. Here’s the evidence.

I first met Lisa Loving in 2008, while I was briefly a volunteer in the station’s news room. When a class on researching news stories was being offered, and Lisa was listed as being the instructor, I quickly signed up.

And I wasn’t disappointed, since not only was her class very informative, her presentation was entertaining . Any backwash sailor from the Barrios would have been proud of how she used so many colorful four and five letter words in her examples and explanations.

However, I had mixed feelings when I learn that Lisa had been selected as the new News Director in 2015 to replace Jenka Soderburg.

At the time of her selection, Loving had been a volunteer at the station and editor of an African-American local newspaper called “The Scanner”. 

I got to know Lisa when I worked with her on an environmental project called “Follow the Garbage”. Along with several volunteers, the story track the path of our everyday garbage from our home trash can to its eventual destinations. 

My part of the project involved an interview with Dr. Dennis Ericson who help expose the great “ring of plastic” that floats around the rim of the Pacific Ocean. Apparently, these trillions and trillions of tiny pieces of plastic are no bigger then a grain of rice. And there’s no effective way to remove them from the ocean! 

In fairness to Lisa, it was a good story idea, and put together well. It clarified Dr. Ericson’s main point, that there is no such thing as “waste”.

As a journalist and activist who has primarily focused on the criminal injustice system along with disability rights, I’ve always been alert to the media’s and the neo-cons bias against those who live in urban areas and are accused of any sort of criminal offense. In fact in one Clackamas County Commissioner’s political ad from KXL’s Rob Kramer, the people in Portland were called “the creep”, urging voters to keep out the Creep. Except we know the creep is already living in Clackamas County…

In Chapter Six, I describe how Lisa had interviewed this guy who was publishing the pics of anyone arrested, guilty or not. And she intentionally hid his identity.

The next incident involved a story Lisa did in which she featured a single, able-bodied white mom who had served in one of the corporate wars and was given a free house by the banksters. Sounds good on the surface, doesn’t it?

Especially if you’re into the whole “corporate war hero” idea, saying that we should honor our veterans on every holiday.

However, it really does matter whether a person volunteered to serve or whether they were drafted, such as it was during the Vietnam War and the wars that proceeded Vietnam. But glorifying all veterans today, especially when the standards are being lowered so low, it’s kind of like glorifying war.

We know it’s a shitty job working for really shitty people, that true. But no one is forced to join, giving up their mind, body and soul to the ruthless military industrial complex, especially the U.S. Navy.

Lisa claimed she understood why the banksters gave this woman a free house. She said her sister experienced domestic abuse, and that’s why she joined the military, so to her it made perfect sense.

They weren’t giving this lady vet a house because she was a single mom and suffered from domestic violence. If true, that might be understandable.

However that wasn’t the case. They were giving her a free house because of her military service, although the banksters claimed it was because she was a single mom. Is that fair to other single mom’s who were unable to “serve”, like women born with disabilities?

Men or women, Americans born with disabilities are prohibited from ever serving, even though there are clearly many jobs in the military that could be effectively performed by a person with a disability. The United States Military discriminates in employment based on disability, unless of course, you’re gender-impaired. But is this fair to other people with disabilities?

If a man wants to dress like a woman, and even act like a woman, when there’s nothing at stake it should be okay. This would be an accommodation. It is provided for under the Americans with Disabilities Act, regardless of the impairment.

But when men who have not been surgically altered, to de-affirm their gender, can walk into a women’s bathroom or locker room, while any straight man would be arrested, we have a problem.

The problem is that when people who are gender-impaired demand extra rights because of their behavior or belief, and claim they are not disabled, it’s harmful to everyone, especially people with disabilities. To separate out transgender people into a unique category , and say they deserve special employment rights is not fair to other people with disabilities and it’s harmful to our society.

Bostock goes way beyond granting a particular accommodation, based on a particular disability and the balancing of rights. The accommodation they’ve been granted by the Supreme Court in the Bostock Decision infringes on the rights of people with disabilities, biological women, and employers, with no rational basis. This decision was wrong. and Hopefully, it will be overturned.

The Bostock decision involved two homosexuals, Gerald Bostock and Donald Larka, and one transgender case, involving a man who identified as Aimee Stevens. While the homosexuals may have had a good argument, since they weren’t petitioning the court to fundamentally change the business, but rather demanded that the employer not discriminate against them based on their sexual orientation.

The third case attempted to make the same argument and claim it was a discrimination case based on sexual orientation. However, this was wrong. Stevens should not have been bundled with the other two cases. In fact, I believe it should have been thrown out by the court for having been misfiled by his lawyers.

In Stevens, he claimed he had the right to be accommidated by his employer based on sexual orientation. Clearly, Stevens suffered from gender dysphoria and believed he had the right to greet customers in a funeral parler where he worked wearing a dress and lipstick because he identified as a woman. Which not surprisingly, offended most of the mourners.

If this transgender employee were only working in the back of the funeral home, or answering phones, or perhaps working on an assembly line, it would be different. But, once serving or greeting the customer became part of the case, the employer had a fundamental right to object and defend his customers and business.

Here’s another example, people with disabilities can not join the U.S. Military, under the Biden Administration, but transgender people can, even though they are clearly impaired. Perhaps an innovative young person with a disability who wants to “serve”, will one day step up for all people with disabilities and sue the United States Military for discrimination, based on disability. And perhaps, end this unhealthy trend in America, instigated by the selfishness of the gender-impaired community (and their ACLU lawyers, who care nothing about people with disabilities being tortured and murdered by the cops and the correction creeps).

Michael Knowles is right. Transgender people should go back into the closet until they admit they have gender dysphoria, and realize they are people with disabilities. Unless of course they are entertainers simply trying to make us laugh, like Boy George or David Bowie.

By the way, what does transgenderism have to do with protecting civil liberties? This is clearly a civil rights issue, protecting the rights of those with a gender disability. Yet the American Civil Liberty Union is using its limited resources to defend these impaired people, who most likely have been poisoned by the corporations and government with these “forever chemicals.”

Why isn’t the ACLU defending our liberties, fighting against government mandates and vaccine passports? That’s because neo-liberals are mostly atheist Jews, homosexuals, and radical feminists who support fascist control of the population, if it promotes their delusionary queer agenda that allows a person to choose their gender.

Here’s another prong of this attack by the Deep State on society. It is the goal of the World Health Organization (WHO), and apparently the State of Kentucky’s Health Department to get everyone vaccinated with an untested vaccine. They want control of our bodies and our right to choose. So they’re pushing for these vaccine passports, which will prevent people from traveling or going into public places.

Almost everyone knows Alex Jones and most of his co-hosts at Info Wars are a bunch of knuckleheads., for example, starting in 2008 Owen Shroyer and some of the other idiots were spreading a rumor that Michelle Obama, who I hugged at a rally in Portland in 2008, was actually a man named Michael who graduated from Oregon State University. And they claimed this was based on the size and shape of her Adam’s apple, but to me it sounded more like old fashion Texas bigotry. Shroyer sure gives us theorists against criminal conspirators a bad name.

Despite these knuckleheads at Info Wars, in Alex Jones 2022 book, “The Great Reset”, Jones makes a very likely prediction. He warns of this ploy to use vaccine passports as a backdoor way of gaining complete control over every aspect of our lives, by limiting our ability to buy medicine or food.

Jones cleverly writes, “The vaccine passport is the operating system for the world ID surveillance system . In other words, the vaccine passport is the Trojan horse for the digital Gulag.”

Consider this, the WHO holds its annual meetings in Switzerland which is one of the most nationalistic countries in Europe. With one of the most restrictive borders in the world.

Also the WHO invites every country on earth, except Taiwan, because it offends the Chinese government. So why would we trust this group of elitists with our bodies and personal information, which seems to practice a form of racial discrimination, and who falsely calls itself a world organization but doesn’t invite the entire world?

Sorry for taking the long way around, but getting back to the bankster’s free house for the lady vet. Did KBOO’s Lisa Loving ever bother to look to see who was the previous home owner? Especially, since at this same time our community radio station was publicly defending the rights of an African-American mother who was being evicted by a bankster. 

Then about a week later, Lisa managed to squeeze eight Portland police officers into a small studio (WOW! Impressive). In this pro-female-police-promo, Lisa and her guests went on to describe how they intended to, in so many words, further vilify and incarcerate poor, straight men,and help women.

Then, Lisa Loving interviewed a female, former-Portland persecutor about her new fiction book about guess what? And it’s called, “The Ex’s”. Not surprisingly, this particular self-serving promo piece described how a straight male cereal killer goes after his ex, who just happens to be a lady lawyer. 

Lisa once announced on the air that her family circus was planning another international tour. But the bigger question is, “On who’s tab?” 

I do know what KBOO used to pay its news director, and it isn’t much. In fact, you probably couldn’t afford a bus ticket to Eugene and back, let alone a trip half way around the world…

Around 2010, curiously the State of Texas and the media began glamorizing the game of dodgeball, a game in which I was brutalized throughout elementary school. As I listened, I knew people with disabilities couldn’t trust the media or government to protect us.

In Fourth Grade I weighed about forty-five pounds when we first started playing this vicious game, called “dodge ball.” The object of the “game” is to either catch the ball or at least not let the ball hit you, which is being hurled at you with full force from about ten feet away by a kid that’s at least double your weight.
Maybe “adults” think thirty or forty pounds difference isn’t much, but to a forty-five pound Forth Grader it’s a lot.

There was this kid, who was double my size named Rocko DeSantis, and he was the most feared kid at Alumni Elementary. Mike Broska, Pete, Larry, Rocko and a few other boys would deliberately try to smash me in the head with the ball, while I imagined the gym teacher and Principal Mock were watching with amusement.

Even with my glasses, I couldn’t see it coming and couldn’t get out of the way. Simply, I couldn’t dodge the ball which made me an easy target in dodgeball.

They said it was against the rules to hit someone in the head. Nevertheless, almost every boy and most girls in my class, except maybe Dorine Nixon who was just as little as me, cheered every time pieces of my glasses went flying. And since we couldn’t afford new glasses, they were always covered with tape.

I suppose I could have taken off my glasses, but that would have only made it worse. And I could ask to be excused, but I would have been called a “fag” and probably beaten up after school.

Trump is right about one thing, the corporate media shouldn’t be trusted, ever. And Brian Sicknick did not die when he was, according to the New York Times, bludgeoned by a fire extinguisher, and we know he didn’t die from bear spray or maze since he was seen walking around the capitol. So who really caused his stroke the following day and planted pipe bombs at the DNC and the RNC offices?

Perhaps it was the elusive Deep State, in order to blame Trump and “white supremacist?”

And do you wonder who hired an assassin to kill Seph Rich, after he released Hillary Clinton’s E mails? It’s no wonder they’re going after any blogger and Julian Assange that exposes the Deep State, and to keep their secret a secret. The secret that our military and government is run by pedophiles, both straight and gay.

Why isn’t Michael Byrd being prosecuted for murdering Ashli Babbitt? Unless looking through a broken window is a crime, she was unarmed and posed no threat to Byrd or anyone else when she was murdered. Could it be because the murderer,Michael Byrd, is a black officer and Babbitt is a white woman?

Allegedly five Capital Police Officers have committed suicide since January 6th, but maybe we should ask, were some of them suicided by the government? We know we were lied to by the media and the government about the death of Officer Brian Sicknick’s. And we know three civilians died under suspicious circumstances on January 6th and no one was ever prosecuted.

Maybe the reader should ask why hasn’t there been a congressional investigation into the pipe bombs left at the DNC and RNC Offices on January 6th?

And who is this guy named Ray Epps, who the media calls a “Trump supporter? and gets off with a misdemeanor”

And who is this mysterious guy carefully unrolling the security fence around the Capitol on the morning of January 6th?

Yet, whether it’s finicum or Babbitt, no one on the left seems to care that our government murdered these two white-looking people in cold blood. Do they feel this is part of reparations that must be paid by all white people?

And now they want to vaccinate everyone for a virus that is constantly mutating. Except, how long before the vaccines don’t work any more and our natural immune system gives up. Just like anti-biotic’s, we will lose our ability to fight the virus with our natural immune system. But Amy Goodman and Tony Fauci claim there’s no such thing as natural immunity, although they can assure us the virus came from a bat and wasn’t man-made.

To begin with, the MRNA vaccine was never properly tested by the FDA and the CDC, who are loyal to their former-employer. As I mentioned earlier the media receives most of its advertising money from Big Pharma, so there’s no scrutiny of Big Pharma from the corporate media.

You Tube, which is owned by Google, along with FaceBook and Twitter, and the media, are blocking any information from getting out which contradicts their master’s plan, to depopulate the earth. The BlackRock and Vanguard corporations are behind most of these nefarious plans to silence the dissenters and enforce wokism using ESG and EDI, But being “Woke” is a joke on America and here’s the proof.

According to Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of MRNA technology, MRNA vaccines are a form of gene therapy, never before used on human beings. And the MNRA vaccines are considered to be experimental until 2024.

As of April 2022, according to Dr. Malone and Robert Kennedy Jr., the vaccine pool that Congress set up, has not paid out one dime to any person who was injured by the Covid Vaccines. And thanks to the cons in Congress they have complete immunity, even if the corporate media did accurately report the vaccine injuries, which they don’t.

Dr. Meryl Nass, is an expert from Maine who specializes in therapeutic treatments for Covid and the effect of biological weapons on people. According to Dr. Nass, as of September 2023 the Vaccine Pool has only paid four victims who have been injured by the Covid vaccine. And they have only received a total of $7,000 between them, even though the drug companies have made billions. Part of that may be, according to Dr. Nass, a person is required to file a claim within one year, even though most injury cases allow a person to file a claim seven years after they were injured. And make no mistake, the U.S. Congress from both sides of the isle is totally responsible for perpetrating this injustice on the American people, to protect Big Pharma. Almost as though they are all being black mailed or bribed, like Senator Menendez

Robert Malone, one of the inventors of MNRA technology, and 2024 presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy Jr., and hundreds of other experts suspect there are well over a million victims of the Covid vaccine.

Nevertheless, if you are obese and not exercising, or using tobacco or other addictive drugs, or drinking excessively and eating processed foods, it will not matter whether you’re vaccinated or not. You will have little chance against the next variant or the one after that.

Today we put on our blinders and trust the doctors, government, and the media once again, as though we were half-blind children playing dodgeball with sighted kids and Principal Mock supervising, and we agree to get vaccinated. But don’t be surprised if our immune systems become dependent on the booster shots to fight the virus. In other words, our natural immune systems are compromised because we’re dependant on the boosters to protect us. Similar to the anti-biotic’s that were over used by doctors.

Despite what we’re told, suppose the boosters no longer work against the latest variant? After all, the virus wants to survive, so it constantly mutates. But in a rush to public safety, did we forfeit our immune system for this experimental vaccine?

Millionaire Thom Hartmann and the rest of these Big Pharma shills in the media, who are probably getting something under the table like our doctors were given to pass out opiates, are all saying that unvaccinated people are putting the rest of the world at risk. But would if it’s the other way around?

Would if the vaccinated people are teaching the virus how to defeat the vaccine and break through the cell wall, simply by being vaccinated. On the other hand, the people who have not been vaccinated are teaching the virus nothing it doesn’t already know about the human species.

The virus is smart and it wants to survive so it mutates into new variants, hoping to infect the host. If no one was vaccinated, eventually the virus weakens, and we get herd immunity.

