Halfrights: The Last Survivors From Earth

(Last updated: December 4, 2023)
by DR Wolfe
{From “the Dirty Little Secret About Transparensee” Series}

On one side of the auditorium, there were over two hundred extremely attractive children. They were gathered from across the world because of their beauty and ethnic diversity. They were originally taken to serve as sex slaves to the elite, but things had suddenly changed.

There were 7,013 of the Halfrights, as they were called by their captors. They were all sitting together on the other side of the auditorium, across from the children. They were all wearing matching, bright orange jumpers, and most of them wore a symbol depicting a urine-yellow star on their clothes.

An unspoken command was given, and instantly, the room was silenced.

Over the last several weeks, since the time they were taken, they learned that disobeying the least of commands wasn’t an option, no matter how much they wanted to with all their bodies, hearts and minds.

The Halfrights were a collection of the who’s who, among the who’s who on earth. And bringing all of them together in one place at one time was a historical event. And now they were all preparing for the greatest event in human history.

They never would have imagined that they would all be standing here together again, the last survivors of the human race, as captives. They were self-selected simply because they were the most powerful people alive. Or in a few cases, they had a special skill or knowledge. And of course, there were a few intellectually-challenged, young attractive celebrity types among them.

It was decided no media personalities would be brought along just in case one of them happen to grow a spine, and ask a few hard questions about exactly how things transpired.

As it had been centuries earlier, when emperors, monarchs and military generals ruthlessly ruled the earth, by the Twenty-First Century once again power was determined exclusively by one’s ability to accumulate wealth. And with wealth one could purchase scientific knowledge, which allowed absolute control over the population.

The new technology made the control those in power had over the average person unsurmountable and undetectable. One could be made to do anything, and never know, like the two greatest American patsies, Sirhan Sirhan and Lee Harvey Oswald were.

The ability to use the media and law enforcement to create any reality they needed made it impossible to challenge their authority through the courts. Which then made it easy to silence any one who dissented or dared to publicly question them…by asking embarrassing questions, like:
I. How did the Twin Towers and Building 7 all collapse at nearly free fall speed, exactly like a well-controlled demolition would?

II. How did the BBC and Larry Silverstein, the building owner, know Building 7 was going to collapse before hand?

III. Why did the 9-11 Commission completely ignore the collapse of Building 7 and hundreds of reports from witnesses who heard the sound of explosions in its “official” report?

IV. And how were they able to write a complete draft of the final report before the 9-11 Commission had ever met?

The fact that the dumb-down masses just ignored all of this trickery and tragedy over September 11th, as they did with the killing of President Kennedy and the bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty. The willfully-retarded masses went back to FaceBook and sports fakery, until the next tragedy. And that’s all one needed to know, to understand the truth about the nature of modern man, that the elite secretly call the “Goydumb.”.

It’s why they did what they had to do, they told their captors. They believed it’s what they had to do to preserve the best of the human race.

Being a member of this exclusive club in the later half of the Twenty-First Century was almost like being a god, or as close as a human being could get. Never before in human history had the members of this celebrated group all been gathered together, all in one place, all at one time. But here they all were, gathered together, waiting their turn to leave the earth. And they knew, for some of them it would be the last time they would ever step foot on this, or any other planet.

Three hundred of them were being transported inside a shuttle craft up to a massive spaceship, the Golden Arc. It had been secretly assembled in earth’s atmosphere over the past two and a half decades.

The space craft was assembled above the planet to orbit the earth at the southern axis so that it couldn’t be viewed by amateur astronomers. And the elite controlled all of the government telescopes and satellites, and all media outlets, so no one except the elite knew.

The mystery of what or who lies beyond the stars has been the greatest inspiration for most mythology, literature and science humans have ever known, truth or fiction. ever since man first looked up, beyond the clouds, they began to imagine what lies beyond the earth.

The plan was to assemble two space ships above the earth, one, the Golden Arc, would be the most massive ship ever built. It would carry thousands of passengers. And the other would be a second decoy ship, called Sapphire , in case the secret got out.

