3 Americas: More Truth Than We Can Handle 00 Introduction (The Zionist plan for the goydumb)

Close your eyes and open your mind, and see the truth. Then take back the narrative from the Zionists bastards, question everything, and make up your own mind. Because the Deep State can and will control your body and mind, if you let them.

This is a poem I wrote long ago. It’s about the future that will never be:

“In the end the blind will see,
And what will be will be”,
Said the one,
Of the three.

And I ask,
“What say you two”,
And they answer politely,
“We think you always knew”.

So when it’s all over,
And when it’s done.
And the last fire burns away,
We’ll know who one.

I dream of this place,
In the time before gold.
Where no one’s bought,
And nothing’s sold.

Where every deal,
That is made,
Has one rule,
To be an honest trade.

Where debit and credit,
Can never be.
And What can’t be bartered,
Is given away free!

Where everyone owns the land,
And protects each other’s space.
And makes only what they need,
Without creating poison or waste.

But there I go again,
Dreaming of this other place.
Where there are no earthly judges,
And only one human race–

by DR Wolfe,
{Founder of the New Libertarian-Socialist Party}

(Pure Socialism has never been tried, so why not? We know capitalism, by the neo-cons, and communism, by the neo-liberals, doesn’t work, because these systems produce billionaires and trillionaires who behave as monsters.

They have no right to this much money. Because it means they can do anything they want to us like lab rats and no one will stop them. This is because they own the law, and blackmail those who make the law, and they can buy off the people who enforce the law, like the state and local police and the FBI.)

[ATTENTION USERS OF SCREEN READING SOFTWARE: Be sure to turn on “read quotation marks, to best understand my shameless satire and cynical sarcasm from a unapologetic crip.

(Last updated: January 25, 2025)
3 Americas: More Truth Than We Can Handle
Chapter 00
Introduction (The Zionist Plan)
by D.R. Wolfe
{work in progress}

{Includes some strong language and some descriptions of sex}

Some troll, or maybe my handler, have recently posted a bullshit definition at Sickapedia saying that the term “Wolf Out,” which is coincidentally the same name as my website, means quitting.

first, I’m glad somebody’s paying attention and that I’m making a difference, given how much corruption there is throughout our government and media under this duelopothy, run by RepubliCons and DemoCreeps. And if a person doesn’t pledge their loyalty to either of these major parties, who run this highly corrupt political system, they are called an anarchist.

Unfortunately, we the honest people, the people in the middle, have completely lost control of the Forth Estate and the government, except a few courageous people in the alternative media, like Dr. Kevin Barrett from truthjihad.com, James Corbett from corbettreport.com, Ron Unz from unz.com, the great Max Blumenthal from thegrayzone.com, independent left leaning journalists Abby Martin and the Young Turks, and the last honest judge in America, the one and only, Judge Andrew Napolitano from “Judging Freedom” on X, formally On JewTube, owned by what many feel is the most evil corporation on earth, Jewgle.

Other than this, there’s no longer any one to protect us from the government or corporations, who “Do as thou wilt.” And one of the worse things the government does is to allow banks to charge exorbitant interest rates on the money they loan us, or what has been known throughout history as usury. As a result, along with fractional banking they take away any hope we may have for ever achieving prosperity. And because of usury and fractional banking they are able to take a little more every day. So the rich get richer, and everyone else is a little more poor every day, but no one seems to notice.

In most Islamic culture this is a sin. And this is the reason why most Jews hate all Muslims and want to kill them. It’s because most Muslim cultures charge very little interest on borrowed money, something Jamie Diamond and the western Jewish banksters ironically consider a sin.

Not all tropes are untrue. For example, throughout history it has been said that wealthy Jewish people have sat around the fountain or swimming pool,doing no actual labor, collecting excessive interest on the money they would loan out. And many believe that these Jews were actually the “moneychangers,” referred to in the Bible, swindling and cheating everyone, the poor Jews and the goydumb alike.

They would call this antisemitic, but the truth is that 87.5% of the Federal Reserve Banks are owned by wealthy Jewish people. So we pretend to let the Federal Reserve print our paper money. Apparently, there’s no money to be made in minting coins.