Imagine, the virus figures how to go around the artificial barrier of anti-bodies created by the vaccine. But would if the virus mutates into a new strain, that no vaccine is able to defeat? At least, the unvaccinated will still have their natural immunity and original anti-bodies to fight off the next variant, while the vaccinated-impaired will have nothing left in their arsenal to fight the virus.

How much will you be willing to pay for the next booster, or the one after that? You can be sure eventually the vaccine won’t be free for most people. And in case you didn’t know, it’s not free to our government or the insurance companies, who are paying $120 per dose.

It’s not war, but “The same people are sure making a lot of money on this scamdemic,” says James Corbett of the Corbettreport.

Not surprisingly, the German and Swiss Pharmaceuticals are refusing to waive any of their profits and are getting rich off the vaccines, not to mention the millions they’re making from the testing kits and masks.

Albert Einstein once said, “Compound interest is the most powerful force on earth!” And he was right.

What he meant, was that it would be better if the government or corporations can collect money from someone by paying a re-occurring fee like the interest payments we pay the banksters. Because it adds up, by charging interest on the interest, soon the original balance doesn’t even matter.

The governor of Illinois, JB Pritzker and his family, including Tom Pritzker owner of the Hyatt Hotels, who was one of Jeff Epstein’s favorite customers, are funding the transgender movement. Once a person is mutilated by one of these Frankenstein doctors they can never go back. And once they start taking these expensive drugs they can never stop taking the drugs for the rest of their life, unless they give up the delusion of being another gender.

Pritzker and the other billionaire Jews from Chicago, just like Al Capone and the Chicago Railroad, are getting rich on this gender de-affirming scam. And this particular stream of revenue will never end as long as the Illinois Legislature keeps passing these gender de-affirming Bills.

Like the Pritzkers, Albert Einstein cared more about getting rich and powerful, and getting the approval of the “Bourgeoisie, who he pretended to hate so much.

After getting married and having a child, Einstein allowed his eight month baby girl to be adopted away, because it interfered with his studies. Most Jewish people would say today, he had a higher purpose so who are we to judge him? But Einstein had a choice, where I did not.

He never saw his child or wife again, because he wanted the approval of his male professors. His wife was once again pregnant when he finally abandoned her for his studies. As a result, he never saw his second child.

What does that say about Einstink and his defenders, and his thoughts about getting rich and making us pay this form of “compound interest” over and over, and over for the rest of our lives?

Maybe after paying the Jewish drug companies this annual booster fee for several years, at $30 a pop, the vaccine will become useless against the forth or fifth variant but maybe they won’t tell us.

According to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, this is exactly what will eventually happen, the Mu, Lambda, or the Gamma, or some other variant will be completely resistant to the vaccine. So while the vaccine is helping the immune system fight one of the old variants, because that’s how the vaccine works, one of these new variants will likely slip in behind the artificial barrier of anti-bodies created by the vaccine and kill the vaccinated person.

At least the unvaccinated, and their unmanipulated immune system, will have a fighting chance.

It’s not likely this man made virus will go away. And perhaps that’s exactly the way it was designed to work, to depopulate the world and make the “German and Swiss Pharma Jews” rich.

For the first time there is more people dying in the United States, then are being born. And I’ll bet Bill Gates and the rest of the billionaires and trillionaires are smiling. They say the multi-pronged plan to depopulate the earth is working well, beginning with the weakest among us.

For example, Connie Willis, part-time host of Coast to Coast AM, once told her audience “Dodge ball is a great game for kids to play.” But she should have added, “If you’re a big kid, and have no impairments, and you’re not too slow.”

Maybe we should ask about the long term effect of “playing” this “game”, and whether or not the bullied kid will ever come back with a gun? The gun doesn’t care how big the assailant is, or well he plays the game of dodgeball, it only cares how much pressure he puts on the trigger, to get what he perceives is justice.

Premier, another Zionist-controlled media company, who puts on the show “Coast to Coast AM”, is all about manipulating the public. Not only do they distract the listeners with these meaningless stories about aliens, UFO’s, Bigfoot, and ghosts, they often use this platform to abuse people with disabilities who can’t play dodgeball, as I’ll explain.

George Norry. the current host of Coast to Coast AM, is a friendly , grandfather type, although he’s not very bright and often appears to be easily manipulated, although it may be just an act. His role is to keep his audience entertained and distracted from the truth, and does a good job.

From time to time he does have a good interview, such as his 2020 interview of Robert Kennedy Jr., who stated during the interview that he believed based on the evidence Sirhan Sirhan did not kill his father. Despite this, the State of California, another Jewish stronghold, will not release this Palestinian Patsy.

However, George did an April Fool’s joke, most likely written by his Zionist handler, where he pretended to interview a three headed person, where the middle head died. To those disabled people and parents listening, who know in fact from time-to-time people are born with two heads, this April fool’s joke wasn’t very funny.

It’s usually the producers and editors at Premier and every other corporate media outlet who are responsible for seeding this sort of hatred, like using this sick example on April Fool’s Day. But it only promotes anger, which only creates more violence, while the media pretend to oppose violence and war.

Another time, Norry interviewed a professor from the University of Central Florida, who couldn’t wait to disclose that he happened to be Jewish (like most Jews). The interview was all about the Palestinians “giving up their land and sharing in the prosperity of Israel”. But it was really about getting the American people to believe that Israel is the good guy in this conflict, and these Palestinians, who had their country stolen from them, are “acting like discontented children who don’t want to trim our lawns and clean our toilets.”

It’s a sadistic game being played on the American people by the Zionist-controlled Deep State, and the media, the technocreeps, and the billionaires and trillionaires. Clearly, the technology has gone to far. I believe it’s too late to stop this runaway train and there’s probably nothing we can do about it.

For example, on a recent Coast to Coast AM show in 2021, Norry said “There’s a phenomenon happening, where people are reporting that they are feeling like there’s thousands of bugs crawling on their skin, and they’re hearing voices.” He quickly moved on, and never said anything else about it.

Norry knows very well the government has the technology to beam any sound directly into your eardrum, and no one else can hear it. It’s called “voice-to-skull technology, and Derrick Robinson, who represents a small group of people who are targeted individuals by the federal government and/or the corporations [Freedom From Electronic Covert Harassment], told George about this technology several different times. So why is George pretending he doesn’t know anything about what their doing all over the world, beaming voices into the skull to create the impression that the individual suffers from schizophrenia or some other mental illness?

This technology is also being used in department stores to target customers. As a person walks bye a certain display, they hear someone encouraging them to take a look.

As I’ve described in several other chapters, it would behoove Norry to know the military has weapons in which they can make a person itch all over. They can also make a person feel like there is thousands of bugs crawling on the skin. They can also make it seem like a bee or wasp is buzzing around, and even make a person feel like they’ve been stung by something.

With these weapons, they can shock you, they can burn you, like a needle they can poke you, they can cramp your muscles, and even thump you. And it can all be done from inside a white van parked down the road, or perhaps remotely using a satellite.

They can target your baby toe, or your left testicle, or your right eye ball, which they often do to me. As a sort of “blind joke.”

And when the Deep State operatives are board with these weapons, or letting their dog shit in my yard, or spraying me with poison, they use a sound emitter device. This particular weapon can send a sharp sound into the eardrum, causing pain and discomfort, and long-term damage. That’s probably why I’m now 40% deaf. And these dirty judges say this isn’t torture?

Getting back to dodge ball, Sheila Hamilton, a former-news anchor at KXL, once said, “My kids had the right to enjoy the game of dodge ball… it’s part of the learning process,” she argued. But do we want to teach our kids that the best way to have fun is to hurt a smaller kid. Hitting them in the head with a ball, is it okay for a mom to excuse this bad behavior and say “It’s just about our kids having fun?”

In other words, this corporate-liberal, who once said she supported putting fluoride in Portland’s water, which is a toxic poison that causes mild retardation, thinks it’s a good idea to let the bigger kids abuse the smaller kids, by smashing their heads with a rubber ball. Apparently, like rubber bullets that do no harm, according to the Israeli Death Squads.

And by the way, every major city in the United States is paying some corporation to dump this fluoride waste product into the city water system, to dumb down the population, and perhaps make men think they’re women.

To understand how this wide-spread conspiracy works, all we need to do is look at Nathan Hill’s fictional 2023 book, “Wellness.” In this bullshit book he includes a character who is a “conspiracy theorist,” which apparently says everything about the character.

According to Hill, the man believes that Fluoride is being used by the government to make people more dumb than they already are, which seems to be true.

The book outrageously claims people should trust the government and their junk science, like MNRA vaccines and bite mark evidence. But the reader is provided no evidence by Hill that proves ingesting Fluoride is good for people, Rather Hill, as if he were a CIA agent, attacks the man by calling him a “conspiracy theorist” for not believing the government’s propaganda.

Despite what the bought-off politicians and mocking bird media claim fluoride does far more harm than it helps, if you swallow it. And if the reader doesn’t believe me, just read the warning label on the toothpaste, about never ingesting it.

Let’s be clear, there’s no other substance on earth that protects teeth more than Fluoride, when it’s used topically to coat the teeth. Buying toothpaste without fluoride is bad for the teeth, because there is currently no good substitute. But to pay to put this poison in most of America’s drinking water and swallowing it is really, really stupid. So we can conclude fluoride is working as it was intended. It’s hard to argue that people aren’t getting more stupid every day, thanks to our media and most of our corporations.

Getting back to the mocking bird media, Rebecca Marshall, former-news director at KXL. was one of the most vicious people I’ve ever heard on the radio. She now works for the Red Cross which raises some questions about the people from the Red Cross who stick a needle in our arm?

It’s not just what she said, herself, but Marshall would often use other people to promote her sickness, and bigotry.

One of those people was the Oregonian’s movie critic, Kristi Turnquist.

One day Turnquist said, “Hollyweird, recently came out with it’s own ‘blind monster’ movie, where the monster can only find you if it can hear you!

According to Turnquist, the Alpha Dopes “movie expert” said, “Yeah Rebecca, it’s the SCARIEST MOVIE EVER!”

Well, at least this time Kristi and the Hollyweirdo’s didn’t try to sell the blind monster a dead bird, although I’m sure that would have been really, really funny, to all the ignorant people who pay to watch this Deep State crap from the perverts at Disney, and the CIA, and the rest of the Hollyweirdo’s.

Just so you know how truly sick the Alpha Dopes’ Larry Wilson is, and why they constantly attack the most vulnerable and pretend it’s humor. Here’s more evidence involving the practice of abusing us little people from third America by the mocking bird scum.

A few years back, during a January ice storms that hit the Portland area, Marshall told her co-host and her listening audience she was going to get a “Snow Cone” for lunch.

Even if you believe her own teenager never mentioned this, and she wasn’t actually referring to a term used by several pop singers to describe performing oral sex on another person’s anus (after having anal intercourse). It seems pretty sick to joke about a coming snow and ice storm, given how many homeless people there are around here.

In fact a baby belonging to a homeless couple had froze to death that very same night during the storm. But to the elite, like Rebecca Marshall and her producer, bad weather is nothing more than an inconvenience.

When Linn County, Oregon announced they would no longer be serving hot breakfasts to accused defendants who couldn’t afford bail, Marshall went on the air after reading the press release about ending hot breakfasts for inmates in Linn County and sarcastically said, “WAH! WAH! WAH!”

Just nine days after the November 2015 bombing in Paris, which killed over one hundred people, mostly pre-teenage girls who were attending the Ariana Grande concert, “Snow Cone Marshall” told the sports update guy, Judah Newby, about how excited she was when one of the players charged the mound and punch the pitcher “Square in the face! It was so awesome,” she excitedly told Newby.

A week earlier (just three days after the Paris bombing) Newby told the KXL listeners about how excited he was now that the hockey playoffs began. He said, “It’s my favorite time of year. I love all the blood and fighting during the playoffs!”

This was just moments after Marshall and her co-host had been discussing the French tragedy, pretending to give a shit.

In October of 2018, Marshall explained to the listening audience, in her most serious voice, how the country of England is able to effectively count all of its squirrels without re-counting any of them. In her typical bigoted fashion she went on to say, “Oh, there’s the one with the lazy eye, and there’s the one with the lame foot, and there’s the one with the broken tail.”

Ironically, knowing the control that Jews have over our media, both left and right, two days later an obese man named Bobby Bowers went up to a place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania called Squirrel Hill and killed eleven Jewish worshipers in what is described as being their “place of worship”. Which makes this a hate crime under federal law because Jews are a protected class.

Not withstanding the tragedy of what Bowers did to innocent people who happened to be Jewish and Rebecca Marshall’s sick joke, do Jews really deserve this status? Murder is still against the law, but claiming this was a Hate Crime against Jews because they are a protected class is very different since the penalties are far more severe.

It’s true, Bowers had no right to kill these eleven worshipers, but he does have a right to hate Jews. Especially if he knows the true history of this widespread deception by wealthy Jewish people who control the international banking system and the media. The Jews of Israel say, “By way of war, we wage deception.” But maybe it should be, “By way of deception, we wage war (against everyone who isn’t Jewish).”

First, they created the Antaai-Defecation League in 1914 to defend a Jewish man, Leo Frank, for murdering a thirteen-year-old girl, and then Raping her dead body. The ADL and Frank’s lawyers first blamed a black man, and when that didn’t work they blamed a different black man.

While they were claiming Franks’s conviction was antiso-what-emitic, they created the Fed to steal our money, which was, and still is, run by wealthy, Jewish Banksters.

Then they created this hoax about the Jewish victims of WWII, exaggerating the number of victims, and making up all kinds of crazy myths about these German internment camps, they called “Death Camps.” While at the same time America had its own internment camps for Japanese and German prisoners of war.

No one ever systematically used gas chambers, but this is the lie we were told by the Jewish media, who never spoke about the Japanese Unit 731 and the brutality of Stalin’s army. Jewish publishers and Hollyweird still lie about this today. to create this sympathy for Jews and excuse their brutal taking of Palestine. And today, Israel and the wealthy international Jews are genociding the people and children of Gaza, and the American government is pretending to look the other way.

Then the CIA Holes and the MOSODOMITES killed both Kennedy’s, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X. They bombed the U.S.S. Liberty and blamed the Egyptians. Then they blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building,which Jew Garland covered up. And then they blew up the Twin Towers and building Seven, and probably created the Covid Virus and released it on the world. And then, like johnny on the spot, they quickly came up with a vaccine that was worse than the virus for people who were healthy and young.

We know the CIA and Jewish owned pharmaceutical companies created the vaccine to get rich, which doesn’t work as advertised, but was mandated by the Biden Administration for soldiers and Federal workers and contractors. .

So who can really blame Bobby Bowers for being angry. The real question is, why aren’t more Americans angry about what Israel and their American Jewish conspirators have done to America. Lying us into two wars. And that doesn’t include Ukraine (formally Kazaria), which is based on another lie.

So are Jewish people a protected class? Jewish people consist of many races and many ethnicity, so their not a particular race or particular ethnicity. And Jewish people are both atheist and orthodox , so you could say in some cases they are not religious at all, although worshiping the “Holocaust” for many Jews has become a religion.

We should ask, why are they considered a protected class under the law? But the law isn’t about law or justice, it’s about money and control. After all, citizens are not treated equally even though the constitution claims that we are all created equal with the same inalienable rights.