Thanks to cold fusion technology, the Golden Arc would fly at 20% the speed of light out into the solar system, where they would circle the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, which is 4.2465 light years from earth. Then using the ship’s speed and own mass they would slingshot back to earth. They estimate it would take approximately forty years to return. And according to their scientific calculation the earth would age hundreds of years before they came back, which would allow the planet time to recover enough to again sustain life.

The decision was made to increase the probability for success when they returned by taking steps to cleanse the earth. In other words, the elite decided to accelerate the regeneration process when they left the planet by knowingly destroying all of the biological life on earth. Exterminating the planet with nuclear war wouldn’t work, and world war seemed more inevitable than ever.

They did this by creating a biologically altered algae that would consume every form of organic matter on earth, including human beings. When there was no longer food for the killer algae, which would only take a few years, it would die. This way, when the survivors returns to earth more than two hundred years would have passed, and hopefully the planet’s ecosystem would have healed.

Suddenly, their plans were changed, or at least, temporarily delayed.

They were being forced by these yet unseen beings to defend the Project, and the decisions they made prior to the launch. Making these others understand how among humans there were the “achievers” and the “losers”, who were either unlucky or genetically defective.

The achievers knew it was the laziness and selfishness among the general public which caused the environment to collapse and not because of anything the achievers did.

It is true, they had believed for a long time science would find a solution for every environmental problem, so they kept doing what they had been doing, and went on to poison everything. But as it turned out they were wrong. This was the reason for their having to abandon the earth once the cascade had begun, and the collapse of the earth’s environment became inevitable.

“There was no choice left, other than to board the raft or go down with the ship. We chose the raft,” their selected advocate explained. Our world has limited resources, as you know. And the average human cares nothing. And they breeds like Palestinians, I mean rabbits, if you let them, and it’s not just the mentally defective ones either,” the Advocate declared.

The elite would always say “In one way or another they’re all defective, little blind parasites.”

“Kill the blood-sucking parasites!” they all chanted, over and over, raising the giant crib into the air and hurling it into the flames-

“Ungrateful bastards!” Albert screamed, and his brother Charles applauded, the day the final decision was made to leave the planet.

Other than a little window dressing for the ignorant masses and the environmental whacko’s, they decided there would be no more money wasted on cleaning things up, so in 2052 every dime from this point forward would be directed into the Project and the survival of the chosen people.

It was kind of funny, but when they began to gather to begin the departure, other than a few knuckleheads from the alternative media, no one noticed. Noticed that almost every one of the world’s leaders had suddenly disappeared from public view.

The mainstream media, who had perfected playing the shell game with their dumb-downed, loyal viewers, played it perfectly when the time to depart came. Suddenly there was a world wide collapse of the electrical grid, and all the satellites went down,.

As another pre-diversion, over the previous year the public had been treated to lots of new interesting electronic toys made from some of the most advanced technology available — technology that had mostly been kept from the public. And exactly as was predicted, it kept the little lab rats extremely busy and obsessively entertained, and as usual, ignorant to what their governments was planning.

Suddenly, little johnny was able to have a bicycle that could safely and easily transport him over a busy highway. And little Jill had a robotics sister that not only liked to be bossed around, but could kick the ass of any creep, if needed. The technology that had been developed long ago, which the public knew nothing about, was flooded into the market. There was lots of free stuff too, for the “economically challenged,” as the losers liked to be called.

“How dare they blame the achievers!” Was the battle cry among the elite. And they all laughed, thinking back about how the stupid masses didn’t even raise a small whimper as NASA and its most costly space programs were all shut down.

But they knew we’ve done this before to the Goydumb. During the late 1970’s, no one seemed to ever ask, “What about those other two Apollo rocket engines that you guys built and were ready to go?” They only needed to be shipped to Florida and attached to the space module, right?”

Only a few space buffs said anything at all to the willfully-deaf corporate controlled media, who as usual ignored any questions they were told to ignore, calling the relentless questioners, “conspiracy theorists” and “paranoid schizophrenics.”

“NASA is going in a different direction,” the submissive, drugged-out public was advised. And, in the age of social media and virtual love, no one really cared much about exploring space any more. Especially when it meant by not going back into space the government would be cutting taxes a few bucks each week, equivalent to the cost of a six pack and a small cheese pizza. Of course, this meant the billionaires and trillionaires would each be able to keep a few extra bucks each, which worked out to be ten or twenty million bucks.

