The Last Jew: The Final Solution

(Last updated: September 19, 2024)
The Last Jew: The Final Solution
by D.R. Wolfe

{From “The Dirty Little Secret About Transparensee” Series}

(Includes violence, strong Language and some descriptions of sex)

Jacob crawled under one of the large brown cone, made by the natives. It was a decorative cone statue placed along the outer perimeter of the square, along with hundreds of others. It was actually a bundle of bamboo branches carefully woven together that stood around six feet tall.

Sitting around the circle at night, he remembered watching them make the small golden brown towers. The branches were stripped of their leaves and then soaked in vats of hot water until they were soft. He was told, an ancient mix had been rubbed onto each branch after they soaked, which preserved the wood for many, many years. Then they were woven together into a cone shape, and decorated with small red and purple flowers.

Then the stems of the flowers were shoved into the gaps. But not all the gaps in the cone were filled. He noticed, when the sun would shine directly on the cones, glimmers of light could be seen through the gaps.

Carefully, he lifted the cone and slowly crawled under the edge. He felt his shirt catch on the lower rim and he heard it rip, but it didn’t matter, he had to hide from the Natives.

Once his body reached the center of the cone he slowly stood up. Not surprisingly, he discovered that he was unable to completely stand up since His head touched the top of the cone. So, he had to slightly lean forward as he stood.

He quickly found a gap between the branches on the side that faced the central plaza, where the people were gathered. The gap was less than a half inch high and two inches wide, but it was wide enough to press one of his eyes against the hole and see out.

He was completely shocked by what he saw. Not more than fifty feet away, the Rebinowitz family was being tied face down to these wooden stakes, completely naked.

There was four of them . The two Rebinowitz kids, both in their early twenties, and the parents, who were somewhere in their early fifties. But none of them were in very good shape, and the daughter, Melissa, was morbidly obese.

Jungle life had been pretty tough on all of them in the beginning, but it didn’t seem to effect some of the most obese settlers. But they had lots of guns. And very quickly they were able to use the power of their guns to overcome the indigenous people. Then they force the Natives to do most of the hard work, as They slowly built their settlement. Which they called “New Jerusalem.”

It was a natural tradition for god’s chosen people, he thought. For the Jew master, to enslave the indigenous subhuman population and steal their land. So this morning, when the natives rose up and revolted, he was completely caught by surprised. Which is the same thing that the Prime Minister had said about October 7th. which wasn’t true. Luckily, he was walking back from the beech and was able to quietly slipped into the jungle when he heard the angry Natives approach.

In truth, he and everyone else learned later, the attacks of October 7th were known to some of the Israelis well before it actually happened. The sad truth he learned is that the Prime Minister and his far right fascists supporters knew the attack was coming on October 7th and let it happen. They admitted they thought this would be their excuse for getting rid of the Palestinians in Gaza and maybe the West Bank too.

Specifically, they ordered the army to stand down after Hamas came over the border. Then they watched on surveillance cameras as Hamas did what ever they wanted to do, but Hamas didn’t behead any babies or rape any women as the Israelis claim.

For almost a year, They had intercepted enough of the communications to know the Palestinians were planning to take hundreds of hostages back to Gaza on October 7th, in order to bargain for the release of thousands of Palestinians hostages being held by Israel without charges. So the prime Minister then ordered the “Mass Hannibal Directive.” In other words, It was later learned the Prime Minister of Israel ordered the military to kill everyone, including hostages and hostage takers, using tanks and helicopter gun ships. And this way there would be no hostages left to use as bargaining chips, the Prime Minister arrogantly explained to his Israeli audience.

In addition, the Israeli population, as well as the entire world, learned that in September of 2024 the Israeli soldiers rescued six of the living hostages found in Gaza, and then killed them and blamed Hamas. Not surprisingly, after that things began to unravel for the prime minister and many of his supporters, as the anger in Israel grew.

That was ten years before the Rothchild’s criminal fractional banking system and Israel began to collapse. Everyone blamed the wealthy Jews. Then they began to blame all of the Jews. And just like the Nazi Hunters hunted Nazis eighty years ago, people began hunting and killing Jews, calling themselves “Proud Jew Hunters.”.

When Israel finally collapsed, a world wide debate had begun over the testimony at Nuremberg, Jews being made into lamp shades and soap. And a furious debate over whether there were actually six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and whether the Nazis ever really used gas chambers during World War II. And whether or not the Jews used this strategy to gain sympathy from the world and complete their destiny, to occupy the land of Palestine.

Not surprisingly, this angered every Muslim in the Middle East and most people around the world, considering the millions of innocent Palestinians who were murdered by the Israeli Death Squads using American made bombs.