We could say being Jewish today is more about belonging to this international cult called the International Jewry, that seems to be about belonging to this club that supports the terrorist state of Israel and worships money above all other things, including god (and his two genders).

It’s certainly revealing that Jews say the words “International bankster” and “International Jewry” is considered slurs against Jews? Some Jews are even saying that the word “Zionist” is antisemitic too. In fact, some Jewish people believe it is antisemitic to now even say the word “Jew” or “Palestine.”

The discerned reader may ask, But what about claiming National origin, wouldn’t this make Jewish people a protected class now that there is a “Jewish State?”

Maybe not, under the circumstances in which they manipulated the United States and Briton to create the nation of Israel. They call it a “Jewish State”, even though when it was created an overwhelming majority of the residents weren’t Jewish. Until the fall of 2023, they had been using a plan of bringing in more Jews and slowly commiting genocide against the Palestinian people. In 2024, this is no longer a slow killl, as Israel targets health care workers and food providers. All based on the lies of October 7th.

Harry Truman was given a bribe by the Zionist to sign off on the Balfour Doctrine, which gave the Jewish people the right to occupy Palestine and created all these little Israel friendly Arab thieftoms. Before this, the Stern Group and other Zionist groups were terrorist, committing acts of terror on the Arab population and the British army, blowing up schools and places of worship.

Most of Congress and even his own cabinet was against occupying Palestine. Nevertheless, Truman took the bribe and Israel was created in 1948 on what was actually stolen land, just like the American settlers did to the Native-Americans people in the 16, 17 and the 1800’s.

However this deliberate manipulation of the public by the media on behalf of Zionists began long before they occupied Palestine, and imprisoned the Native-people.

As mentioned above and described in great detail in Chapter Three, there was the Leo Frank case in 1913 and the formation of the ADL in 1914. In that matter, the Jewish controlled media did not succeed in manipulating the truth. Although today, they’re still trying to create this myth in the Washington Compost and other places that Zionist trolls hang out, saying Frank was a victim of antisemitism.

This is far from the truth since we know in 1913 Frank’s Jewish lawyers tried to frame two black men for the crime. And it’s an insult to all African-American people that the Compost would try to defend Frank, considering the thousands of innocent blacks who were hung because they were black, and not because, unlike Frank, they actually raped and murdered a little white girl.

As an example of how this Zionist Deep State exercises its propaganda today, In Les and Tamara Payne’s 2020 book, “The Life of Malcolm X”, they claimed it was only “flim-flam evidence” that convicted this sick murdering, Jewish pedophile, Leo Frank.

There’s no doubt of Frank’s guilt to anyone who looks at the evidence. Although, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled in 1986 Frank did not have the opportunity to appeal his conviction. This is true, because the sick pedophile was hung. But he was never proven to be innocent of the crime, despite claims from the Washington ComPost and other Zionists in the media that say Frank never got the chance on appeal to prove he didn’t get a fair trial. However, the reader should know Frank was convicted by both an unanimous grand jury and jury, which included several Jewish people.

However, Mr. Payne and his daughter did write one fact about the case that was true, that the ADL was first founded in 1915 to get Frank out of jail, innocent or not. Although Mr. Payne left out the fact that the governor was offered a job (bribed) by Frank’s Jewish lawyers to commute the sentence to life in prison, which he did. This is what forced a group of honorable men from Georgia to take the law into their own hands.

Normally, I would never support vigilantes or the death penalty, except there’s no doubt that Frank had murdered a thirteen-year-old girl, and then raped her dead body. So in this case, capital punishment may have been justified, although curiously talking about hanging a Jewish pedophile makes the Deep State banksters very, very nervous.

Malcolm X wrote, “Zionism is even more dangerous than communism, because it is made more acceptable, and thus more destructively effective.” And this Zionist bullshit book about Malcolm X is certainly an example of that power.

Mr. Payne and his daughter also write that the evidence conclusively proves Earl Little, Malcolm X’s father, was not killed by a racist mob because of his radical black views, like black people deserve equal treatment in jobs and public accommodations, and have a right to live where they want, and a right to self-defense.

The truth is, blacks were expected to acquiesce to whites in all matters, including very often providing sexual favors.

In his book, Payne claims that a “lone Negro on the streetcar witnessed the event” and according to this black man, Mr. Little had simply fallen beneath the streetcar, where his leg was severed.

It’s very possible that this black man did witnessed the killing and was told to never speak a word about what he saw or his family would face the same consequences.

I lived my entire adolescence years in this area, both on Logan Street in Lansing, where the blind school was located and where Earl Little was murdered, and in the two towns just south of Lansing, Eaton Rapids and Charlotte. And knowing the animosity that most whites had toward blacks in the 1970’s, it’s absurd to think these people in 1937, thirty-five years earlier, weren’t capable of lynching Earl Little for his outspoken beliefs that he could live anywhere he wanted.

His family said, along with a severed leg, Earl Little’s body also had bruises on his neck, shoulders and arms, as though he were beaten with clubs before being dragged in front of the streetcar. Little didn’t or wasn’t able to move before he was run over, which was the official cause of death according to the Lansing Police.

His widow and children believed he was murdered although they received little support from the community, black or white.

“Just try and forget all about it, Mrs. Little,” the neighbors compassionately told the widow.

Consider, the Little family lived in an area restricted to only whites, and Mr. Little’s neighbors had told him this just days before his house coincidentally caught on fire. Only a few weeks later Earl Little had an “accident” where he allegedly fell in front of a streetcar, according to the official police report .

Flim-flam writer, Les Payne and his dutiful daughter would like us to believe a healthy forty-year-old farmer, who was also a skilled carpenter and brick layer (who happen to preach the doctrine of Marcus Garvey for self-defense), simply fell down in front of a moving streetcar?

And all the rumors spread by whites at the time about doing the killing was simply a matter of boasting and was completely untrue? Payne ignores the fact that only sixteen years earlier over 2,000 whites stormed into the Greenwood District of Tulsa and killed over three hundred black Americans, burning their neighborhood completely down.

Payne wants us to believe suddenly sixteen years later, after Tulsa, East St. Louis, and in Clark County, Arkansas, America was reformed from all that previous racial hatred under Jim Crow.

Although Payne admits, that Jackson, Michigan, located less than fifty miles from Lansing, was a strong hold for the Klan at the time, and for decades to come. In fact, the word “hillbilly” originally meant Michigan farmer.

I think what really proves that this is another hit job on the truth by a Zionist publisher, is the book claims just two days before Malcolm X was married to his beloved wife, Betty X, Malcolm was allegedly asking a friend whether he should marry Betty or Betty Sue somebody, but Payne doesn’t know Betty Sue’s last name?

This is pathetic journalism to suggest or mention, with absolutely no evidence, let alone to include in a book allegedly about Malcolm X’s life.

There’s no evidence that Malcolm, after becoming a Muslim, was ever unfaithful to his faith or his wife, Betty Shabazz, who bore him six beautiful daughters. I think it probably shows the writer’s real Zionist purpose, to belittle all Muslims on behalf of the Jewish publisher, when he refers to the Nation of Islam as a “Muslim Cult.”

Curiously, Payne doesn’t refer to this “Jewish Cult” which that controls our media and is certainly an international cult, that seems to worships money and sexual perversion.

But Tamara and Les Payne aren’t the only African-American writers recruited by the Zionist publishers to produce this sort of flim-flam material. In Brandy Colbert’s book about the Tulsa massacre and the cover up, “Black Birds in the Sky”, she blames everyone for what happened, including the Cherokee Nation, who also once owned slaves.

Stephen Platt’s book, “Black Wall Street”, is a far more accurate account, if you want to learn more about the 1921 tragedy, without the overt animosity that Colbert provides.

Not to say Colbert and all black people don’t have a right to be angry, I think Brandy Colbert goes way too far with her version of the truth. At the conclusion of her book, Colbert goes on to blame Donald Trump for police brutality against African-Americans and compares him to Adolph Hitler.

But most poor Americans know today that far to many police are brutal to anyone who is poor, a racial minority, or looks disabled, and their hardly ever held accountable, whether their victim is black or white. This was going on long before anyone ever heard of Donald Trump.

Colbert compares this conduct to what happened at Auschwitz, blaming the Germans, even though Jewish experts admit there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, although there was a maternity ward, theater, and barber shop.

It’s true, the prisoners of WWII were worked and starved to death, like many other prisoners of war, but Colbert doesn’t mention that the testimony given at Nuremburg was thoroughly embellished.

For example, in her Zionist published book, Colbert doesn’t mention that Hitler was defended by the wealthy Jews, such as Paul Warburg and the Rothchilds. In fact, in the 1930’s the rich European Jews took out ads in America praising Hitler as a great man. At the same time Hitler was preaching his doctrine against the little Jews.

The real truth is that it was an excuse so that later the wealthy Zionist could occupy Palestine and create a Jewish State, which had been the plan for at least sixty years. A “right of return” they said justifies this arbitrary killing of Palestinians and occupying their land.

Today, the little Jews defend Zuckerbooger, Soros and the other wealthy Jews who own the media and Big Tech, and rule with an iron fist, just like Hitler. The truth or god’s two genders no longer matters. So they destroy the life of anyone who stands in the way of their daily propaganda, like me.

Shortly before he was murdered, Malcolm X taught his followers, “You can’t change anyone else, but you can change yourself.”

He was a troubled young man and led a life of crime during his early years. Unlike Elijah Muhammad, who probably started out as a good man and became something else, Malcolm X slowly became a man of honor and integrity during his life. And what more can we ask of anyone?

By 1964, the views of Malcolm X began to change. He was expelled from the Nation of Islam (NOI) when he publicly called out his mentor, Elijah Muhammad, for his hypocrisy, including having sex with multiple minors, impregnating several of them several times.

Payne confirms this in his book, that the “great Muslim leader from Chicago had impregnated seven teenage followers, and fathered ten children outside of his marriage.

After being expelled from NOI, Malcolm began to accept people from all races and focused his fight on a war of economics, instead of simply blacks against whites.

He realized, and then began saying that “Zionism is the greatest enemy of black Americans, and all poor people,” so the Deep State killed him, and later killed Dr. King for the same reason.

Payne wrote, “The Nation of Islam’s dramatic growth was reported by the group’s national secretary with enthusiasm, and by the FBI with alarm. Director John Edger Hoover who was a homosexual transvestite, blackmailer, directed his field offices to note each new hate group (Muslim temple) in their ledgers, and at Washington D.C. headquarters, with an eye toward infiltration and disruption.”

1. Delay, 2. distract, 3. distort, 4. disrupt, and finally 5. destroy, is the Zionist Deep State’s modus operanti for all groups and any message that endanger the Deep State’s primary objective, to depopulate the earth.)

If you don’t think the Zionist banksters may have killed President Kennedy, let’s look at another similar case.

According to the book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” President Andrew Jackson nearly avoided assassination by a man who claimed temporary insanity, named Richard Lawrence. This was the first time anyone ever attempted to kill a sitting president.

According to Griffin, after receiving leniency from the courts after faking his mental illness, Lawrence boasted of being hired by the European Jewish banksters.

Throughout our American history, the criminal justice system continues to be manipulated by wealthy and influential people who control the media and the courts.

For example, in the case of Bill Cosby, the persecutor violated his due process rights and used evidence he was not entitled to use at trial, according to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Which means, Cosby was found to be not guilty of these charges and nothing can change that, no matter how loud the Zionist media screeches.

Why aren’t the radical feminists and the media blaming the previous persecutor from Philadelphia, who they claim made a deal with a guilty man, Bill Cosby, if he was really guilty? Maybe because the evidence and all the witnesses, still couldn’t prove even one allegation against him was true. And the prosecutor knew this, so he made the best deal he could, given the circumstances.

If you don’t know, Cosby gave a deposition in a civil trial, which he would have never done, and paid off some of his accusers. And that was the end of it, so he thought.

The righteous radical feminists and the media only care about the rights of women. No matter how many straight men are screwed by unscrupulous persecutors, Like Bob Hermann, Cy Vance, and Alexander Acosta who use dirty tactics like this against those who have been falsely accused.

Which means, unlike Cosby, the poor man has no chance under our criminal injustice system. And it may be the reason so many men are resorting to violence to solve their domestic problems, rather than depending on the courts to administer justice fairly.

Other than those who the media can exploit, like Breonna Taylor or George Floyd, since when did the media care about anybody’s due process?

In the book, “One Hundred Two Minutes”, written by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn, they wrote: Some time shortly after the planes hit the twin towers NBC reached someone who was trying to escape the burning building.

“Hi, this is NBC, can you hold for five minutes so we can put you on the air?” The caller asked.

“No”, The fleeing man succinctly told NBC, because he was having difficulty breathing because of the smoke. And the reporter responded, “But this is NBC (and not just some local affiliate).”

This means they wanted the burning man to find another part of the floor that wasn’t burning, so they could get their interview (before he died).

But NBC isn’t the only disturbing part about the media’s reporting of September 11th. The Jewish publisher, Simon and Schuster, released a book in 2019 that included a quote that seemed extremely insensitive toward Asian people, and somewhat perverse.

In Garrett Graff’s book, “The Last Plane in the Sky”, he included several shocking interviews with people involved in 9-11. For example, Richard Eichen, one witness who escaped the bombing, and who is probably Jewish, said the following:
“I saw off to my left shoulder an Asian man coming toward me. He looked like he been (deep) fried. He had his arms out, and his skin looked like seaweed…and he did a face plant right between my legs. He died between my legs.”

So do we blame the author, who is only reporting the exact word-for-word that was said, or the Jewish publishers who decided to not take this insensitive remark out of the book because it represents the sort of sick humor that passes for Jewish humor or Jewish rhetoric today.

Meanwhile former-Governor Quomo is forced to resign, not for murdering thousands of older people by sending Covid infected patients to nursing homes and then lying about it. But instead, he resigned for harassing women on the job, which he had been doing for at least two decades.

Aren’t the lives of the elderly as valuable as a few women being groped in New York by the governor?

Here’s an example of how our injustice system works, and how they were once again easily able to deny me any sort of due process.

On February 5, 2010, I paid these bastards in Washington County $860, and then what seemed retaliatory, the very next day they arrested me for failure to pay this debt, which wasn’t due until February 16th, 2010.

The Washington County District Attorney’s Office put out a warrant for me in January, even though as I said the debt wasn’t due until February 16th, the date I was scheduled to be released from probation. In fact, it was paid in full on February 5th and I no longer owed them anything, but that didn’t stop Oregon’s most corrupt DA from going after me again.

The next day, on February 6th, they arrested me. Then this Washington County Deputy ordered me to strip down and he joyfully proceeded to butt search me (without just cause.

I waited all day in the jail to go before the judge and plea my case, dressed in an orange clown suit. Thankfully, I was no longer being represented by the public pretender’s office.

There was six of us being charged with failure to pay, but I was the only one forced to put on this humiliating orange costume, and it may have been pink for all I know. But this is the point, to degrade and embarrass the defendant as much as possible, as the department of coercion often does. But how can any reasonable person, especially men with disabilities and racial minorities, not hate these people.

I theoretically won the case, but it’s the process that persecutors use to destroy poor people and their political enimies.

Later that day, I waddled into the court room and was brought before a Washington County judge. My hands and feet were chained together, I suppose so I wouldn’t run away. I told him that my debt was paid in full and that they had no right to arrest me. I was promptly released from custody and from probation, but nothing happened to the people who did this to me.