?Further, it’s easier than ever for them to manipulate and control our money with digital currency and electronic banking. so unless we are willing to stand up to the Zionist banksters and their whore politicians, like John Fetterman and Adam Schiff, and fix this problem, we are surely doomed as a nation and will soon fall like Rome.

The bottom line is that if a person believes in Zionism, they believe in colonialism, globalism, manifest destiny, and Jewish supremacy. If a person is a Zionist, they don’t believe in equality, and they are probably an elitist, and believe some people deserve more than others.

Second, I know often we can learn more from losing than from winning. And often quitting is sometimes the best option to eventually win, especially for people with disabilities. Better to live and learn, and fight another day rather then go down in complete defeat.

It’s ignorant to say quitting is a bad thing, with no exceptions. Because there’s always exceptions, whether we want to admit it or not. Besides, when it comes to people with disabilities, quitting and moving on is often the best choice.

When a person is severely disabled they quickly learn that often it’s better to quit and take a different approach, or just give up and move on to something else. Sometimes you have to forget and move on. This may not be true for able-bodied people, but it is certainly true for most people with disabilities.

As a deaf-blind person, , I can tell you to survive you must learn when to stay and fight and when to walk away. They say, only a fool never gives up , even though they get the same answer over and over, and over. So learning when to quit and move on is essential to survival for those of us with disabilities who may not have the emotional or physical energy, or the resources available, to continue what we know is a losing battle. Not to say that sometimes people can’t learn from losing.

We the Deaf-Blind Community know the bigotry of the world. We know that it is especially prevalent among those with money and power, and those who serve the interests of the rich and powerful, like Helen Keller, who supported eugenics.

So for the severely disabled, giving up — knowing when to quit, is often the best choice. It’s not just a simple matter of turning the other cheek, turning a “blind eye,” or “wolfing out”, as they like to say. It’s not just accepting the Zionist bigots for what they are, it’s a matter of survival.

And this book is about surviving in Third America, a land run by Zionist bigots and Ziobeasts.

In 1973, when I was twelve-years-old, based on a recommendation from the University of Michigan Medical Center, I was enrolled in the state’s residential school for the blind located in Lansing, Michigan.

Along with several other blind and partially sighted kids who attended the school during the 1960’s and the 1970’s, I believe I became part of some government brainwashing program, run by someone connected to Sidney Gottlieb, Joli West and probably the Director of the FBI himself, J. Edgar Hoover (a homosexual, transvestite blackmailer).

I believe it was part of, or similar to, the CIA’s MK Ultra Program, although there are some interesting differences, as I’ll explain.

When I first came to the school for the blind in Lansing, I was assigned to second Floor North, located in the main administrative building. Curiously, the only building still standing today.

I was put in a room by myself at the end of the hall. It was the room closest to the back stairwell, on the north side of the building, farthest away from the main campus. I didn’t think there was anything odd about it at the time, making sure I had no roommate.

Curiously, this was the door farthest away from the main walkway, and it led out to the parking lot where ironically, a year later I was molested by a Lansing Police Officer in the presence of another student, Bill Bonski. But it wasn’t the only time I was inappropriately touched.

consider these four facts, and think about how they might be related:
* One night, after being hypnotized by the school’s psychiatrist earlier that day, I found myself in this same parking lot, where I was taken somewhere, but I barely remember.

I have some vague memories about this same thing happening, where I was led down the back stairs and into the parking lot. And several times I would wake up to find myself laying on the bed, completely dressed, with my shoes still on;

* I don’t know when this happened, but apparently some sort of synthetic helmet was applied to my scalp. It has been falling off in chunks over the last ten or fifteen years, and when I told my doctor and showed him my scalp, he did nothing.

I’m speculating about this, but apparently this plastic-silicon material became assimilated into the tissue surrounding my skull. And it appears as though The material have expanded with my skull as I grew.

I believe the cap has the ability to control a person’s emotions, and subsequently, their thoughts and behaviors.

And what’s really amazing about it, I noticed that my skull was as hard as a rock…until this happened, when the cap began to peel off, ten or fifteen years ago.

It appears as though the material they are using to create these helmets is maintained by some sort of artificial nano-bot. So I looked it up on the Internet and found the University of Michigan and the General Motors Corporation had been developing nano-bot technology. These bots are called “aneroid parasites”, and are a fusion between insects and nano-bots.