While the roads, bridges and schools began to crumble and collapse, the number of militarized killer cops, federal agents, and government lawyers increased, exponentially.

The strategy worked perfectly. Anyone who said anything at all about anything, like what might be going on behind the curtain or being put into the water supply, was viciously targeted by the machine. The dissenters were destroyed.

The public attacks came from all parts of the media, from both the phony-left and the righteous-fascist right, as well as the government agents, informants and provocateurs, posing as peace officers, community watch groups, and morning hosts on the local community radio station.

Just as the local DA’s always protect the local cops for abusing or executing the houseless, “cripple,” men and certain racial minorities that looked Palestinian, the courts, the Justice Department, and local prosecutors were directed to not seriously prosecute anyone who helped in this slow genocide of the undesirables.

The victims were always quickly described by the agents of the machine to the public and their neighbors as being either “a crazy pothead”, like Trayvon Martin and Michael Hastings, or described as being some kind of “dangerous Palestinian terrorist” who “got what they deserved.” And it had been working perfectly until they were taken hostage by this hostile alien force.

An unspoken signal was given for the representative of the Halfrights to approach. An extremely tall, gaunt-looking man of about sixty years of age, who looked especially pale in the dim green light, stood up slowly and approached the circle. the circle was lit by a green glow that made his orange jumper appear as if it were a muddy, brown color that needed a lot of cleaning, and after what he had been put through so far, it probably ought to be burned.

Albert Switzmeyer, a Jewish trillionaire from Oregon, had been chosen by the survivors to speak as their representative, or advocate.

One of the many rules that had been given to them when they were directed to select a representative was that it could not be a person who had been formally trained in the “law”, which was always followed by a chuckle from the ones watching.

In addition, their selected representative could also not be a person who was trained or involved in politics, finance, or the practice of taking other lives, human or otherwise. Only the act of taking life for food was considered an exception to this rule.

So, among the few that were left, Albert was the one selected to speak on behalf of the survivors. Under the rules, the group would be provided one hour at the end of each day following their daily arbitrary punishment to discuss their strategy with Albert, which he would present the following day.

The strangers told the Halfrights, “This is far, far more time to prepare for your defense than you ever gave any person without the means to purchase the services of what you call an expert in the law.”

Once again, those watching from the dark chuckled.

One of the most amazing abilities these beings had demonstrated to the survivors was having a thousand or more images flashed across their brains in a few seconds. And every image was instantly printed into their permanent memory. In this case, the visions showed how the legal systems on earth were made to be completely inaccessible unless, they said, “One had a well-paid expert, trained in this place called whackidemia, to defend their rights.”

Before the voice began speaking, they already understood why their choice had been approved.

“Since the Oregon BAR, like almost all of your state BAR associations in this place you call America, is a symbol of your widespread injustice system,” the voice began, “We feel Albert Switzmeyer is a perfect choice to represent the Halfrights.”

Albert’s direct association with many of those from the Oregon BAR, which was located in Albert’s home town, was the deciding factor since the Oregon BAR had a well-documented history of not punishing corrupt government and corporate lawyers, as well as the public defenders, for wrong-doing. And the media ignored all of it, focusing on cat videos, climate change, and transitioning children to an alternative gender.

The voice continued. “And because of Oregon’s history of providing its poor, brown-skinned and disabled defendants these so-called experts to pretend to represent them, while these obese advocates were actually allowing their clients to be tortured and experimented on while in the county’s Isolation dungeons makes this an excellent choice for these proceedings. Once again, Albert Switzmeyer of Oregon’s selection is approved by the Council.”

Albert Switzmeyer, a micro chip designer who moved to Silicon Valley, had made his first trillion from creating a device that could retrieve and record the thoughts of the human brain using synthetic helmets and nano implants.

In one of their first press releases, his company demonstrated how it was able to create an actual written transcript reflecting the thoughts of a person’s brain, in real time. During the research, sponsored by the U.S. military and the CIA, “useless male cripples” and “criminals” were selected for the implants, and never told.