The mistrust I feel toward all cops, persecutors and the coercion creeps can never be erased. That’s what happens when a few unscrupulous people pervert the justice system, and no one will fix it!

We should ask, where is this corruption in the criminal injustice system coming from and why is it being directed against the poor? Perhaps, these two well-known Jewish organizations may be responsible.

When the ADL was formed in 1914 and the SZLC in 1967, they have artfully used the Zionist media to spread false narratives about anybody who speaks out against their injustice system. Whether it’s occupying Palestine or planting explosives inside the twin towers, or framing a racial minority or a man with a disability.

In 2024 presidential candidate, Bibek Ramaswamy’s 2021 book, “Woke Inc”, he writes, “The Southern Poverty Law Center (SZLC) is entirely a racket in its own right. A convenient front for Woke corporations’ that fund it. Today it is a non-profit,whose endowment exceeds two-hundred million dollars and whose expenditures on fund raising dwarf those of normal non-profits. A non-profit that spends a ton of money on fund raising is the charitable roles equivalent of a ponzi scheme. An ideological one, run by Woke capitalist in the name of social justice.”

During WWII, the Jewish People succeeded with another similar hoax (similar to the Leo Frank hoax), blaming the Palestinians for what the Nazi’s did, or didn’t do.

Prior to WWII, Germany and Russia both invaded Poland, but the Russians invaded Poland first. However, According to the Zionist version of WWII we are led to believe it was only Germany who invaded Poland. You’ll read nothing in our history books about what Stalin’s Army did to the Polish people, or what the Japanese did to the people of southeast Asia, , because that distracts from the story about Hitler and the evil Nazis.

Actually under Stalin, the Russians were far, far more brutal to the Polish people then the Germans ever were, committing far worse Atrocities than the Nazi’s ever did. And killing three times as many Polls as the Germans.

Until 1943, when the brutal German soldiers liberated Poland , Stalin’s army had been raping and butchering the Polish people for several years under Soviet rule. And when the Soviets joined the allies, and the Polish people rose up to overthrow the German army, Stalin refused to provide any support to the Polish resistance. Stalin also refused to allow the Americans or British pilots to drop food and weapons, until well after the Polls were thoroughly defeated.

When the Soviets marched through the Balkan Peninsula in 1940, they committed atrocities that according to author Sean McMeekin would have made Attila the Hun proud, sending hundreds of thousands of prisoners, who weren’t executed, to slave camps in Siberia.
When Stalin’s armies invaded Berlin it was a blood festival of drunken Russian thugs and hooligans. First, all males were summarily executed, Then tens of thousands of German women and children were raped and murders. Then finally, the Russians soldiers pillaged everything whether it was nailed down or not. While this was going on, the American and British soldiers were ordered by their generals to wait across the river.

In Sean McMeekin’s book, “Stalin’s War,” he describes the viciousness of the Soviet army under Stalin that would shock the conscious of the reader. The author describes how after the war a Soviet jail was discovered filled with thousands of dead and rotting prisoners, including an eight-year-old girl stripped naked and hung by her arms from a light fixture.

In the basement they found Hundreds of bodies that had putrefied and congealed into a mass glob of flesh and bones.

And finally, called the Katyn Massacre, they found a mass grave with thousands of Polish Officers who had been executed by the Soviets.

McMeekin describes how in 1944 Stalin broke his promise and delayed his attack on Iran until ten days after we landed at Normandy, so as to give Hitler every advantage possible. The original plan was the Germans would be forced to respond to the Russian Army in North Africa a few days before D Day, making the Normandy invasion easier. But Stalin fooled the Allies and waited to attack.

Despite these betrayals, Stalin, who was Jewish, demanded and got more money from the American government than the Americans spent on the needs of Briton or their own military. Apparently, the American politicians and their Jewish advisors, including General Albert Weihenmayer (That’s a coincidence, isn’t it?), felt it would be better to tolerate Stalin’s atrocities. In other words, rather than letting Hitler and Stalin fight it out, which would have weakened both armies, we took sides.

America is making the same mistake today, by funding the brutal Israeli Government and collaborating in the genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.

Hitler, Stalin, and Netanyahu, and for that matter, Henry Kissinger, are, or were, all psychopaths. And three of the four are, or were, Jewish. That’s a coincidence, isn’t it

However, knowing what we know today it would be hard to argue that Stalin wasn’t far worse then Hitler. We know Stalin murdered over fifty million people, Hitler probably murdered as many as three or four million people. And we know Kissinger murdered at least five million people across the globe.

No one knows yet, but Benjamin Nutanyahu the Yahoo may end up being worse than all of them, murdering a hundred thousand Palestinians in just six month, according to Ralph Nader. However, bye July of 2024, Professor John Mearsheimer estimated that over 250,000 Palestinians have been killed. And how many of them have been disabled for life with our American bombs?

The Jewish publishers and broadcasters have decided to leave out of the narrative most of the evil deeds committed by Stalin and Japanese Unit 731, and completely focus on Adolph Hitler. And not a word from our corporate media about the Netanyahu or Kissinger atrocities.

The publishers and broadcasters did this so that they could vilify the Nazi’s and justify the invasion of Palestine. The only objective that mattered to most wealthy Jews in 1948, including Albert Einstein, was to create the Zionist State of Israel, a Jewish State. And if that meant unfairly vilifying the Germans who weren’t Jewish, and not telling the truth about Stalin and Japanese Unit 731, so be it.

Not withstanding the evil acts of Stalin and his soldiers, the Japanese soldiers were far, far more brutal than the Nazis ever were. If we are to believe all the lies told at Nuremberg about the Nazis, the truth about the Japanese atrocities needed to be covered up, and that’s exactly what happened.

Most Americans know all about the Bataan Death March, the Kamikaze Pilots, the Rape of Nanjing, and the “Comfort Girls” (teenage Korean sex slaves), but little is known about the infamous Unit 731. This special army unit conducted tens of thousands of the most brutal human experiments in modern history during WWII.

Not only were the Japanese dropping biological weapons all over China and Korea, intentionally infecting crops and poisoning the water, Unit 731 was torturing and murdering Chinese prisoners in the most barbaric way one could imagine.

* They would inject bacteria, germs and even air into prisoners and wait to see how long it took them to die;

* They would freeze people, or sometimes just their hands, and see how long it took them to contract gangrene and die;

* They chopped off prisoner’s heads and monitored their vital signs until they bled to death;

* They dissected prisoners, and even babies, while they were still alive;

* They would force Chinese men with STD’s to rape female prisoners and charted their sickness until they died;

* And they secretly grew poisonous watermelons near villages for Chinese children to eat.

In Hal Gold’s informative 2019 book, “Japanese’s Infamous Unit 731,” he describes How the Japanese war criminals were treated very different than the Nazis.

One-thousand, sixty-five Japanese soldiers were charged with war crimes, yet only forty-five were ever convicted. And no one from Unit 731 was ever arrested. According to Gold, , Many of those who were in Unit 731 received large payments after the war, which many Japanese believed came from the United State.

Similar to the bribes which were paid to President Truman to create Israel,It’s very likely that wealthy Jewish Americans paid off many of these Unit 731 members to remain silent about their atrocities. And they did this to create the false narrative that the Nazis were the monsters that actually many of the Japanese soldiers were.

Think about it, why would any other ethnic group of wealthy Americans pay to keep the atrocities of Unit 731 secret? And why hasn’t Steven Spielberg or any other Jewish Hollyweird producer ever made a single movie about the sadistic Unit 731 and the bribe from America to keep them silent?

We got thousands of movies vilifying the Nazis, but nothing about Unit 731. Doesn’t this seem bias?

And by manipulating the truth, Jews could make a claim to Palestine because of what the Nazis allegedly did, by claiming false victimhood over and over. Like Leo Frank and the WWII Jewish prisoners. This way, the Jews could claim everything is antisemitic and rule the world. And this is exactly what they’ve done.

Given this, I can say Nuremberg was one of the greatest lies ever told, along with September 11th and the origin of Covid. The Jews are right, this hoax should never be forgotten.

So if you believe all the lies that were told at the Nuremberg Trials, about Jewish babies being burned in Pits of fire, apples being thrown over the fence to prisoners, and Jewish prisoners being made into soap and lamp shades, did this give the Jewish people of Europe and America the right to occupy Palestine, even if no one else wanted Jewish refugees? Hum…I wonder why?

Yet the global Zionists and their slut media always promotes this myth about the evil Nazis. And anyone who disagrees is labeled an antisemitic and quickly silenced.

And even if you believe all the long winding tales of persecution told at the Nuremberg Trials, about Germans using gas chambers to systematically kill prisoners, and one Jewish boy who claimed he had survived the gas chamber six times, does this give them the right to falsely imprison the Palestinian people, murder their children, and take their land.

In Mahmoud Abbas book “The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism And Zionism,” he exposes who supported Adolph Hitler before the war, and that the Nazis never used gas chambers on Jewish prisoners or anyone else. But in America or western Europe to question the “Holocaust Religion” is equivalent to heresy , especially for politicians, those who work in the media, or anyone working in law enforcement or Big Tech.

The truth is, there is only one true Holocaust, the Nuclear Holocaust, which is the death of every human on earth because some nation like Israel decided to use nuclear weapons against the world, like the Sampson Option, to settle a dispute over land. It’s extremely arrogant for the Jewish people to suggest the death of Jewish prisoners during WWII is somehow a holocaust on humanity.

Adolph Hitler was originally funded by the Milner Group, a secret British intelligence agency working for the City of London, one of Europe’s wealthiest, Jewish communities. The plan was to first get Hitler to vilify all the little Jews, and then put them in brutal concentration camps and kill them. After the war was over, Hitler would be portrayed as this extraordinarily-vicious villain who intentionally targeted Jewish people, and this way the world would allow the European and American Zionists to occupy Palestine.

Allowing the Zionist Jews to steal the land known as Palestine was based on this ludicrous story from the Old Testament, which was written almost entirely by Jews, about the Jews “right of vengeance” and their ” right of return.” So for some Christians this justification — this master plan of thievery and deceit, became known as “Zionism.”

That’s why the networks and the Deep State doesn’t want anyone, including Kanye West and Kiry Irvine, talking about this massive fraud on the American and Palestinian people.

The current President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas, defended his allegation as part of his dissertation, which was later made into the book referenced above.”During his dissertation he provided 93 documents that prove global Zionists conspired with the Nazis before and during the war to commit atrocities on average Jews in order to justify creating a “Jewish State”.

He goes on to articulate that many of the stories regarding Jewish prisoners of war were fabricated or exaggerated, including that six million Jewish prisoners died during the war. He states that the evidence proves only one million Jewish prisoners died.

Even if one believes part of the story told by Jews at Nuremburg, the reader would have to agree when compared to other wars using gas chambers is a much more humane way to kill a prisoner. For example, Attila the Hun and the Apaches were far more brutal in how they tortured their prisoners, like burning out the eyes and removing the skin, before eventually killing them.

Not to mention, in some cases the victors in war ate the heart and liver of their prisoners, while they were still alive!

What did the Palestinians ever do to the Jewish people to deserve having their land taken away and their children burned alive by the so-called “Settlers,” who are actually brutal occupiers and terrorists?

According to an alleged expert on Israel and everything else), from the show Coast to Coast AM, Howard “Bloom the Buffoon”, claims this is justified because of something that allegedly happened in a village three thousand years ago involving Jews and Arabs. Except someone should tell this pseudo-intellectual there’s no documented proof that can be verified, so who do we believe, Howard and the righteous Jews or the Arabs, who only want the occupiers, who are mostly not Semitic people, to leave their land?

Howard is only half right (or half-honest), since he isn’t telling the whole story.

In 720 B.C.E. the Syrians captured the Kingdom of Israel and enslaved or murdered most of the Israelites. The remaining Jews, known as the Judites from Juda did nothing to help their fellow Jews. In fact, they claimed it was god’s will to punish the Israelites for their debauchery and heathenism and turning away from god, according to the Old Testament.

At the time, Israel and Juda were the only two Jewish kingdoms in the Middle East. The righteous people of Juda, who were favored by god were known as the Judites. This is also where modern day Jerusalem is located. And the reader needs to understand that modern day Israel is a different place and people than the Israel described in the Old Testament. The original Kingdom of Israel was located further north, before it was destroyed by the Syrians.

All of the people in this region, Arabs, Christians, Jews, Persians, Coptic’s, and the other tribes, were all called Semitic, “The voice of the people of the desert.”

Today, the Anti-Defecation League and the Southern Zionist Law Center call most straight, poor white men, who aren’t Jewish, antisemitic.

However, until recently, most people who opposed Jewish Supremecy and Jewish previledge were called Anti-Semitic, but the Jewish grammer nazis changed the word to “antisemitic, and made it a lower case word (That’s curious?).” They did this because most Jews are not Semitic, in other words, they are not from the Middle East.

So the Jews came up with a whole new word because they were afraid the goy would figure out this was a racially inaccurate slur and expose the lie.

The truth is, most goy have nothing against the Semitic Arab and Jewish people of the Middle East. Yet the ADL and the SZLC always scream, and the media repeats this ridiculous claim, that all straight, white men are antisemitic. But no one really cares any more what the corporate media thinks, whether it’s the neo-liberal news or the neo-con talk show hosts.

Meanwhile, Zionist Hollyweird, the networks and the Jewish publishers continue to vilify the Arab people, the voice of the people of the desert, as being terrorists. So who is really Anti-Semitic?

In the Old Testament, the Jews swore revenge on the Arabs, and referred to this holy quest as their “right of return” and their “right of revenge,”according to the Old Testament, which was mostly written by Jews as a result, in the mid 1800’s the Jews of Europe , who had no genetic ties to the Middle East, joined a few Semitic Jews from Palestine in this vendetta to re-create the land of Israel, using terrorism.

A majority of the Semitic Jews who lived in Palestine were against this invasion of Palestine by the Jews from Europe and America. And the Jewish people from Palestine certainly didn’t support these brutal tactics, blowing up places of worship, hospitals, and schools.

Maybe since the Syrians and the Babylonians were Arabic, and since the Palestinians are also Arabic, the Jewish people across the world can rationalize the violent occupation of Palestine. Or like the State of Arkansas and Howard Bloom, maybe they just don’t care?

After 2,648 years, Howard and the Jews claimed they have a “right of return”, to justify what they are doing today to the Palestinians, brutally murdering two female reporters in the summer of 2022 and every week shooting Palestinian children in the back.

Around 1900, these Jewish terrorists using terror began the take over of Palestine, and it worked. For example, they bombed the Golden Dome killing hundreds of innocent Palestinians who were worshiping at the time, and denied their involvement. Then later, after the State of Israel was created, they boasted of the Golden Dome bombing and having killed hundreds of innocent Palestinian women and children in a village near Jerusalem.

In 1948, using their accumulated wealth, the Jews bribed President Truman and members of Congress to, disregard the Jewish terrorism and recognize the “State of Israel”, even though most Americans did not approve the occupation.

Thanks to the Zionists in Hollyweird and New York, Islam has always been vilified, as if we are the good guys wearing the white hats. But history says something very different about the Middle East during the 1920’s, if we take the time to study the Stern Group and other Jewish terrorists and what they actually did to the Palestinian people.

I can almost hear Albert Einstein, Poppy Bloom, and the rest of the Jews strategizing about this, back in 1948.

“And how bout if we call what happened to the Jewish prisoners of war a word that means the end of all of humanity on earth, and instruct the media to say this word over and over, and over, and over, as if it were a chant used in a sacred satanic religion?”