It became clear to everyone that Israel had also been behind the assassination of the president in 1964, and had blown up the Twin Towers and the Oklahoma City Federal Building, and had sunk the U.S.S. Liberty.

So when the anger against Jews began to grow to historic levels never seen before, and Jews were being attacked throughout the world, Jacob decided to join a Jewish organization called “The Chosen Ones.” He decided to throw in with them, mostly because of their ruthlessness toward anyone who wasn’t Jewish, and bring his family to this small hidden tropical islands, off the coast of Africa, thinking it would be safe until things cooled down. But he had been wrong, he knew now, watching what the Natives did next.

A sudden scream jarred him back to consciousness and forced him to re-focus on the horrifying scene before him. The curdling scream came from Mr. Rebinowitz.

Jacob watched in horror as the Natives first soaked the end of a sharp stick in a barrel of something that looked like honey, or maybe sulfuric acid . Then a large Black man carefully inserted the stick between the man’s large butt cheeks, as if he were cautiously performing surgery, and quickly drove it into Rebinowitz’s rectum with a single blow from the hammer he was holding. A few minutes later, after the big man had struck the stick a couple more times, someone ordered him to stop. But it didn’t matter. His friend wasn’t dead, but Jacob knew he soon would be.

“Those bastards” he softly said. “Those dirty bastards,” he ground his teeth together and repeated over and over. “Those fucking bastards. How could they do this. How could anybody be so wicked.”

Over the next hour, each of the family members were assaulted in the same way by a stick being driven up their rectums, similar to what Killary Clinton ordered a mob to do to Muammar Gaddafi. It was ironic, he thought.

it especially pained him to see the younger boy he knew so well to be murdered in this horrifying way. Jacob had become very fond of the Rebinowitz boy when they first met at his Union Celebration. He had took the time to comfort the boy during the celebration, and it had paid off in earning the boy’s trust.

The Union Celebration occurred every year for all the children in the tribe who had turned ten that year. This is when they would celebrate in losing their virginity to the adult men from the tribe, over and over.

During the Celebration, The girls were only allowed to be penetrated vaginally, while the boys were obviously always penetrated anally . This was the law and no one dare violate this sacred law.

The Rebinowitz boy’s feminine characteristics and slender body had immediately attracted Jacob, and so, with his father’s blessing, after the Celebration he began a two year sexual relationship with the boy. So he remembered fondly touching that small butt. He watched with great sadness, as the same native man slowly inserted another stick into the boy, and then drove it into his rectum with a powerful blow. He watched the boy’s blood splatter everywhere, as the boy screamed for his life.

He tightly closed his eyes and pretended not to hear. Then he slowly felt his erection grow, and naturally rubbed his crotch, as he heard the boy scream again, a split second after hearing the hammer strike the stick.

When it was all over, he listened to the whimpers of the four Rebinowitz’s, and soon it was only three. Thankfully, the daughter was the first to stop crying, as her screams were the most hysterical. He thought, the suffering was finally over for her daddy’s “Little Jewish Princess” as Mr. Rebinowitz called her. But there was nothing Jacob could do to save her, or any of them. He regretted that he hadn’t had time to grab his gun before he fled into the jungle.

As Jacob sat down on the cold ground and tried to sleep, he felt the night growing colder., As he began to fall asleep, he dreamed that he was a Palestinian child, holding hands with his family, in a very tiny apartments, with nothing to eat, waiting for another bomb to fall. Wondering if it was the last thing he would ever hear, he began to cry .

Then he dreamed he was a Palestinian teenage boy, standing in a line waiting for a loaf of bread, when he was struck with a bullet. He saw himself being gunned down by the Israeli soldiers, who were laughing. And then he saw himself being carried to the hospital to get help for his injuries, when he was bombed once again.

Then as he watched, the Israeli soldiers were using a bulldozer to push his broken body into a pit where hundreds of other broken bodies lie. The smell was horrific. He knew most of the bodies were children, many buried alive. But some of the children were still alive, buried in their graves, trying to hold his hand, trying to pull him down. He suddenly woke with a shivered, and tightly rapped himself around himself to get warm, but nothing would stop the cold from seeping into his bones. All at once, he felt a great shame for the evil the Jews of Israel had done to the goy, especially the goy children.

The following day when he woke he began to feel thirsty, and knew what he had to do. It was obvious by their silence that the Rebinowitz family were all dead. He carefully rose to his feet and looked through the hole. After awhile, the Natives began to untie each of the Rebinowitz’s and drag their dead bodies away, by the feet.