The synthetic “brain cap”, once applied to the skull, apparently has the ability to both monitor and control the brain waves. The parasites repair the helmet, unless the damage to the material is significant. And this is exactly what has happened;

* For the last nine or ten years I’m also being shocked every day and night with some sort of invisible weapon, that leaves no marks. It can also itch, poke cramp or burn any part of my body.

It caught my attention, since I happen to live in Portland, Oregon, and since I’ve been experiencing the strange stuff described above. In the book “Idea Man”, by billionaire owner of the Portland Trailblazers and the Seattle Seahawks, and co-founder of the Microsoft Corporation, Paul Allen writes about shocking a female classmate for fun.

There was this very pretty, talented girl, that Allen admitted he didn’t like, named Stephanie, who he shocked, intentionally. According to his autobiography, other than two or three sentences, he was either completely indifferent or out right hostile toward most of his female classmates, and this is a good example of how Paul Allen treated most women.

Allen was never married, although he claimed to once have had a girlfriend named Rita. And despite having twenty billion dollars in the bank, he never had any children or a steady girlfriend (or boyfriend). This is despite that there are thousands, if not millions, of young women (or men) around the world who, despite his looks and arrogance, would do anything to be the next Mrs. Allen.

One would think a man who was this rich and who was diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma, usually a terminal decease, would want an adult companion to share his last years on earth, whether it was a man or woman. But maybe adult companionship wasn’t what he wanted?

He wrote, “I love traveling to France, because of the cuisine and the culture.”

France is also known for its “sexual freedom,” including promiscuous homosexuality, bisexuality and pedophilia. In fact, the age of legal consent for sex in France is only fifteen.

According to Barry Levine’s book about Jeff Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, “The Spider,” he confirms there is no age of consent in France for wealthy men or women. And this may be the real reason Allen enjoyed spending time in Paris, sampling the cuisine and partaking of the French culture.

In Oregon, we say if it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck, it’s probably a Duckster.

In Eleanor Herman’s 2020 revealing book, “Sex with Presidents” she confirmed Levine’s claims about the French culture, when she writes this, “The French leaned on stories that riotous kings and fragrances royal mistresses are titillated by modern scandals, to be sure. But almost never horrified. Their reaction to the love affairs of their political leaders is a smirk, in between a slug of expresso and a puff of a cigarette.”

Jeff Epstein used a French modeling company to recruit young girls, run by a man named, Jean-Luc Brunel. Once for his birthday, Epstein had three twelve-year-old French girls brought over to “entertain” him, according to a sworn deposition from Virginia Roberts-Giuffre, who was forced to watch Epstein rape all three girls.

While there’s no direct link between Allen and Epstein, as far as we know, Bill Gates, co-founder of MicroSoft, was apparently a good friend of Jeff Epstein’s. The two were spotted together many times and had some kind of secret arrangement, according to James Corbett (Watch corbettreport.com/gates), Barry Levine’s book, “The Spider, and many other sources.”.

In addition, according to Levine, Paul Allen’s friend and business partner Bill Gates appears to have been one of Jeff Epstein’s favorite clients. Levine writes, “According to the New York Times Gates had met with Epstein on numerous occasions, including three at Epstein’s home in Manhattan.”

This is one reason why we need to make non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s) illegal, as they are being used by the wealthy to hide their criminal behavior, including the wide-spread problem in our society involving pedophilia and the elite.

When Paul Allen was a senior, and his all boys Private prep school, Lakeside, merged with an all girls school, St. Nicholas, he and Gates strongly objected.

Bill Gates attended the same high school, although he was two years younger than Allen. Together they created a tombstone memorial for their male classmates, that read (in Latin), “Long Live Male Virginity.” Curiously, in his autobiography Allen never explained what he meant by this.

This may explain why I’m still being electrocuted, but once when Allen was in elementary school, as part of a class project, he hooked a battery up to two wires. He then had his classmates, one by one, hold the negative wire in one hand, and a positive wire in the other. Then, he gave them each a small one volt shock. It wasn’t painful, instead they only felt a tingle that went through their fingers and up their arm, and probably made them laugh.