“It won’t take long before the real meaning of the word, the end of all of humanity, is forgotten. And the word only means to the goy, Jewish prisoners of war who were killed by the brutal Nazi’s. That’s a real hoot, isn’t it?”

“And we’ll have our friends in Hollywood put out movie, after movie, after movie, promoting our version of the truth, and eventually the goy will just assume every bit of it is completely true. This will give the event and the victims even more gravitas.”

“And we’ll blame the Nazi’s for all sorts of atrocities, making Jews into soap and lamp shades. And how bout if We accuse the Germans of committing genocide, while we genocide the Palestinians?”

“Because everybody knows our Jewish prisoners of this particular war are more important than all the prisoners, of all the wars, in all of human history!”

“And it will be the excuse we use to occupy Palestine and create the land of Israel. So the Christian schmucks will protect us, especially if we tell them that this is the only way Jesus will return to the HOLY LAND!”

“And it won’t matter what we do to the Palestinians, because the media will always portray us as the victims. The Palestinians can launch balloons and bottle rockets, and we’ll hit them with guided missals and fifty ton smart bombs, and no one in the media will say anything.”

“And if anyone in the media happens to grow a pair, and doesn’t say exactly as we tell them, we’ll make sure their careers are destroyed, or something worse.”

To make sure everyone remembers our version of history, we’ll eventually get every western government to make it against the law to question our truth. And to prove it, we’ll build a museum on every corner in America (next to the liquor stores, the bail bondsmen, and the abortion clinics).”

Maybe the Jewish people should have been given half of Germany instead (for killing approximately one to two million Jewish prisoners of war)? Oh that’s right, we gave them Germany anyway.

In most of Europe today to utter even a word questioning the “Holocaust Religion” is punishable with exorbitant fines and imprisonment. On the other hand, promoting homosexuality and the sacrificing of babies through abortion became part of this modern Jewish culture in Germany and most of Europe, following WWII. In fact, in 2022 400 Jewish organizations, including the sensitive training ADL sick fucks, have come out and admitted that abortion, the killing of unborn babies, is a cultural right of Jewish women.

When Israel uses their American made artillery on an area like heavily populated Gaza, the largest outdoor prison in the world, with two million occupants, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. And it’s apparently another Jewish cultural right, the right to cleanse the goy from their stolen land.

The Palestinians are shooting off what is equivalent to bottle rockets, which may kill one or two Jewish people. While the Israeli’s are using cruise missals and 5,000 pound bombs to kill hundreds of Palestinians, claiming to only kill the “Hamas Commanders, who look a lot like Palestinian children.

Israel claims they are using precision bombs and carefully picking their targets. However, as you can see from the documentary “Killing Gaza”, what they are actually doing is completely flattening entire neighborhoods. These bombs primarily target schools, hospitals and homes, where the Israeli’s conveniently always say there is hidden tunnels. But, the video Killing Gaza doesn’t lie, if you have the stomach for it.

We Americans give them three billion dollars a year (above the table) to carry out this massacre, and the Israel Death Squads and members of the Knesset spit in our face and laughingly call killing the Palestinians, “mowing the grass.”

For example, the Israel Death Squads, many of the Israeli politicians, and the Settlers wear these t-shirts with a pregnant Palestinian woman with a target around her belly, that’s says, “1 SHOT 2 KILLS!”

Then the Zionist bastards always arrogantly claim, “We have every right to defend our stolen land!”.

Dateline: May 2021
People killed in the latest Israel massacre (instigated by Israeli evictions):
260 Palestinians killed, including 66 children (posing as Hamas Commanders)
12 Israelis killed, including 2 children

Like China, Israel is not, and has never been the friend of the American people, no matter what the neo-cons and the neo-liberals say. After bribing Truman, they, along with Lyndon Johnson, the CIA and the mob, helped kill President John Kennedy, because he wanted to make the Middle East nuclear free.

Today, Israel has about 400 nukes, while Iran has none. And while Iran hasn’t started a war with anyone in over 270 years, the Israelis are suspected of committing dozens of false flag attacks across the world, including bombing the U.S.S. Liberty and killing President John Kennedy and his brother.

Most of the Jewish people who have duel citizenships are probably actual spies for Israel, And most of these spies work for government, law enforcement and the American media propaganda machine. The problem is, that they always put Israel first.

Why in the world would we send our police officers to Israel to be trained by the Israel Death Squads? Who are these cold-blooded murderers who lure Palestinian children into the open with taunts and rubber balls, then blow their heads off (see “The Gaza Diaries” by Chris Hedges)?

The technique of placing a knee on the neck to restrain a person, and what was used to murder George Floyd, was taught to our American police officers by the Israelis.

Because of the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and all the others, we should not allow anyone who has been trained by the Israelis or ever been trained for combat to work as law enforcement, in any capacity. This would be a good first step toward getting the right people to equitably enforce the law in our communities, rather than someone who’s looking for an enemy to kill.

Thanks to Epstein’s cameras, we know, MOSOD and Israel have the dirt on most of our politicians, judges, and network executives, be they left or right. This is probably why so many of our State Attorney Generals and lawyers with the DOJ are either Jewish or neo-cons, working for Israel and the Deep State. They let dirty cops go free, while filling their prisons and jails with the poor.

The MOSOD motto begins, “By way of deception, we wage war (against everyone who isn’t Jewish.” But shouldn’t it be, “By way of war, we wage deception (against everyone who isn’t Jewish),” because that’s what they do.

Besides, doesn’t deception mean deceit or by dishonest methods, like offering a D.C. politician an underage girl, posing as a sex worker, and secretly filming them?

The network executives know about this underage sex trafficking and don’t report it. I wonder why?

CBS fired one of their own producers, Ashley Bianco, for outing an ABC anchor, Amy Robach, who said off air, into a hot microphone, that the Disney Corporation and ABC were squashing every story about Epstein and his child trafficking business, for years and years.

In the television show “Predator”, the network executives made sure nothing ever happened to the young actresses, as far as we know. But in real life, the government and Israel is letting this sick stuff happen, and filming the pervs, who are all later black mailed.

That’s what Jeff Epstein was doing, handing over video to MOSOD so that they could black mail every politician, judge, and executive that Epstein’s girls had sex with. Annie Farmer, one of the victims, confirmed this. She testified that she witnessed the camera room and watched as they were filming and recording five different bedrooms at the same time in Epstein’s town house On East 71st Avenue, the largest family home in Manhattan.

This was reported in Barry Levine’s 2020 well-researched book about Jeff Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, “The Spider.” Throughout the book, the former-reporter repeated claims in the book that Bill Clinton had not been identified as actually having had sex with any minors, although she accuses Donald Trump of committing virtually the same act. However, we know Clinton was seen numorous times on pedophile island and flew dozens of times on Epstein’s “Lolita Express.” So we can probably draw our own conclusions about what went on while Slick Willy was in town.

Levine’s dislike for Trump is obvious, who he openly identifies as being a “abuser of children.” So despite Barry Levine’s bias reporting about Clinton and the DNC, the book documents that the FBI and the DOJ knew Epstein’s cameras were everywhere.

It’s very likely that most of our leaders are being blackmailed. But not by a guy hiding in Russia, as Levine suggests, but rather, by the Israeli Government.

The Israelis and the daughter of Robert Maxwell, a Israeli spy, set it all up. They gave Epstein a mansion, with Les Wexnerstein’s help, and installed the camera system.

Why do you think one of America’s dirtiest prosecutors, Cy Vance, and the Injustice Department haven’t, or don’t, go after Trump for having sex with minors right there in Manhatten, which Levine describes in his book?

One of the most well known girls associated with Epstein and Maxwell, Virginia Roberts-Giuffre, said she was introduced to Jeff Epstein while working as a fifteen-year-old towel girl at Trump’s Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago. And there are dozens of pic from the 1990’s showing Trump and Epstein hanging out together, according to Levine.

In addition, sources report that Ghislaine Maxwell has confirmed to federal investigators about both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton frequenting Jeff Epstein’s island and private jet. I’m sure it was all about business, that is monkey business.

This isn’t the only time Cy Vance disregarded sexual assault charges against someone who was influential. Vance looked the other way when his office first became aware of the sexual assaults being committed by Harvey Weinstein, right there under his nose in Cy Vance’s jurisdiction. And Vance claims it had nothing to do with those campaign contributions he got from Weinstein’s lawyers.

We learned in 2018 that Cy Vance’s Office went to court to get Jeff Epstein’s status as a wealthy predatory registered sex offender reduced to the lowest level, even though Epstein had already been convicted of raping a fourteen-year-old girl from Florida. It’s revealing that this very young girl was referred to by Vance’s Office in court documents as a “prostitute”.

Maybe the Injustice Department and the FBI should investigate Cyrus Vance and Alvin Bragg. Of course, that’s a joke, because it will never happen since we know the DOJ and the FBI tried to cover up Epstein’s business of trafficking young girls to wealthy men, like Trump and Clinton.

But seriously, does Cy Vance really know who kidnapped Etan Patz, like maybe some wealthy, gay pedophile from Brooklyn, who happens to likes pink jelly beans, or some group from Europe who collects children and believes in adrenochrome extraction? We know from examining the evidence, it certainly wasn’t Pedro Hernandez. Here’s the proof.

Vance went after Pedro Hernandez, a severely mentally ill Hispanic man, who told everyone he regularly saw angels and demons. It took Vance two times, but he finally got the jury of bigots he needed, and he convicted Mr. Hernandez, despite having absolutely no physical evidence.

Etan Patz was the first missing kid to appear on the side of a milk carton, and he happen to live in Pedro’s neighborhood, but the two probably never met. Pedro had cut an article out of the newspaper about Patz disappearance, and put it in a shoe box, with some other odds and ends. Sometime before his divorce, his wife went through the shoe box and found the article, and that’s all the evidence that Vance needed.

Meanwhile, Pedro joined this church of Christian zealots. They told him they needed him to confess all of his sins and cleanse his soul,, no matter how horrific. What would be better then confessing to this front page murder, he thought, so he made the mistake of telling them he had killed Etan Patz, the original milk carton kid.

Pedro claimed Etan came into the store where he was working and asked for a soda. He had a dollar and wanted to buy a soda on the way to school, according to someone who saw him the morning he disappeared.

Pedro said he convinced the boy, despite having a dollar in his pocket, to walk downstairs with him and get a free soda. Then, for no reason Pedro claimed to have suffocated Eton. And according to Pedro’s bullshit confession to the police, he put the boy in a box and left him out back by the trash.

Apparently no one saw him leave the box, or later found a box, by the dumpster, despite that this was a fairly busy Seven-Eleven with people coming and going. And according to Vance, nobody checked or found the box, even the trash people, who apparently picked it up and put it in the truck, but apparently didn’t remember doing it. So there was absolutely no physical evidence that the boy was ever in the store that morning or was even dead.

Apparently, it didn’t matter to the jury, they had his crazed confession, and his wife’s testimony about finding the article in the shoe box, and according to Vance, that’s all these twelve bigots needed to convict this “crazy Latino”.

If he had killed the first child ever shown on a milk carton, wouldn’t you think he would have cut out every article, or at least a few of them to admire his work rather than only one article? Oh, but we’re supposed to believe Pedro’s too smart to do something like that?

And we’re supposed to believe in New York City, where dozens of people, if not hundreds, walked bye that dumpster that day, and absolutely no one decided to open this extremely large box that was suspiciously sitting there in the alley next to the dumpster of a Seven-Eleven?

Or is this just another “cripple” being framed by a Jewish-controlled persecutor, in Third America?

We know it wasn’t a jury of Pedro’s peers, who would have understood his odd behavior and bullshit confession. In fact, a jury of Pedro’s peers with disabilities would have recognized the dishonesty of this zealot persecutor who desperately needed to solve this infamous crime, and what’s easier than framing a “cripple?”.

The Zionists, with their American slut media, their international Banksters, and the German and American pharmaceuticals, has almost everyone dropping their drawers and taking a vaccine that has never been tested for its long term affect. Just like Jonestown, they want us to say nothing and drink the cool-aide.

Despite that only four or five three-year-olds have ever died from the Covid virus, Big Pharma wants to now vaccinate two-year-olds. And the Deep State government is all behind this effort to “poison” little kids with this experimental drug. Maybe we should ask, why?

We’ll it make kids sterol or gay, or perhaps transgender? Or maybe, give them cancer in ten or twennty years?

The pharmaceutical companies and government won’t admit they can’t predict what the vaccine will do but they assure everyone it’s completely safe.

Maybe, as some theorists against criminal conspirators suspect, the vaccine, or the next booster, or the one after that includes nano bots or graphene oxide that will track us every where we go. Despite what Margaret Brennan and the media tells us , it’s not just science fiction. Here’s the proof.

For the last several decades they have use nano-bots to track cancer by putting them in a shot and injecting them into the blood, and directing them to cluster at a particular organ (for imaging purposes). In some cases it’s a radio active particle that is put into your blood, like a form of graphene that can do a lot of different things. These micro fiber chips can send diagnostic information about the body or provide GPS tracking.

And sometime in 2023 the drug companies are expected to have a pill ready to protect us against Covid, although we’re not supposed to chew the pill (Maybe because it destroys the chip?).

In a November 2021 peer reviewed article from Dove Medical Press, by Dr. Shiva Shahriari and four other scientists,they stated the following:
“graphene has these abundant functional groups in their structures which help them interact with other molecules and disperse easily (in liquid solutions, such as blood). These structural defects are the active sites for electron transfer and subsequently promote electrostatic interactions (and can send out electrical signals).”

So it’s not just tin hat conspiracy theories, as the media sluts always like to say, on behalf of their corporate masters (so that they can get their cocaine and latte money).

Maybe using a pill to track your spouse around from the couch is exactly what we need? It’s not like the old days, using a cell phone to track someone, since the cell phone can easily be left behind. This technology will be in you for life, and well beyond.

We’ve been trained like little monkeys to accept what ever they want to put into us, including what we eat and drink, without ever knowing exactly what it is. And that’s probably why they have found micro-plastic fibers in everyone’s blood and organs, which we know also causes heart attacks and cancer, and may be one source of the hormone disrupters being put into our environment, making people gender-impaired.

The FDA Directors are always selected by Congress from the drug and chemical industries and they care nothing about what goes into our food. That’s probably why every food that is being processed by the tobacco manufacturers and other corporations is made with tons of salt and 262 forms of sugar, but none of that pesky fiber.

The good news is that the drug companies have a chemical to treat the conditions that too much salt and sugar cause, and the FDA always says “Yes!”.

The bad news is that in less than twenty years from now our health care system will be completely broke, except for the very wealthy. And it’s not just because of the 1.5 million dollars spent on transgender drugs and surgery for each person, for what is for most a temporary psychosis, but it’s mostly the salt and sugar in our food. Legally speaking, the words “healthy” and “natural” mean nothing, according to the FDA.

If the politicians actually gave a shit about us they would go after the corporations who are producing this poison they sadistically call “food.”

The FDA itself is a clear conflict of interest and should be illegal. They approve the food that makes us sick, and they approve the drugs that treat the symptoms, but never actually go after the real problem, what’s in the food, and what’s not.

First they need to divide the FDA into two separate agencies, one for food and one for drugs. The politicians also need to stop poor people,,, like me, from using their SNAP benefits to purchase anything with more than very small amounts of salt and sugar. This seems like a no brainer, but the Democreeps, who apparently care nothing about our health, would scream racism.