A few minutes later, he saw another family being brought out. They struggled as they were stripped of their clothes and wrestled to the ground. Then each of them was brutally tied to the stakes, face down.

Just like before, the patriarch of the family was the first to face the pointy, oily stick.

Mr. Myers looked back over his shoulder and began to scream at them. “Your with Hamas, aren’t you!” He yelled. “I’ll kill you!I’ll kill each of you bastards!!” The first blow silenced Mr. Myer’s yells.

Jacob didn’t know the Myers family that well, since their villa was located across the way , closer to the lagoon. But he knew that he had two daughters and knew from their own Union Celebration that they were both younger than the Rebinowitz girl. Probably about six or seven years younger, he guessed. Jacob knew they would face the same fate as the others and there was absolutely nothing he could do to save them.

He couldn’t watch any more. So he laid down in the bottom of the cone and covered his ears, and tried to fall asleep. But He couldn’t sleep, even though he pulled his shirt over his head and tried to block out the screams, but it didn’t work. A hour later when the voices finally diminished to what were only small cries and occasional whimpers, he was able to drift off, but the nightmares soon returned.

When he woke from his sleep, it was nightfall. He still had his watch so he checked the time. It was a little after three in the morning.

He was extremely thirsty and knew he had to get water soon or he would die of thirst . Maybe he could reach Frankville, on the other side of the island. It was the other Jewish settlement, about twice as big as New Jerusalem , He knew it could be found, if you cut through the jungle and went directly west. But how would he know which way was west once he entered the jungle, he contemplated.

As he sat, he considered his options. He had no way to get supplies, there hadn’t been time to grab anything, including a canteen for water.

When he first heard the angry mob coming up the trail, he had quickly ducked into the jungle, leaving his family behind. He didn’t realize the Natives intentions, but he knew that they were angry, and he wanted to hide until they settled down. He never imagined they would do something like this to the women and children, but he was wrong, so wrong.

After a few minutes, he began to crawl out from the small hut, tipping it sideways very slowly. He knew no one could see him from the back side of the cone, unless they noticed the cone tipping forward. So moving slowly was the key to getting away.

After a few minutes of crawling backwards, he was completely out, although he was covered in dirt. Very slowly, he began to brush himself off and crawl into the jungle on all fours. As the covering grew thicker, quiet as a cat, he carefully stood up and move quickly away.

He knew there was a stream about a half mile somewhere to the northwest of the village, so he moved in that direction. About thirty minutes later, he located the stream and drank deeply. He was glad it was dark since he knew it was probably a dirty stream, but it tasted wonderful. He had quenched his thirst, but now he noticed that he was really getting hungry.

As he looked into the dark water, He imagined a rabbit or duck cooking in a fire pit and could almost smell the meat being grilled. He was dreaming of sinking is teeth into a grilled fish with butter sauce and fresh herbs, when he heard a sound across the stream. A branch braking and something coming towards him, something big with what he thought were stripes or maybe spots. It was still fairly dark, but slowly getting lighter.

Despite his fear, he began to crawl backwards. Whether he was too slow or moving at all that startled the big animal, he knew immediately it was a mistake to move at all.

The large cat like creature quickly leaped across the small waterway and was upon him before he could screams. Just as quick, he instinctively buried his head into the ground and rolled into a ball.

A second later he felt the creature’s teeth sink into the back of his neck, forcing his head sideways. It didn’t kill him immediately as he expected. But a moment later He realized that the bite had somehow numb his entire body.

Because of the force of the cat striking him and his own momentum, he rolled over onto his back, and waited for the hungry ravenous beast to take another bite. Jacob watched in horror, but nothing happened.

Then he saw it, the big cat was about ten feet away, moving back and forth with its long tail, waving it back and forth, assessing its prey. Perhaps, seeing if its prey would fight back or try to get away.

Jacob had no fight, he was completely paralyzed from the neck down, except his eyes and his voice. So he stared into the cat’s hungry eyes and began to meow at the cat, which soon turned into a whimper and then a loud cry.

He watched partly in horror and partly in fascination, as the big cat quickly grabbed his arm with its teeth and began to gnaw. The it began to pull on his useless hand, just like the Palestinian children in his dream. But it was funny,,he thought to himself, he couldn’t feel anything as the cat hungrily chewed. He watched in wonder, as his blood quickly ran out. He began to feel tired and wanted to close his eyes, knowing what would come next.

Before Jacob bled to death, he felt some justice, remembering that the Prime Minister had got what he deserved, being stoned to death by an angry Israeli mob as he tried to escape. But he knew in his heart there was no escape for what waited ahead, what waited for all the Jews.