However, when Stephanie, the classmate Allen wrote about in his book, took her turn and grabbed hold of the two wires, he dialed up the voltage (five times the voltage that other students received). It gave her a shock, causing her to scream in pain. The horse-faced Allen, laughed aloud.

As a former-sports talk moron, I remember one story that explains who Paul Allen really was, and not the image of him that Disney and the corporate media created.

In 2009, or maybe 2010, because of what happened the prior year, the NFL owners were warmed by the Commissioner not to tweet the first round Picks before the television network had formally announced them. The network paid for the right to be the first, and it was a violation of their contract, not to mention, extremely unethical for anyone to give out the pick early.

Despite the warning, in all his arrogance Allen tweeted the first thirteen picks anyway…and the NFL and television network did nothing to Allen for giving them the finger in public.

And today, it seems as though every story about Allen’s draft pick disclosure has been scrubbed from the Internet. To protect his privacy I presume, which Allen valued more than anything else (apparently even the safety of children).

A couple years before the NFL Draft scandal, the Seattle Seahawks, owned by Allen, had almost won the super bowl. The Hawks were down by four points and had the ball on third down. With a minute left in the game, They came within a yard of the goal and had a chance to win it all. But rather than giving the ball to Shaun Alexander, the top NFL rusher on third or forth down, Allen insisted on throwing the ball, as though he knew there was a chip in the ball that would give the receivers an advantage.

Despite Allen’s arrogance, twice the ball fell incomplete, and curiously, the local sports talk morons hardly asked a question about Allen’s blunder. But the real question they should have asked is how any owner can take over the play calling during the game? Any owner who would take over, rather than letting a coach call the plays, who knows the team a lot better than the owner, is very dumb, or extremely arrogant. But no one in Oregon would dare say this, or they would probably end up like me, being framed and then tortured.

This tells you how much power Paul Allen and other billionaires have over the NFL, the media, and the legal system. And why I believe the wealthy Zionist want to eventually do to us what they’re doing to the people of Gaza.

As I’m being shocked most nights, I thought about what Paul Allen did to Stephanie. This is why I began calling the remote energy weapon that is being used on me, mostly when I try to fall asleep, a “Rotland Tail-Laser.”

I don’t know if this is related to the shocks I’ve been getting or the synthetic helmet that seems to be falling off, but I’m beginning to develop some extra-abilities, which I’ll explain in the following chapters.

I believe these writings will prove to the most skeptical reader, this technology exists today, and I believe it has been tested on the most vulnerable people, including children and adults with disabilities. It may have begun when the University of Michigan sent me to the school for the blind in Lansing.

About ten or fifteen years before I began getting shocked and the scalp cap began pealing away, I began to develop these extra-ablism’s.

So let me begin this very strange story by saying, in the last forty years at times my “vision” has never been more clear. And it seems to be improving every day.

Yet, I have absolutely no retinas left today. And this can be proven easily with a basic eye examination by any doctor. And a person can not see without retinas, this is understood by all physicians.

So, how is this possible?

I have no implanted cameras in my head or eyes, as far as I know. So then, how is it possible I can see with my eyes closed, especially in the dark?

Long ago, when I could still see a little, I was completely night blind as far back as I can remember. But this isn’t true any more.

This is one explanation about what may have happened. About forty-five years ago while I was at the school for the blind an artificial scalp was placed on my head and began to grow with my skull. Maybe they decided to do this when I hit a tree on the family toboggan, or a week later when our pony Patches accidently stepped on my head while I was racing a neighbor kid?

But if this is true, I had no idea that the helmet was there…and obviously, I have no idea who put it there, other than I strongly suspect the school’s two shrinks (for only 300 students) were involved.

I think they were complicit in a lot of what was going on there, including the child molestation and the other odd stuff.

Today, all day long I am unconsciously compelled to scratch this brittle, plastic stuff from my head. As I said, it has been falling off in chunks for over ten years.

As anyone with normal vision can clearly see from my most recent photograph, over the last ten or fifteen years my head has shrunk by almost a half inch all the way around. How is this possible?

The fact that my head has shrunk is scientifically undisputable. The pictures don’t lie! So what caused this? And why can I see with my eyes close?