But ask yourself, why are African-Americans, the poorest people in America, more obese than any other demographic?

The media tells us that overweight people are beautiful, and to say otherwise is discriminatory. Well, the media is right and most of them in fact are beautiful people in their heart of hearts.

I’m not talking about being pleasingly plumb, which in most countries is a sign of health and prosperity. But just like transgenderism, are media is also wrong about this. Other than other overweight people, morbidly obese people are not physically attractive to most, and being overweight is very unhealthy. anyone who can see knows this, so don’t transgender and overweight people deserve to hear the truth. Or at least, not lied too.

Maybe Sports Illustrated and the rest of the slut media is doing the bidding of the corporations by lying to people about what is physically attractive and healthy since they lie about everything else And the truth is, they make most of their money on sick, stupid people and they don’t want to be sued, as they deserve.

Thankfully, Joe Biden and our government is coming to the rescue. In the fall of 2023 the government gave Georgetown University a grant worth six million dollars to help our slut media deal with the guilt and psychological problems they’re feeling. And this overwhelming guilt comes from being paid to lie to us about everything, like Hunter Biden’s laptop, the oregin of the Chorunus Virus , or September 11th.

In the revealing 2023 book about the processed food industry, “Medabolical”, Robert Lustig explains how they get away with it:
“The FDA is supposed to guard the safety of our food supply. It’s in their charter, Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Of 1938 (FDCA). But when it comes to food, the charter only provides for screening for acute toxicity. The things that will make you keel over and die.”

Lustig goes on to say, “But no where in the FDCA does it mention chronic toxicity, where one exposure isn’t toxic, but accumulated exposure will kill you. This loop hole lets the food industry get away with all sorts of slow murder.”

As I said, we need a separate federal agency to monitor our food, to make sure it’s safe and healthy. But we know Congress and the drug (and chemical) industry will never let this happen. So maybe they’re already killing us, and they know it.

Why does the FDA even exist in its current form. They pretend to watch the food, to make sure its safe to eat, by taking out all the fiber and nutrients. Meanwhile, the politicians on both sides of the isle serve the drug and chemical companies, who own most of the food manufacturers. While the FDA rubberstamps almost everything the drug companies produce.

It’s not surprising that the unindicted cons in Congress won’t let us sue the drug companies when their Covid vaccines are defective, which they certainly are, since they don’t stop the spread of Covid. And the vaccines are extremely harmful to healthy people, causing them to have hart attacks.

The politicians and the FDA don’t protect anyone, except the drug companies and the chemical companies, as well as the petroleum industry and the weapons manufacturers, who always contribute mightily to the political campaigns of their loyal whores in Congress.

The real problem with this form of unrestricted capitalism begins with the Israeli government and their spies, like Jeff Epstein who plants hidden cameras in every room. Elected in 2020, Congressman Madison Cawthorne from North Carolina, claimed that as soon as he got to Washington D.C. he was invited to several sex parties, as though this was completely normal. He went on to claims that once a congressman accepts one of these generous offers from the lobbyist, they are forever compromised, whether it’s cheating on a spouse or having sex with a minor.

In 2021 when I listened to this interview from Cawthorne I made this prediction:
“I don’t expect Congressman Cawthorne will be in office very long, if Pizza Gate or Jeff Epstein haven’t taught us something about what happens to people in D.C. who don’t keep secrets.”

Just as I predicted, in 2022 Cawthorne was primaried out by the Deep State during his re-election, giving his opponent tons of money and secretly giving the media allegations of impropriety by Cawthorne that were both true and untrue.

Over ten years ago the German Courts ruled it was okay for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies (Bayer) to merge with one of the largest (and dirtiest) chemical companies (Monsanto). Meanwhile most of the food companies are pouring tons of salt and sugar into the processed food which makes us sick, so we need more drugs, which means all the drug and chemical companies get rich on our sickness.

At the same time, the Jewish controlled German courts locked up Monica Schaefer, a Canadian woman, for publicly saying that she did not believe all of the testimony given at Nuremberg (based on what her mother told her about Germany in the early 1940’s.

A year later the same Jewish controlled Court in Germany locked up Monica’s brother, Alfred for four years for the same “crime” — telling the truth.

He stated, ‘At Nuremberg not a word was ever mentioned about the 800,000 Germans the Allies intentionally murdered after the war, even though most of them weren’t soldiers. They were locked in these outdoor prisons, without proper food, shelter or winter clothing. Not surprisingly, most of them froze or starved to death that first winter, following the war.’

And not a word was ever mentioned at Nuremberg about the prisoner of war camps America set up for the alleged “Japanese spies”, innocent or not. After being locked up in these American prisoner of war camps their homes were stolen, just like we did to the Native-Americans, and similar to what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians today.

Not to mention, all the hundreds of thousands of French, Pollish and German Women, and girls, who were raped by the Allied Soldiers during and after the war. Not to say the German soldiers weren’t equally brutal, raping anybody they wanted to rape.

There has always been war criminals during war, on both sides. For the winners the cause may seem justified at the time because of the propaganda of government and media, eventually the winners always say, “Well you know in this one case the ends did justify the means.” And very soon, everything is forgotten and forgiven.

Courageous men and women go off to war, but sometimes monsters come home with their minds and bodies permanently disfigured. But should we blame the Frankenstein Monster who only wanted to escape from the Valley of Death?

Or should we blame Dr. Frankenstein and his friends, who always seem to profit from every tragedies, whether it’s weapons or vaccines?

Thom Hartmann, who likes to talk on his show about Republicans getting limp dicks from the Covid Virus rather than the Covid Vaccine, thinks we should drop our drawers and put on the blinders. He thinks we should trust the government. As well as, Dr. Fauci, and the pharmaceutical industry. So we are expected to ignore their history of greed and dishonesty, which they call “Through deception, we wage war (against everyone who isn’t Jewish).”

Take the vaccine and win a million dollars, if you live in Oregon or some other neo-liberal state, just like the Guatemalans did.

Seventy-five years ago our American scientists and doctors injected the Guatemalans with STD’s, telling them it was a vitamin supplement. But today, when it’s too late to compensate the victims we’re willing to admit this deception.

Not to mention what the doctors and mad government scientists did at Tuskegee, Willowbrook, the Oregon State Hospitol, and all the other prisons, jails, and institutions, like the school for the blind in Lansing.

The government and private corporations have used these facilities to experiment on people, mostly young people with disabilities, prisoners and drug addicts who need the money, and soldiers who are given no choice. And most of them never knew or gave their informed consent, like me.

Additionally, many of the recent shooters in these endless tragedies, like Bob Bowers, James Holmes, James Fields, and Audry Hill had, or have, some sort of physical, mental, and/or emotional disability.

For example, James Fields was extremely near sighted, and we should question whether the State of Ohio should have given him a driver’s license, but they did.

He was attending the rally in Charlottesville protesting the tearing down of a Robert E. Lee statue. For most protesters who shared Fields views, it was more about tearing down another statue of yet another straight, white guy.

We know the two main Jewish terrorist organizations in America, the ADL and SZLC, and the gender-fluid government, are behind promoting this growing racial animosity toward all white-looking men, and it has little to do with slavery.

Maybe there’s some truth in what Malcolm X and the white nationalists are saying, “Beware the Jewish predator, who controls the mass media and the banking system. Always playing the victim, pitting everyone against everyone else!”

When fields drove from Ohio to Charlotteville, Virginia, he was confronted with dozens of people on the side of the road, swinging bats and clubs at his car. According to Fields, they were also screaming hateful, racist slurs, and threatening to kill him.

He freaked out! But under these circumstances, given his visual disability, wouldn’t you?

Fields reacted violently and attacked the protesters with his car.

Unfortunately, Heather Hire, who may have been completely innocent in all of this violent behavior, was run down by Fields vehicle and was killed.

Fields used his car to take Miss Hire’s life and should be punished, there’s no question. But shouldn’t the attackers who were waving their bats and clubs at a man who was a visually-impaired driver,who would be easily distracted by anything, also be charged as accessories in Ms. Hire’s death?

Is the Zionist controlled media using their influence to push people’s buttons with their dishonest reporting and sick humor? While at the same time the government is electrocuting people and pushing them off the shelf? Especially people with disabilities who are disposable, ?

The mad scientists and their agents know by using scalar wave technology they can invisibly administer small shocks to a targeted person from hundreds of yards away. By doing this over and over while the individual sleeps they will become angry and violent, if they’re a man, and depressed and suicidal, if they’re a woman. The targeted individual will never know why they’re being targeted by the Deep state, if they ever know. Maybe they pissed off the wrong person, or maybe married into the wrong family.

This chapter documents that the Zionist corporate media is becoming more and more vicious every day with their nasty, snarky jokes and advertising, almost always directed at vulnerable people. And that’s what passes for news and entertainment today, using people like Colon Cowturd, John Strong, Rebecca Marshall, lard Larson, Kyle Cox, and the rest of these “Marc (or Marc) Morons” to carry out this attack.

Although Katie Couric has to be one of the sleaziest people in America who came out of the Mocking Bird Media.

Apparently she thinks everyone forgot or doesn’t know about her and her late-husband’s close friendship with convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein, and what she knew about his “private family business”.

Before we explore Katie Couric’s relationship with Jeff Epstein, let’s first look at her relationship with Matt Lauer and the Jewish owners at NBC.

Couric and Lauer hosted the NBC show, “Today”. Apparently Lauer installed a switch under his desk so he could lock the door when attractive women or young female interns came into his office. He then would sexually assault them while Couric looked the other way.

Katie Couric and the NBC executives knew about the lock and allegations of Lauer’s behavior, yet they said or did nothing. Perhaps Couric should be in prison for letting this happen to other young women, including several interns. But that’s not how it works in the Jewish controlled media. Harvey Weinstein is proof of that.

I first learned about Katie Couric’s friendship with Epstein in Vanity Fair magazine, when it was mentioned how she admired the eye balls Epstein kept in these glass cases in his living room. I never heard whether the eye balls were real or not, and law enforcement’s seemed indifference, but you have to admit that a billionaire pedophile that collects eye balls is suspicious, and very creepy. Were they symbols of the young girls who didn’t cooperate?

When Epstein was released from thirteen months of hard labor in the county jail for raping a fourteen-year-old girl, Katie Couric and her husband were among the 400 guests invited to Epstein’s exclusive release party. Which curiously included mostly wealthy and influenntial Jewish people and a lot of Russian girls who appeared to be barely eighteen.

In 2021 this sleezbag friend of Epstein’s, Katie Couric, was talking about re-programming the people who didn’t support this obvious Deep State coo in 2020. Are you fucking kidding!

Here’s why most people don’t trust the election results, or for that matter, the DNC, the media, and Jeff Epstein’s good buddy, Katie Couric.

In May of 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, and most likely, President Obama, and his Attorney General, Loretta “Lynch a white cripple man instead” conspired with the Deep State to spy on the opposing candidate, Donald Trump. And this has all been confirmed by the Durham Report, which took four years to investigate and write.

First, they hired this questionable character from England, Christopher Steel, to write this completely fabricated dossier. This was despite that Steel was described by many in the British intelligence community as an “active-alcoholic.” Steel’s job was to create what was called the “Steel Dossier” for the DNC and the Clinton Foundation, and blame Trump.

Despite the effort of the DNC and the Clinton Foundation to make up all sorts of salacious allegations, including Russian sex workers who were paid to urinate on Donald Trump’s bed. However, no credible evidence was ever found to support these allegations. Even though the FBI paid for some of what the DNC was calling oppositional research.

One of these groups secretly released the dossier to Mother Jones Magazine, who released some of it days before the election. They did this to hopefully change the result of the 2016 election and give Hillary Clinton the victory. But it didn’t work, and the election deniers continue to say today the 2016 Election was stolen by Trump and the Russians.

This proves the FBI and the corporate media is working for the DNC, apparently to help the Deep State depopulate the world, not just to change the election results.

There are many rumors around Trump’s personal knowledge about Epstein’s business, but for some funny reason Alvin Bragg and the Democreeps don’t want to touch this particular subject. Although we shouldn’t be surprised since Trump’s from Palm Beach, and we know Palm Beach is mostly a extremely wealthy Jewish community that protects its own. So perhaps if they prosecuted Trump for having sex with underage girls it might put certain Palm Beach residents and the DNC’s own blackmailed politicians at risk.

In order to sabotage his campaign, the FBI, and the Injustice Department took the Steel Dossier to the FISA Court and lied about its authenticity. As a result, they obtained several unlawful warrants from a FISA Court judge.

These warrants were issued against what the FISA Court knew was the opposing candidate, and the secret judge “assigned” never vetted the evidence provided. In fact, they granted several of these warrants, giving the FBI and the Injustice Department the right to spy, after Trump became president. Just like the vaccines, they were all blindly rubberstamped by the government.

In a lot of countries, if the opposition engaged in such treasonous behavior as this they would be immediately imprisoned or executed by the incoming president. But that’s not what happened. Under our Deep State shadow government, McCabe, Comey and the rest of these criminals received a fat pension and a slap on the back on the way out the door.

Consider this, Mueller and the Deep State wasted millions of dollars on investigating what was an obvious lie. the And the same guy who, as the FBI Director in 2001, didn’t bother to investigate the type of bombs that were used on the twin towers and Building Seven. This is despite over a hundred witnesses who heard explosions. Not to mention the chemical evidence that was found all over New York.

In fact, no one was ever charged with the crimes of 9-11. And if we believe the government’s crazy conspiracy theory, no one lost their job for what was at the very least the greatest blunder in American history.

We heterosexuals have to agree, Trump did several good things while he was president. First, he ended the practice of allowing transgender people to serve in the military. Since people with disabilities can not lawfully serve, unless they became disabled during their enlistment and have special skills that would assist the military in their mission.

The U.S. Military has no rational basis for favoring one type of disability over all others, and that’s the legal test to determine whether it is discrimination against a person who belongs to a protected class. Unless as I said, a person has special skills and has already been trained by the military.

Trump also ended allowing a gender bias process in sexual harassment and assault cases, in all public colleges and universities. Which restored due process to the accused. This is completely rational, unless you’re a female who wants to get even.

When Mueller’s investigation didn’t work, and we now know it was a complete hoax, “Cocaine Mitch” and the mocking bird media and the Democreep Party tried to impeach him twice. And the second time was despite that he was a private citizen. Which seems completely unconstitutional and Chief Justice John Roberts agreed. In fact, Justice Roberts refused to preside over the proceeding, even though that’s what the Constitution requires.

I can think of a lot of good reasons not to like Trump. For example, oane of the sickest things Trump ever did happened long before he was a candidate for President. After a woman was brutally raped and murdered in Central Park, five teenage boys were arrested and framed by police.

Donald Trump took out ads in several new York papers, calling for the execution of the five boys. Except, thirty years later, DNA evidence proved all five were completely innocent, and were awarded 21 million by the City of New York. But Trump never apologized, or admitted he was wrong.

Everyone who watched his television show “The Apprentice” knows he can be a real asshole. And I wouldn’t want to work for him. He’s for the filthy rich, the ruthless persecutors, the “killer pigs”, and the psychopath soldiers, like child-murderer, Ed Gallagher.

Ed Gallagher was an American soldier who murdered at least two unarmed Iraqi children, and maybe more. But he was never held accountable by the U.S. Military, probably because they knew the war was unjustified and that Iraq had nothing to do with September 11th.