Sometimes, government agents would deliberately cause an accident, and then during the surgical procedure they would secretly apply a synthetic monitoring substance to the scalp. Or, insert an implant into the brain, retina, or the patient’s spine.

Despite the nature of the questionable research being done, Albert and the investors and the inventors all believed that this technology was a historic, evolutionary event for the entire human race. They imagined how everyone could communicate with each other without ever actually speaking a single word aloud, as was described in Alison Krauss’s hit song from the last century, “When You Say Nothing at All.”

In time, the technology made it possible to intercept the thoughts of a person hundreds of feet away, without using any sort of micro chip or implant, or any special helmet. Tapping into the thoughts of the human brain for the purpose of both collecting information and inspiring some sort of behavioral or emotional response, mostly of a criminal nature, was not only possible, but the new reality.

coincidentally, America began experiencing a rash of random mass shootings, which led to a widespread effort to take away all the guns. They knew an unarmed populist would be completely helpless against them, and their heavily-armed killing machines, like the mighty Israelis did in the extermination of the people of Gaza in the early 21st Century.

One warm, bright sunny day in September, shortly after his first press release about the new technological break through, Albert got this visit from a large group of men and women, a few dozen of them. They came to his home just after midnight, all driving dark suburbans and dressed in what he knew were very, very expensive suits.

They explained to Albert how things were going to be for his company and his technology. Noticing the bulges under their coats and the federal badges that many of them wore, he gladly sold a controlling interests.

Of course, there was never any paperwork or contracts, or anything else in writing. Magically, a large amount of money just appeared in his company’s bank account every month and he regularly received a tax waiver from the IRS for the full amount.

Switzmeyer had been carefully instructed to never speak of their agreement or the technology to anyone except to say what he was told and say it to only those who had been approved, such as the corporate-owned television networks and certain selected writers from the New York Times and the Washington Post, and a couple other approved publications, including Popular Mechanics and Discover Magazine.

He was informed, there would be a gradual release of information about the technology, always suggesting to the public that it was still many, many years away from being perfected, as was falsely portrayed in Michio Kaku’s 2014 book, “The future of the Mind.”

Each of the executives and inventors in Albert’s company received a similar visit and were given the same instructions, and there were no other options available, and there were no exceptions to these rules. As a final touch, they were each reminded of the tragic “accident” involving the late-Senator Paul Wellstone and his family, who coincidentally, kept asking questions about September 11th, after being told to move on.

The truth is, they needed a new Pearl Harbor in order to effectively implement the new technology, such as Albert’s invention, to keep the ungrateful masses under close watch, and more importantly, under their tight control. Albert’s invention made it possible for them to know the future, or potential, outcome and take the necessary steps to protect their interests.

When the final solution was agreed upon to leave the earth, most of the billionaires and trillionaires stayed away from any sort of public gathering after that, including Builderberg or the Bohemian Grove. that is, back when the Grove was unknown, and a private place where they could still get together and rejoice in their power and success.

When the trial first began a couple weeks earlier, they were told explaining the differences between the value of humans, and how the need for having order gave them the right to treat some people differently would not be allowed.

“You are all equal, in our view” they were told. Albert could never make the argument that any one particular life was more valuable than any other life. in reference to defending what was alleged against them.

In one instant, hundreds of specific incidents were flashed across Albert’s brain showing countless examples of how the most powerful humans had recklessly destroyed life on earth and regularly mistreated others. He was shown the documentary, “Gaza Diaries.” Then he was shown “Alien Boy.” Then shown the video of two mentally disabled men being murdered by the police.

Kelly Thomas of California and James Chasse of Oregon were shown having their head and chest crushed by a gang of angry police officers. As a result of the attacks, they both died in police custody.

First, Albert heard and watched Kelly Thomas, being held down by the police and crying over and over for his “Daddy!” Then Albert was shown a video of the same officers drinking and snickering when it was announced by a hot blond from Channel 2 that they wouldn’t be prosecuted for taking out another “useless cripple.”

then they were shown a video of a hospital in Gaza being blown up with an Israeli bomb. Then next, they were shown a grandma and her three grandchildren in Lebanon being struck and killed with an Israeli missile. Then next, they were shown a female Palestinian reporter being targeted by the Israel Death Squads, as a young Jewish soldier took aim.