And why can I see in the dark? And why can I sometimes see through things, like cabinets and drawers? And why can I sometimes see behind me?

Almost every night since moving into the Southgate Death Camp (now called Portland Pines) twenty-five years ago (located in southeast “Rotland), I have been shocked over and over, probably more than ten million times, and it still continues in 2025, but thankfully not as severe. It’s mostly electronic harassment and voice-to-skull harassment,

At least 20,000 of these shocks are sexual assaults, which have been targeted at my genitals and rectum. But most of these shocks have been painful assaults. Yet when I have called the police they won’t help.

For example, this one time Portland Police Officer Randal (or maybe Randell) came out and said he couldn’t do anything since I was unable to “see who’s doing it.”

Often me and my electronics are being sprayed with some kind of liquid, or poison, while I sit at my computer, or sometimes when I go outside. And this maybe why the artificial scalp began to peal away, starting about ten or fifteen years ago.

And here’s the weird thing. Despite dozens and dozens of letters to both the government and the media, including FBI Director Chris Ray, no one will investigate. Even though, many of these nightly assaults, as I have said, are sexual in nature. And most importantly, are being carried out against a vulnerable person — a person who is completely blind and partially-deaf, with PTSD.

At the same time that this synthetic cap has been chipping and pealing away, these strange abilities, like being able to see things with my eyes completely closed, or see things behind me, have significantly improved.

I’ve had this strange extra-ability to imagine what I was “seeing” for at least the last thirty years,. Although I have thought a little about it, I never thought it was anything unusual. For awhile, I dismissed it as being only the mind’s way of coping with my blindness. I even told a few of my stoner friends about it, since it seemed so strange how my brain was creating images of what was there. Except now, I know it’s not that simple.

As any reasonable person would do in this situation, I have conducted tens of thousands of experiments. And I’ve been doing this every day for the last six or seven years. So I know it’s real. But how can I convince anyone else without sounding crazy, while the government is intentionally doing everything it can to make me look crazy? You have to admit, that’s quite a dilemma…

I believe, along with some other blind kids, the government under J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Helms and their collection of mad scientists, like Sidney Gottlieb and Joli West, were using kids with disabilities, like me, to test their ideas.

Maybe, they began experimenting on some of us blind kids to figure out how to make it possible for human beings (and perhaps future soldiers) to see with their eyes completely closed, or in the dark? But they needed to break down the subject before it would work, with regular sexual abuse and public humiliation. Or that’s what they thought.

I know they have been watching me, since I attended the blind school. And they must know now it works.

For example, If a room is dark, today I can usually see (with my eyes closed) the outline of most of the things around me. I can pick objects up very easily, and see into closed cabinets and drawers. And when I touch things with my fingers or toes, or another part of my body, they seem to light up and stay visible for twenty or thirty seconds.

Perhaps it didn’t happen as quick as they hoped? But if this outcome was their original intent — to help humans see in the dark, and see with their eyes closed, and even see through some things, it does work.

It’s not perfect vision, and it doesn’t always seem to work when I want it to work. But what ever they, or God, did to me I can promise you that at certain times, under certain circumstances, I can clearly “see” again! And I believe, that’s a miracle!

But who knows, maybe these special abilities were inherited from my great grandmother, Nellie O’Boyle, who loved to do the jig while she cast her good spirits onto the world. As you may know, it has long been said that some Irish and Welch have mystical powers, and I’m about 75% Irish and Welch.

Family legend says my great grandmother O’Boyle had some of these gifts. So who knows, maybe she’s really the one responsible for this special talent with a little help from god?

I don’t know why this happened to me, so you can believe it or not. But from the very beginning, here’s my whole story, and how I got to this place, being tortured by friends of Paul Allen and Bill Gates.

While all the Rotlanders yell together, “RIP OFF CITY, BABY!”

“Ode to the Ziobeast”
When you are confronted by a beast that is so overpowering and overtly cruel, sooner or later one of two things will happen to you…either you will prevail, and overthrow the beast, or you will parish, and quietly cease to exist.