One of these children was a fifteen-year-old boy, who was tied up at the time of his murder. Gallagher walked up to the sitting boy and for no reason plunged a knife into the boy’s neck.

The other murder we know about was a thirteen-year-old girl who, unlike her two friends, decided she would be safer if she wore a flower hijab that day, making it clear to any American soldier that she was a girl. Unfortunately, the three girls ran into Ed Gallagher that day, who specifically picked out the girl with the flower hijab and blew off her head, for no reason.

Despite being a want-to-be tin soldier, just like his hero, Ed “Sick Fuck Gallagher”, Trump is right about a few things. The Chinese Government is not a friend of the American people, or the Chinese people, or any one on earth to believes in freedom.

The freedom to smoke weed and say a man isn’t and can’t be a woman. The freedom not to have a steel piece of metal jabbed through your skin barrier, and then have an experimental, unknown substance injected into your body. Just because the government and the pharmaceutical industry claims it’s safe. But they don’t want to know where the virus came from, that’s curious.

The American Military (and the CIA) held some sort of Olympic games in Wuhan Province in October of 2019, just weeks before the first case of Covid was reported.

So maybe our military and the CIA, along with the Chinese Government, released the virus during this competition.

There’s no doubt that the Chinese Government kept the information about the virus secret for at least a month, allowing the first forms of the virus to spread throughout the world. We know someone did this intentionally. And it’s possible that our own government conspired with the CCP to release the virus and let it spread.

Dr. Ralph Barrett was working on Gain of Function Research on the coronavirus virus at the University of North Carolina long before the virus was released. Then under the direction of Anthony Fauci, the CCP and the American scientists started doing this dangerous Gain of Function Research some time around 2014 in China.

Gain of Function Research is where they use a coronavirus virus normally only contracted by animals, like bats or rodents, and enhance it so that it infects humans. Then they enhance it again so that it is transmittable between humans. And we the American people are paying for it. Isn’t that great!

Then under the authority of the NIH, Anthony Fauce changes the definition of “gain of function Research, and then tells Congress that he isn’t conducting gain of function research, under this new definition. Isn’t that sneaky?.

In 2010, Israel and the United States created a computer virus called Sputnic and used it to disable Iran’s nuclear program. Except, the virus got out and infected computers throughout the world. Why wouldn’t these knuckleheads know the same thing would happen with the coronavirus virus which uses this Gain of Function Research to enhance it and make it more deadly?

Or did these unintelligence people think they were going to keep the virus contained in Iran and China?

In 2014, President Obama finally banned the Gain of Function Research after there was several accidents at the CDC in Atlanta and at the University of North Carolina. But the Defense Department secretly continued the research at the Wuhan Institute, claiming they had a National Security interest.

Then eleven days before President Trump took office, on January 9, 2017, the Obama Administration sabotaged the Trump Administration with the virus. And maybe that’s why the Deep State raided his home and searched threw his wife’s underwear drawer, because they thought he may have kept documents that prove Biden and Obama’s role in creating and releasing the virus.

In 2016, President Obama, along with Vice-President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and former-FBI Director, Jimmy “Lordy, Lordy, Lordy” Comey, rescinded the order. And the Gain of Function Research began again in America, at the University of North Carolina. But the research never really ended, and maybe the CIA took it over to China to start this scamdemic, as James Corbett would say, on behalf of Big Pharma. Similar to September 11th, it appears a lot of hands have been greased to make the scamdemic work.

But this is a very dangerous game are unintelligence people at the Defense Department, the CIA and MOSOD are playing with our lives. And now the virus is loose, and we don’t have the technology to make it go away, as it continues to mutate into a vaccine-resistant strain, as it will eventually do.

We can never get herd immunity using the vaccine because the virus will always mutate into another variant, that is constantly fighting to overcome the vaccine.

Imagine if the spike proteins that these vaccines create become the target of the virus, and so it mutates into something that specifically seeks out these artificial anti-bodies, which are being created by the vaccine.

When this virus mutates into a vaccine-resistant variant, people who have not been vaccinated will be able to use their natural anti-bodies and natural proteins to fight the virus. And they will be the only ones who are capable of successfully fighting it off. And the artificially-created cell walls of the righteous vaccinated, like Thom Hartmann, will be completely defenseless in stopping the new variant from entering the cell.

The MRNA vaccines use a replication process to create this artificial immunity, and the process itself is still fairly new, and many would say still experimental. Curiously, the Delta Virus is replicating at a rate of a thousand times faster than the Alpha Virus did, the original variant. So if we extrapolate, its very unlikely any booster shot created by these German and Swiss pharmaceutical companies will be able to compete with the virus when the next variant comes along, or the one after that…

Other than the Zionists at the Times or the Compost,C the BS, and the rest of the corporate-pharmaceutical-friendly media (because that’s where they get most of their advertising dollars), we know that these doctors and scientists are not that smart, or not as smart as they pretend to be. And I think, subconsciously, it scares the shit out of us!

According to Robert Kennedy Jr., the United States has 4.5% of the worlds population, yet we have suffered 20% of the world’s Covid deaths. Does that make any sense?

One reason may be the therapeutic Ivermectin, which over one billion people around the world have used successfully for several other conditions, shows a two to three day recovery in most people after contracting Covid. But the pharmaceuticals don’t like it, and their media whores have repeatedly lied about it, calling it a horse de-wormer, for one reason, and one reason alone. It is really, really cheap! Does the reader see a pattern?

Hydroxychloroquine is another therapeutic being maligned by the media and these pharmaceutical “experts”, probably because Donald Trump mentioned it, although there is another reason. In its medical form it works in treating Covid. And it’s cheap!

The corporate media whores claimed it can only be used to clean aquariums and should never be taken orally, in any form, giving this example of an intellectually challenged couple from Arizona who drank the aquarium form of Hydroxychloroquine and died.

On the other hand, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends a more expensive treatment called Rendesivir for anyone hospitalized. Except, that in early testing it was found that Rendesivir causes symptoms of Myocardial Infraction (heart attacks) in more than 20% of patients who used it,. and apparently the vaccines have the same effect on young healthy men, and the media and the government won’t talk about it.

In case you don’t know, there are many other inexpensive therapeutics used to strengthen the immune system, which helps to fight the coronavirus virus, like zinc, cannabis, aspirin, tonic water, black pepper, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D3, Big Pharma and the gender-fluid government doesn’t support any of this and won’t talk about it, because the “PharmaJews” can’t make money from it, unlike the vaccines which never ends.

Maybe we should ask, was Covid created by the government’s mad scientists to kill off the elderly and people with severe medical conditions, who are quickly draining medicare and Social Security?

I suspect most deaths were marked down as being “Covid related”, and the whores in the media report the results, and nobody ever knows what was the actual cause of death.

So how can anyone claim we know what we’re doing, when we mandate vaccines for everyone, especially children, who face no significant risk of dying from the virus? In fact, to date only about 150 kids under twelve in America out of 28,000,000 have died from Covid. But a person is four times more likely to die of a heart attack if vaccinated, according to Robert Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the MRNA technology.

Ben Franklin once said, “Those who are willing to give up their liberty for security, deserve neither.”

Remember when liberals stood for being completely natural, and using the natural immune system, along with therapeutics, to be healthy? But neo-fascist have used the mainstream media to take over the Democreep Party, who politicizes everything. Along with pushing transgenderism (which is as unnatural as it gets), and wearing masks, the neo-liberals think the unvaccinated are putting them at risk, when it’s more likely the other way around.

Not that I would ever trust the Israelis or the Saudis either, for that matter, but they claim that an unvaccinated person who has caught the Covid Virus has thirteen times more protection from their natural immune system than a vaccinated person.

So why in hell is the government forcing healthy people to be vaccinated? Are they trying to kill us, with the corporate media’s help? Sure seems like it.

Robert Kennedy Jr., accurately predicted Big Pharma and the government would force these vaccine on everyone and try and shut down all debate or dissent, using social media. So there is no debate allowed even though what makes science, science is an unfettered, rigorous research and debate process, before coming to a conclusion.

On the other hand, those who support Fauci oppose all debate on whether to vaccinate children or not. Or whether to force children to wear a mask in school. As if everyone doesn’t know breathing carbon dioxide is extremely unhealthy, especially for children and their developing brain.

And if we can’t see what a scam all of this is, drummed up by the media. And we don’t care who created this virus, then we are willfully blind and there is no hope. But I suppose it’s probably better than war, the other method the rich use to get richer, while the corporate media beats the drum and the poor people die.

Meanwhile, Disney’s Stephen Asshole Smith thinks we are really dumb if we ever question what we are putting into our bodies, like the vaccines. Kind of like taking some performance enhancing drugs and ending up with testicular cancer, right Stephen?

Isn’t this the same “Disney shoe shine chump” who said “Forget about Aaron Hernandez, he’s just a dumb Negro.”

Aaron Hernandez was an All-Pro NFL football player who suffered from severe brain trauma because of playing football, ironically, for the State of Connecticut, as well as the Florida Gaiters, and the New England Patriots. As a skinny tight end, he was knocked in the head so many times for our entertainment (and the profits of these Disney Bristol bastards), one day he went into a rage and shot and killed a friend, before allegedly hanging himself in prison. Coincidentally, just like Sandra Bland, who allegedly hung herself in a Texas jail after being arrested for a minor traffic violation. Does the reader see a pattern?

And Wakeisha “Weaver” Wilson, who allegedly hung herself in a Los Angeles jail after arguing with guards, when she was scheduled to be released in two days.

It’s the poor people, some minorities, the elderly, and the disabled, who will pay the price for the Injustice Department’s injustice in letting these elite criminals get away with everything they do.

It’s the Deep State’s mission to stop Donald Trump from running in 2024, any way they can. So their using lawfare to remove him from the balot in a few states, because that’s all they’ll need to steal another election. Another words, once again the Democreeps and the Deep State are interfering with our presidential elections, and it appears no one will stop them. And if history means anything, don’t count on John Roberts or Neil Gorsuch to help.

Along with exposing the media for the corporate tools they are, for taking the money they get from the defense industry, the government, Big Tech and Big Pharma to lie to us about the vaccines and everything else, another good thing Trump did is protecting little boys’ penis’s from the gender-impaired community and the radical feminists.

An eight-year-old child should not be allowed, or be manipulated, to surgically remove his or her penis or breast, or take any gender-altering drug until they are an adult. This is clearly child abuse!

So let me understand how Amy Goodman and neo-liberals think, mutilating a little girl’s genitalia is horrific, but doing this to little boys is okay?

This is happening in some states, thanks to many of our corporations who are pushing this “Woke” agenda by Blackrock and Vanguard, who are investment companies. It’s true, the facts about the horrible things America did to blacks, Native-Americans, women and people with disabilities has been hidden from us by wealthy white men, but we’re heading in the wrong direction. The media and government is lying to make these sick doctors, like Anthony Fauci, and sick corporations, like Phizer, rich.

Conservatives say that 40% of kids raised by gender-impaired parents end up being gender-impaired themselves. If true, it’s most likely because the kids are being manipulated, coerced, or molested.

If this wasn’t true, and young people being raised by gender-impaired parents weren’t as likely to be gender-impaired, above the statistical average, you would think that liberals would do their own study to prove it. But they may not have gotten the results they wanted, so we’re left to assume conservatives are probably right. Yet, in adoption cases in liberal states, the courts favor the gender-impaired over traditional biological parents, especially when one or both parent has a disabilities.

Nevertheless, all disabled people should be allowed to raise their own kids, including gender impaired parents. However, adoptions are very different, and only the child’s rights truly matter.

Some adopting parents, like Jennifer and Sarah Hart from West Linn, Oregon, who murdered the six children in their care, appear to have done it for the $350,000 pay out by Harris County and the sick State of Texas (and what ever sexual favors they can get from the children).

According to author Roxanna Asgarian, who wrote about these two lesbian murderers, Harris County, where Houston is located, is one of the most racist, bigoted adoption systems in America, probably a reflection of the bigoted Cox family who are currently targeting the Blind with their ads.

Getting back to the local media, the local NPR affiliate, OPB, did a story in which this mother said she supported her four-year-old son’s decision to be a girl. She explained that her son, Avery, believed he was female. But there’s no way a boy at this age would understand what he was saying. He was clearly being manipulated by his mother and the gender-impaired Woke community. Should this be considered a form of child abuse?

Able-bodied white women in Oregon, like Jennifer and Sarah Hart and my ex-wife, are rarely ever arrested for abusing their children. Even if they starve them to death or break a wooden spoon over the side of their kid’s head! Apparently, it’s not considered to be child abuse if the act is committed by a woman who is gender-impaired.

For more than a million years humanoids have known there was only two genders. Sometimes people were attracted to persons of the same gender, but usually not. Despite this, we humans survived. We even went along with gay marriage, although many Americans are regretting having acquiesced to the homosexuals. As they say, “Give them a inch and they’ll take a mile.”

Under this form of neo-liberalism, they say a transgender man, which they call a transgender woman, can use any women’s restroom or locker room. They say a transgender man, which they mistakenly call a transgender woman, should be able to compete against women, taking away scholarships and opportunities from biological women. And this is being “Woke.”

But over 70%of both men and women are saying “No, absolutely not!”

And most conservatives are saying “I’ll never go along with this insane behavior, claiming a man is a woman!” It’s not about being black, Hispanic, Native-American, or disabled, but about a choice to act or dress a certain way. And I would think it’s offensive to biological women.

Other than a few men who are intentionally pretending to be women, for the attention they get, or so they can sue for damages under a state’s liberal discrimination laws, most transgender men truly believe they are women, but that doesn’t make it true.

Apparently something went wrong during the prenatal stage of development, or shortly afterwards and really messed up their hormones. This disability or impairment is known as “gender dysphoria”, But exactly what caused this disruption in their hormones? And who is responsible? That will be a difficult question to answer, especially when we’re so distracted by the scamdemic and the war in Ukraine (formally Kazaria). But maybe that’s the plan, and climate change is only another distraction from what they’re really doing, poisoning us. They always say, “Look over here, don’t look over there.”

The transgender people will have to admit that they’ve been injured to collect damages. That’s probably why the government, as well as John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch, are bending over backwards to cover up for the corporations. They are granting these extraordinary rights to transgender people, and it’s far more than they give to other people who are impaired.

Meanwhile, the Democreeps, posing as Chicken Little, are claiming that climate change is the real threat to our survival, rather than all the tons of poison they’re dumping into the environment.

If transgenderism is caused by some product, or some byproduct, the transgender people are entitled to damages, but they’ll have to stop pretending it’s “normal” to be transgender.

Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch, and Mitt Romney are all about protecting the interests of the corporations who are poisoning us, while claiming that “Corporations are people (my friend).”

I think we’re all being played for suckers by the elite. For god’s sake Gretta, it’s the poisons these corporations are pumping into the environment and our bodies that is going to kill us, long before climate change ever does.

We’ve been train to focus on sports and movies, and what ever is trending. The news is more about entertainment and political vengeance then actual news, especially for Disney. It’s no wonder the Deep State is able to so easily pull hoax, after hoax, after hoax. We’ll probably never learn the truth, not with so many selfish people running things, handing out peanuts and tennis shoes, and telling us “It’s gonna be all right, goydumb.”

Meanwhile, under the Biden Administration and his mostly Jewish Cabinet, we are enlightened to know that their are at least thirty-six different genders. And it’s not proper to use pronouns any more, like he and she, and him and her, or you will be fired.