As punishment, a painful and humiliating demonstration was given to each of them every morning, as a reminder about who was in control. And since the punishment was always imposed in the presence of the other survivors, which made it even more humiliating, made it so they never, ever openly oppose anything their captors said or did.

In a blink, they were taken from their ship, and dressed in orange jump suits with shock collars around their necks as the first phase of what their captors said would be their pre-trial punishment and their daily public shaming.

This would be done as an example of how they had directed those under their authority to pre-judge and punish everyone else, as harsh and as often as possible. That is, everyone else except themselves.

In the final years, the daily assaults against the most vulnerable members of the community by the government were more common than ever, although the media claimed things had never been better for the poor and down trotter.

During another session, in the final video of the day, and one of the most horrific videos of all, a few Israeli soldiers were shown smiling as they used candy to lure a group of very young children on to a Gaza beach, and then shot all of them to death. Followed by a video of the bombing of a hospital in Gaza, killing over five hundred people, mostly women and children.

He wiped a tear from his eye, and lowered his head in shame, knowing that his own financial contributions to certain ethnically-obsessed Zionist politicians and groups was what gave these Israeli soldiers the absolute power to ruthlessly murder Palestinian children. And kill them with American made weapons and bullets. He knew they’ve been carrying out this genocide of the Palestinians, which they called a “blood liable,” for more than one hundred years.

Before World War II, the wealthy Jews openly supported Hitler, and when the war started they hid the truth about the atrocities committed by Stalin and the Japanese Unit 731, and embellished the lies about the German soldiers.

The plan was to let Hitler put the little Jews in concentration camps when the war started and then kill them. This way, when the war was over, the Jews could play on the sympathy (and stupidity) of the “free world” and invade Palestine, and create this mighty Jewish State that would soon rule the world. And that’s what happened, he thought, until they were taken by these monsters.

“Well, when we first began the project,” Albert said slowly. He cleared his throat which sounded even more hoarse than it had the day before. “You see, we felt it only made sense to provide a way for the human race to survive, in case of an asteroid or something like that. And well, it was more expensive than we originally thought. And rather than give it up, we just began putting more and more resources into the project, which meant for every dollar we invested the chances of success increased by that much more. It was simple economics. We knew, failure was not an option. And of course, that just meant there was a little less to spend on other things, like bridges, food, water, and health care.”

“That’s sounds admirable,” the flat monotone voice responded. “But other then the slave children, why are there not any people from the continent of Africa among you?”

“Well, there was no willful intent to discriminate against anybody. We simply took the most qualified people, regardless of race.”

“And when you left the planet did you release a deadly algae that you knew would kill every form of life on the planet?”

“No, of course not! That’s murder,” he quickly blurted out. Everyone else was silent, because everyone except the children knew the truth.

“We did what we had to do. We accelerated the inevitable, that’s not murder if it means we are able to save the human race,” he insisted.

The jurors all moaned and Albert suddenly thought about the events of October 7th, 2023.

In the early part of the century, the apartheid State of Israel had been attacked by Hamas because they were tired of being oppressed for seventy-five years by the brutal Israelis. In fact, the Jews had been terrorizing the Palestinians for over one hundred years, blowing up schools, hospitals, and churches, in order to create this Zionist State.

Then the Israeli invaders from mostly Europe put the Palestinians into an outdoor prison, called Gaza, and then started carpet bombing the entire prison, with no way out.

Albert knew, the world stood bye while the Palestinians were being genocided by the Israelis because of the lies that were told about October 7th.

The Israelis claimed forty babies were beheaded and women and girls were raped in front of their families. But it wasn’t true, Albert knew this.

But what was most outrageous he knew, was that the Israeli Death Squads waited for eight hours to respond to the attack. And then exercised the Hannibal Directive and came in with guns blazing and tried to kill everyone, both Israelis and Hamas Freedom Fighters. In fact, Albert knew on October 7th the video showed IDS killed more Israelis with helicopter gun ships, tanks, and heavy artillery then did the Hamas fighters, who only carried small weapons. But he knew, it was the only way Israel could exterminate the Palestinians and get away with it.

After a moment, Albert cleared his throat and continued, “And we already knew the environment was a lost cause, our experts made this determination by 2045, which was the primary motivation for finishing the project as soon as possible.”

“We felt everyone needed to share in the burden of saving the human race, and that meant cutting back on other things considered less important, including some food and medicine.” The ones watching from beyond the green glow, groaned in unison.

this was the only time those watching from the shadows were ever heard by the survivors. That is, they were never heard saying any particular word aloud, but instead would make some sort of sound which they knew the humans would recognize and understand.

“It’s just like you humans behave toward your caged and chained animals at what you call the zoo or the circus,” they were told by the voice, when they asked what the strange sounds meant.

Then, all at once, they were shown thousands and thousands of images of caged animals and people being tortured,such as Ota Benga, Sandra Bland, and Deron Rainey, a prisoner who was locked in a scolding shower while the guards stood outside and laughed.

They were shown images of men shooting buffalo from a moving train, and other men killing thousands of beavers, whose dams help clean the stream, simply to sell their pelts. They ended with the image of a small baby elephant chained to the ground being beaten with a metal rod by his human master, wearing a jacket that read “The Blind Fish and Pink Elephant Room.”

Albert was directed to move on to something else by the voice. “We have already heard this testimony,” he was advised. It wasn’t going well for the survivors. They all knew it, they knew it because both the punishment and the taste of the food they were given had been getting worse.

Having your body moved about and controlled by someone else while you helplessly watched, was the most indescribably horrible experience he had ever known. For example, being forced to lick the butt of another captive after they defecated made him throw up. Then he was made to lick it all up.

The children who were stolen from their families by the wealthy to be used as sex slaves also watched, and sometime giggled aloud, but said nothing. The others knew, the children enjoyed seeing their wealthy abusers being punished, as they always hoped would someday happen.

Sometimes the children were removed from the room, which always worried the survivors. Then ten at a time were brought up and paired off into groups of two. The captives were forced to perform in the most sexually denigrating ways one could imagine. and when it was over They felt there wasn’t enough water in all the universe to clean the awful taste from their nose and mouth! It was impossible to forget what they were forced to do.

Most of the survivors felt he done a good job under the circumstances. They were amazed Albert was able to stay so calm each morning as he carefully tried to answer their questions. He would try to explain how it was for them, as the leaders of the world who were ultimately responsible when hard decisions needed to be made.

“Those from the outside always blame the deciders when things go wrong, but forget how often things go right and who made it happen. Somebody always has to lose, so that others can succeed. this is what nature is,” Albert explained and the watchers farted and snorted in response.

“there’s no such thing as a zero gain,” Albert added, in frustration.
He gave the analogy of a group of people in a small boat, lost out at sea for months with no food and a small amount of fresh water.

“It wasn’t a matter of not respecting the life of your fellow traveler, who had gone to a better place, if it meant others would be able to survive. It is our humanness! It is our innate will to survive!” Albert stated as forcefully as he was permitted to do. He had been told showing anger or aggression toward the Council was considered an insult, and he was warned he would be severely punished for any outbursts.

And once, it was suggested that if he chose to disobey this particular rule he would be required to continue his defense with a few less body parts.

He paused for a moment and took a deep breath, waiting for the rebuke. When the voice remained silent he continued, briefly feeling grateful. All of them expected at the very least Albert would be directed to end this particular line of reasoning and focus on one of the other allegations.

This made some of the survivors a little leery about the silence, but just as quickly as they pondered this question, their brains were given the answer. They all knew it was because of the analogy of the people in the boat and what they ate to survive. And what they had been doing to the food supply on earth during those last few years before the departure. and then suddenly, They wondered what was in the meat that they ate for breakfast.

Albert continued, “We knew the outcome of what had been done to the planet was inevitable. The cascade affect had begun. It was too late to stop what we knew was coming. So at that point, the decision to put everything we could into the project was the only option left.”

“Obviously, we could never build enough ships large enough to take everyone, so other hard choices had to be made. And, yes were not proud of some of the things we had to do. But it is our duty, as a species, to try to survive. Surely, you can understand and support that basic right,” Albert pleaded passionately.