Who is really spreading the bull around and telling us it’s the “real news”? Can you C the BS in almost everything they say?

Like when African-American slugger, Hammering’ Hank Aaron, the greatest home run hitter of all time, died just two weeks after taking the vaccine. Hardly a word about his death was ever mentioned, on radio or television, or in the Compost or the NY Slimes.

When Aaron died that weekend, all the Zionist controlled media wanted to talk about was the death of Jewish radio and television interviewer, Larry King.

As I mentioned earlier, from my own experience calling his show, I think Larry King was one of the rudest bastards in all of radio, unless of course, you were a Jewish celebrity.

We’re supposed to ignore the truth, and never say or write anything that contradicts the Deep State’s version. And never, ever, for god’s sake, offer an alternative theory, even though we know the media and the government have lied so many times before, spreading false narratives. Like for example, Iraq having “weapons of mass destruction”.

Despite having no credible evidence, our government and members of the media began saying on the very afternoon of 9-11, “Osama bin Laden did it!” And it didn’t take long for the entire corporate mocking bird media to pick up on this line, although they had absolutely no direct evidence, other than in a personal message bin Laden had expressed some personal joy over the September 11th attacks (because he probably knew it was an inside job).

On the other hand, five MOSOD agents, who happen to be in New York at the time, were filming the attack for their government (Israel). Except, they were cheering the attack on, which was a hell of a lot more than bin Laden ever did. How did these MOSOD agents know the attack was going to happen that day?

And why did FEMA schedule a training drill in Manhattan for the same day, September 11th?

Afghanistan agreed to turn Osama bin Laden over to any third nation for trial, as long as they were neutral. But the Bush Administration and the military refused their offer, and went to war with the Talaban. And all the sudden 98% of the world’s heroin was being imported from Afghanistan. And who says we didn’t accomplish anything in twenty years?

It shows how uninformed the American people are, and I blame the corporate media.

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Louse, the Golden Triangle, became the main source for the world’s supply of heroin during the Vietnam War. This is because the CIA was smuggling heroin in the body bags of dead American soldiers. Of those who were not killed, 20%of our soldiers were coming back from Vietnam with heroin addictions, which they could readily purchase at any of the American Service Clubs in Vietnam, which were run by the military and the CIA.

Then President Richard “Dickhead Nixon”, launched his war on marijuana, to get revenge on those anti-war hippies, who were threatening the profits of the weapons industry. The same industry that was coincidentally funding Nixon’s 1972 campaign.

According to author, Lamar Alexander, Nixon was taking money from the Jewish Mob for helping the mob distribute heroin in American cities.

By 1970, you could find heroin on every corner in America, and then later crack cocaine. But marijuana became scarce, as the penalties increased, thanks to Nixon, and later Reagan and HW Bush.

Probably the sickest thing Dickhead Nixon ever did was to start spraying marijuana fields in Mexico and Georgia with paraquat, an odorless, tasteless poison, to get even with those evil anti-war hippies. They claimed marijuana was harmful, so they intentionally made it harmful.

They could have used something that would have made the marijuana taste horrible, whether it was smoked or consumed in brownies. And this would certainly have deterred consumers from using it. But apparently the government and our military wanted to kill Americans, without them knowing it. Until years later, when they were all sick or dead.

Until then, paraquat was exclusively used as a herbicide because it was so deadly, but the government used the paraquat at forty times the recommended level on marijuana. And Thom Hartmann thinks we should trust the government? But maybe that’s because Hartmann knows Joe Biden supported using paraquat, before he supported the Crime Bill.

It’s estimated that at least 30% of the marijuana imported from Mexico was contaminated, meaning that almost everyone who smoked marijuana in the 70’s and 80’s would be sooner or later smoking marijuana sprayed with paraquat. How many Americans were killed or got Parkinson’s because of Nixon, Reagan and Bush’s war on drugs?

Even though legal action ended the use of paraquat, the DEA in 1988 secretly began using it again in Georgia on marijuana fields. But it wasn’t until the 1990’s did our government completely stop using this deadly poison on harmless marijuana, smoked by people who opposed the war in Vietnam, and all future wars. But the truth is, conservatives believed if the hippies weren’t stopped they would end up costing the weapons industry billions and trillions of dollars.

The “Vietnam War” had nothing to do with fighting communism, as the government and the media claimed. It was about making money, selling weapons and heroin, and trafficking children.

If the media ever did its job, as defined by the Constitution, the world would see the United States and our “good friends” (the Israelis and Saudi’s), for the bullies we are, always picking on one of these smaller countries (when there’s not a “cripple” around to bully).

Off the record the Deep State operatives say, “All of the major powers are playing this very, very dangerous game, and if we don’t play, we’ll pay.”

I fear the human race doesn’t have long on this earth, since there’s no way to reverse this trend toward complete authoritarianism, reckless militarism, and unrestricted technocracy.

Even though it was common knowledge in the rest of the world Osama bin Laden had died of kidney failure in December of 2001, we conducted a raid on a compound where we claimed he was staying. And when our military courageously killed “him”, the navy’s Seal Team 6 dumped the body in the ocean, “Because It’s an Arab tradition,” according to President Obama.

Yeah, Arab people usually love to drag the dead bodies of their relatives across the desert to the sea, for days and days, to give them a “proper burial in the ocean.

I thought this was yet another joke from President Obama, who perhaps should have been a comedian, but no one in the media (corporate or alternative) commented on this. Obama said he had use Federal Express to deliver the DNA of an aunt to confirm that it was Osama bin Laden we killed.

Except, wouldn’t military or CIA transport been a whole lot faster and more secure, rather than Fed-Ex? Does this make any sense, yet the corporate media whores didn’t question this comment, or anything else about bin Laden, from their self-appointed “Black Messiah.”

Then there’s this mysterious crash of a military transport ship a few months later, where eighteen Navy Seals are killed, including some of those who participated in the Navy’s raid on bin Laden’s alleged compound. You have to agree, what a strange coincidence, unless your a coincidence theorist, then you’ll never question anything the government says or does.

Consider these two facts about this tragedy. First, there were two helicopters available, yet the Navy wanted to pack all these Seals, their support staff and equipment, along with a few Afghanis soldiers, into one helicopter. But wouldn’t it be safer if they were split into two groups, since they had two helicopters available?

Isn’t this even more egregious since it was the Navy that created the policy about grouping brothers together on combat missions, in case of an attack, because of the Sullivan Tragedy during WWII?

Forgive me if I’m wrong, aren’t the Seals considered some kind of special brotherhood that should also be separated during missions whenever possible in case of tragedies like this?

Another odd fact is that the mission should have only taken ten minutes, yet it lasted seventeen minutes before they were hit. Why can’t or won’t the Navy explain this seven minute delay?

Like the Pentagon on September 11th, did the Office of Naval Intelligence set up these murders, to silence the Seals who threatened to talk about this phony Osama bin Laden raid?

The reader should listens closely to the Navy Seal that claims to have killed Osama bin Laden, but apparently killed some old man instead (on the Disney propaganda show “Perspective”). Then the reader should listen closely to the cop who murdered Breonna Taylor (on the Disney propaganda show “Perspective”).

Then if we compare and contrast these two interviews, the reader would notice that these trained killers both sound like they’re hopped up on something, like meth or some Amphetamine. But since we don’t drug test our cops or soldiers, should we ask if they’re being jacked up by the government on some pharmaceutical drug to make them more vicious and sadistic?

We know the lies that are told by our government are pervasive throughout the media. For example, Larry Silverscum (and his MOSOD partner) must have known there was bombs planted in the twin towers and Building 7, because of his comment on live television to the BBC “to Pull it.” This is a expression used in describing the demolition of a building. And this is a very strange thing to say since the government claims there were no explosives used on September 11th.

We know that jet fuel and office fires in the twin towers could not have caused this sort of damage; launching twelve foot steel pillars through the air, like missals, into the surrounding buildings. In fact, never before in history has an office fire cause a re-enforced steel building to collapse, but on 9-11 three re-enforced steel buildings collapsed because of office fires. That’s another amazing coincidence about September 11th, isn’t it?

The insurance companies knew they could make more money by charging a new “terrorist tax” on every building in America over three stories high. So, in the name of profit, the insurance companies involved in paying out the four billion dollars decided not to investigate the bombing any further and say nothing about what they suspected, that It was an inside job.

Not to mention all the private security companies who would make billions of dollars because of this tragedy. And who are probably the ones out here torturing and killing anyone who is a “Truther”.

This is why I suspect the Navy put a missal into the Pentagon on September 11th, claiming it was hit by a plane with Barbara Olson aboard.

Consider this, the offices that were hit, were the same offices where an ongoing investigation about a missing 2.3 trillion dollars from the defense Department was going on.

Obviously, “Dirty Donald” Rumsfeld didn’t want that report coming out, exposing the financial corruption within the Defense Department and the U.S. Military. So on the afternoon of September 11th Rumsfeld apparently decided to help clean up the alleged debris from the alleged plane. But wouldn’t you think the Secretary of Defense would be in hiding for security reasons, since we didn’t know if we were under attack from Russia or some other foreign power? In fact the decision to go to war, if necessary, would be made by the president and secretary of defense, which means exposing himself to the enemy like that made Rumsfeld look like an idiot, or an insider.

Rumsfeld knew it was an inside job, and his presence on the lawn that day proves it. Did he think he was going to save somebody, and maybe pull them from the “burning plane”?

Ted Olson, who was Solicitor General for the United States at the time, said he spoke to his wife, Barbara Olson, several times during the alleged hijacking . Except, the FBI said there were no cell phone calls between his wife and Olson that lasted more than one second. Why would he lie about this, and why wouldn’t the media go after him for lying? And what the hell happened to his wife, Barbara Olson, who coincidentally had just written a less than flattering book about the “Clinton crime Family?”

When a person signs up for the military they agree to give them everything, including their body and life, if asked. This means, the Office of Naval Intelligence can and does legally kill its own people, such as what really happened at Pearl Harbor. And the president or Congress can legally do nothing (not that they would ever question the Deep State or the Office of Naval Intelligence).

In Margaret MacMillan’s 2020 book, “War: How Conflict Shapes Us”, she wrote “Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, because he wanted Kuwait’s oil.” This isn’t true, it wasn’t Kuwait’s oil.

This is how Jewish publisher’s, like Penguin Random House (or Simon & Schuster), will rewrite history to fit its Zionist agenda. Which is to promote war in the Middle East, so as to eventually create a “Greater Israel” (the “Seven State Solution”).

Neither Gulf War was justified. The truth is, before the first Gulf War Kuwait was drilling sideways into Iraq’s land and stealing its oil. So Saddam Hussein consulted the United States about what to do, we privately gave him the nod to go ahead and invade Kuwait. So he did (what we told him to do).

We started the first gulf war, claiming Kuwait was an innocent victim being invaded by the evil Iraqi’s. Just like the U.S.S. Maine and the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, we instigated the war with a lie. Or more accurately, another false flag.

The daughter of the Prime Minister of Kuwait testified to Congress about seeing babies being taken from their incubators by Iraqi soldiers and thrown on the cement floor. However, she was attending school in England at the time, and never saw anything.

The so-called “fact checkers” and the corporate media whores knew the truth, but kept the information from the American people. Just like the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

And Hunter Biden only gets a slap on the wrist for helping his dad and uncle take up to fifty million dollars in bribes from Russia, China, Romania, and Ukraine (formally Kazaria).

However, thanks to our loyal Deep State pressitutes who repeated this false narrative over and over, and over. It outraged the American people, who ignorantly supported yet another unjustified war.

That’s probably why the Deep State wants America to be dependent on oil from the Middle East again, so that our interests will be Israel’s interests (and we can help them create this Greater Israel).

This means we’ll have to start importing our energy again. “But at least we won’t be polluting America with all that drilling, as if it matters where they drill.

Now Homeland Insecurity wants to create a “Ministry of Truth” to make sure nothing that is true is ever said, by anybody. But the only truth we have is within ourselves and our ability to think critically. And that’s why the Deep State, the corporate slut media, and the Democreeps silence all dissenters, as Robert Kennedy Jr. warned us they would do.

We know Bill Gates wants to depopulate the world. He’s not shy about saying this. And by investing in Fauci’s dangerous experiments, is he hoping to kill most of us?

In the United States over a half million have died so far, and almost all of them are people with disabilities and the elderly (who mostly receive Social Security and Medicare). Why isn’t the media telling us this?

The bean counters from the University of Chicago and Stanford have most likely informed the wealthy Ivy Leaguers that the elderly and the disabled are costing them tens of billions of dollars every year, and that number is expected to rise.

They know this is not sustainable, unless we can significantly reduce these populations. So they start by convincing young people that Social Security and Medicare won’t be around for them, and any one under fifty begins to resent these programs, and “us people”.

I believe that is why the Alpha Dopes, on the right, and OPB on the left, and the rest of the media is constantly belittling the elderly and the disabled, so, like a bad stock, the culture can legitimately devalue their worth to society.

The people responsible run the Congress, the White House, the Pharmaceutical industry, the chemical industry, the petroleum industry, the universities and colleges, the print media, the publishing industry, the record industry, Hollyweird, the radio and television networks,the hospitals, and the meat packing industry. And most importantly, the industry that manufactures weapons (that are used to kill Palestinians).

Biden has a cabinet that is 45% Jewish, despite that Jewish people only make up about 2% of the American population.

And Joe Biden picked as Assistant Secretary to the Department of Health and Hunan Services a somewhat obese man, who thinks he’s a woman. But no one is asking the most important question. Why this amazing sudden evolution to the human species is happening? Or, are the corporations doing this to reduce the population, and telling the media and the government to promote the rights of transgender people, to hide their nefarious intent?

Except we know the emperor has no clothes, and he is not a woman, despite the surgery and the drugs. But obviously the truth doesn’t mean anything any more, and this is why the media and Big Tech is shutting the truth down. “To silent the dissenters”.

And for god sakes, doesn’t all of this say something about how unhealthy we are as a society? The truth is, there is no healthy debate allowed anywhere, which is why we are all doomed.

If the reader can’t see the malevolence in what these people are planning, especially given what they’ve done, spreading lies and practicing deceit. And what the Democreep Party, the party of the people, now seems to stand for, discriminating on the basis of age and disability, sexually manipulating little children, and protecting wealthy and powerful pedophiles from New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, then god help us all, because, there’s no hope for humanity.

As MacMillan’s book points out, no creature on earth enjoys abusing humans, and everything else, more than humans themselves, and then lying about it. We pick an enemy, and sharpen our teeth and claws on their bones, and feast on their remains.

Perhaps she’s right. It’s in our DNA to make war and to dominate and abuse the weakest among us. Those of us in Third America already knew this.

Ironically, Einstein, who supported the creation of Israel, may have been right when he said, “Our technology has exceeded our humanity. Under these Zionists technocreeps, it’s only a matter of time before we destroy ourselves.

Probably, with some biological weapon that got out of the lab, or some GMO that went wrong and turned all the plant life to alcohol.

These writings document our lack of humanity under this Zionist technocracy: where we worship money and we’re supposed to believe that there’s more than two genders. And where were only exposed to propaganda, posing as the truth. And where we’re subjected to endless wars, to supposedly promote the peace. But it’s all a big fat lie!

This is why I believe there’s no hope for what they call the “free world”, and those of us here in third America…