In response, a groan came from those in the shadows. Yet, the calm, quiet voice that spoke to them, that spoke directly into their minds, remained silent. Albert was surprised by this.

Up to this point, he was rarely able to complete more than a sentence or two without being interrupted, and reprimanded. It gave him some small hope that maybe he was getting through to his captors, whose abilities seemed unlimited, just as if they were some sort of gods.

Yet, when one of the survivors asked innocently if they were in fact, what we humans thought of as “God”, the man violently crash to the floor and began screaming for his “MOMMY!” They all knew instantly, as they watched the man flopping about and bleeding from his mouth and ears, the word “god” was considered to be one of the greatest insult they could ever use to describe these mysterious beings.

They were told by the voice, based on how it was most often used and misused by so many humans made the perverted concept of being “god”, repulsive. The voice added that they absolutely should never be referred to as being Gods, or God, by the Halfrights.

The voice said, “Among the higher forms of life in the universe, more than anything else, creating spacial bubbles and organic life is what we consider to be the most pleasurable purpose of all. It is what we do for the fulfillment of being “alive and a member of the universal community.”

They went on to explained, “We gather together at different times and compare our successes and failures, and think of ways to do better. And sometimes, we learn by our mistakes…like the human life we created on earth.”

As Albert thought about what they meant by this and thought about what to say next, he quickly went over the history of the Project in his mind. He knew, the secret space project was first proposed in 1975 under President Nixon by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Although it had not been thought of as being the final solution until the 2050’s. By that time, It was decided that no cost should be spared.

The South Pole was chosen to be the perfect location, because of its remoteness. Overcoming the extreme cold was no longer a problem, thanks to technology stolen from Nicholas Tesla The wealthy had always been provided with an almost unlimited amount of energy. And working at the most isolated place on earth made it really easy for them to keep out any curious, unwelcome visitors who might not understand the need for protecting the “greater good.”

And then that November, almost over night, an entire city had emerged from the frozen tundra, even though most of the workers had no idea what was going on. Compartmentalizing information was the best way to keep things secret. So, all of the very best minds in the world were brought in to work on the project, yet very few of them knew the intended outcome.

It was the greatest challenge the human race had ever faced. Not only did they need to build a large spaceship, but do it without anyone knowing. And because of its size, it had to be assembled in orbit, and had to build a space craft with the ability to approach one tenth the speed of light.

It had been proved by astronomers long ago that if a rocket ship traveled into space and then returned in the future, time would have moved slower for the rocket and any organic life on the ship, when compared to the time that had passed on earth.

the key was to travel into space fast enough and far enough, so that when they returned in a few decades, the earth would have aged over two hundred years. By this time, according to their scientists, the atmosphere would again be safe enough to sustain life. The plan had always been to bring as much animal and plant DNA along as possible, to make sure that when they returned most life on earth could be revived, “not just the human life,” Albert argued.

“This proves we had the best interests of all life in mind, not just saving our own derrieres.”

It seemed as though Albert had at last met the burden of proof they set in order to overcome the most serious allegation against them :
I. A reckless and willful disregard for universal life.

But the problem with these proceedings is that they didn’t really know how they were being perceived, since they couldn’t see the council and knew nothing about them. And thus, were unable to threaten or coerce them as they usually did in important legal matters.

The only feedback they got, besides the instructions from the voice and the millions of images they were forced to view, was the annoying sounds that came from those in the shadows. But the odd sounds coming from the dark did not give them a reliable impression of how they were doing.

It was this lack of feed back that was the most frightening of all, since they had always been in control of all matters, before this. They were told the outcome was final, and without appeal, the same justice that most indigent defendants on earth were given by the courts and their government appointed “experts”.

They were told, if found guilty their journey and existence would be terminated, and permanently erased from the history of the universe, like a dying star in a distant galaxy.

“We are the last of the human race,” Albert said, and they all believed in their hearts that ought to be enough reason to preserve them, as a species. “Does it really matter how it got to this point?” He asked.

Most of the survivors noted that the trial was beginning to ware on Albert, as he thought about what to say next. “Okay, I think…I think we need to just move on.” He stuttered, “That’s the way we humans deal with difficult circumstances. We just let it go, and well, just move on,” he mumbled.

“We agree, we believe the human race must survive,” the voice said.

Instantly,Before he could feel joy over this declaration, Albert’s figure was illuminated by a bright amber light that came from the ceiling. He gasped for air and collapsed to the ground. He was then told by the voice, “Okay Mr. Switzmeyer, please move on.”

As he slowly got to his feet, the voice added, sarcastically, “Unless of course, it was something that effected you personally, Albert? Apparently, then this admonishment to ‘move on’ doesn’t apply? It would appear, things have changed.”

Albert said nothing aloud, but he angrily thought to himself, privilege had its benefits. That’s just how it is among humans, and what outsider had the right to question the logic of it.

Not caring any more, Albert wiped the tears and blood from his eyes and blurted out, It has always been that way on earth! An frankly, it was the only way to keep human societies ordered, and lawful.”

These other ones just had no comprehension about how it was for mortal beings living on a dangerous, hostile planet where having order and an established hierarchy is absolutely essential to the survival of the group, the organization, or the organism.

He went on, “This is just common sense, and true with any sort of organized construct, organic or otherwise. From the very beginning, humans naturally set up a system of rank and file within every group or clan to control the members of the group, based on each individual’s skill, strength, or their real or perceived influence over nature. It was only natural that defending the survival of the group, or in this case the entire human race itself, would mean first we needed to protect those of us who were in the highest positions of power. Sending the generals or kings into combat in front of the troops may be noble, but that’s not how we as human beings survive and pass on our best genes to the next gen-”

The voice interrupted, “As usual, you were half right, Halfright.”

Then, other than the child victims who were separated off to one side, Albert and the other seven thousand captives faded away, into nothingness.

One of the youngest children taken, a slender Latin girl with soft features and long black hair, asked aloud, “Are they dead? Did you murder them?”

In a friendly, reassuring voice they were told, “No, of course not my child. We never take life. They were all safely returned to your planet earth to face the consequences of what they’ve done. The outcome is beyond our control.” The voice paused, ” Every human is given free will to do as they choose.”

A decision was made to continue the journey as planned. And as their ship hurled around a distant star and was slingshot back to earth, the aliens carefully nurtured the children as though they were their own. over the next forty years, the young travelers were well-cared for by their hosts.

They all had been poisoned by the environment on earth and their reprooductive systems had been badly damaged by the man-made chemicals, but the aliens were able to repair their bodies and DNA completely. Subsequently, they were also able to over come their abuse and trauma, and were inspired by the benevolent aliens, who slowly taught them the secrets of the universe and the remarkable origins of life.

Now that they knew the truth about the origins of life on earth, a new tolerant belief system was evolving and the religions of the past were quickly forgotten.

This new belief system was based on protecting all life, never harshly judging others, and never owning any property they were unable to easily carry from place to place. As a result, naturally they started the next generation of human beings which was more tolerant and ethnically diverse then humans had ever been before.

Because there was far more girls then boys, they were taught that ideas of promoting monogamy and shaming promiscuity would not be tolerated. In fact, a person having strong fertility genes was highly valued and respected by everyone, and their new belief system meant they were encouraged to spread their DNA among as many mates as possible. Not surprisingly, as they grew older they began to pair off and mate as often as “rabbits,” as their hosts would say, although no one knew exactly what that meant.

Their saviors knew the young survivors had been instilled with the wisdom of the universe where there were no leaders and no elite. And protecting each other was the most important part of being alive.

Among the two hundred children who survive they became the mothers and fathers of the first new generation of humans born away from the planet earth, in over a hundred thousand years. And the new generations of earth had far more wisdom than any who came before them.

With the guidance of their benevolent mentors, the children learned to never, ever see any other’s life as being more or less important than their own. And so , when they grew up, they taught their children, who then taught their own children, who taught all of the generations to come.

The new humans learned, the primary universal rule of life had to be respected and obeyed by any species who chose to join the universal community and live outside of the bubble. And thus, when they returned to earth the bubble around earth was immediately and forever dissolved into nothingness…