The beast enjoys your fear, and only wants you to cower to its power until you die in absolute poverty. The elderly, the impaired, and the afflicted already know how this will work. The shrinking rations will slowly dwindle away, as the beast grows stronger.

If you choose to not be an enslaved person and accept the challenge to survive as a free being, then you only have one choice. That choice can only be to destroy the beast, who or what ever it is.

So, there are only three ways that I know of to destroy the beast:
I. You must either confront the beast directly, and try to take away the power it has over us.

You could attack the beast directly with your fastest fighter and sharpest sword. But we know that some of the beast’s weapons are invisible, and therefore, perhaps already invincible to your strongest blade or swiftest arrow.

Of course, Corbett is probably right, even if you are able to chop its head off, the beast may grow another even worse than the one before. However, while the beast is waiting for its next incarnation, it just may be enough time “to set things right”;

II. You may be able to starve the beast, and wait until it dies (hopefully some time before you);

III. Finally, you could feed the beast what it thinks it wants, until it can eat no more. And then watch it choke and die in its own vomit and excrement, as it surely deserves. At this point, it may be the only choice left.

So regardless of your faith, remember this. We are all promised that one day there will be peace on earth even if that means there are no humans left.

It may be the only way we see justice for those of us living down here in this third America, Senator Edwards.

There are three Americas, the rich, the “want-to-be-rich, and the disposable.

The rich step on the not-so-rich, and urinate on the disposable people, so that they can remain rich.

The want-to-be-rich step on the disposable, hoping that they some day will become the rich.

However because of the bots, which will be able to build and repair themselves, and will have no rights or demands, the disposable will be obsolete. And soon the want-to-be-rich will become the disposable ones, those who aren’t chosen to be sex slaves for the rich.

And the disposable ones will be no more.

These writings are mostly about how it “works for the forgotten people who live here in this Third America, where we are so damn poor we have to cut our own hair.

This book will tell you in no uncertain terms what and why this is happening to both me, and many Americans in Third America, where apparently completely blind people can be sexually assaulted over and over, tortured, and slowly murdered by someone from the Deep State. And law enforcement, the County Prosecutor, the U.S. Attorney, and the FBI will do nothing.

As these writings document, this is being done today in America to anyone who dares to question the Deep State’s version of the truth.

First they make a person look crazy by secretly administering low level shocks over and over. At the same time, they vandalize the targeted individual’s property, steal their mail, and hack into their electronic devices, which will eventually make anyone feel a little crazy.

then the Deep State will get the Zionist media and their other trolls to repeat these “false narratives” about the targeted individual over and over, calling them all sorts of nasty names, destroying their reputation, and isolating them from others.

In this book, I describe step-by-step how the government has intentionally destroyed my life, like some lab rat, and they have destroyed so many other lives, including the victims of the January 6th protest over the stolen election and the genocide of the Palestinian people by the ever-expanding terrorist state of Israel.

I hope you will appreciate my courage for sharing my story and exposing the elephant in the room, as I expose what I believe is the final plan of the Deep State, as well as who really controls it.

It’s true, mosts Jews lie about everything. Whether it’s October 7th, the invasion into Lebanon, the recent retaliation against Iran, Leo frank, killing the Kennedy Brothers, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and of course September 11th and the Holohoax. Not to mention the Israeli bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967 that killed 37 American sailors.

An example of this Zionist propaganda machine that dominates the publishing, television, and movie industries, because they run the banking industry and they print the money, is the 2024 book, “Prisoners of Geography,” written by Tim Marshall. But it may have been called Prisoners of Propaganda, written by some sloppy, unscrupulous talmudic scholar or the ADL.

In Chapter 6 about the Middle East, as well as Chapter 7 about the Indian Continent, I counted well-over a dozen obvious errors, which all seemed more political than geographical errors. I’m no geographical expert, But apparently neither is Mr. Marshall.

For example, Marshall claims the Israelis paid the Palestinians for the land they stole by gunpoint from almost a million Palestinians in 1948 in what was called the Necba.

Specifically, in 1948 750,000 Palestinians were forced by gun point out of their homes by these Nazi-like Israeli Death Squads and were never paid a red penny. Tim Marshall is a liar, like a lot of other Marshall’s I write about in this book.

I’m surprised that most Americans don’t realize that This is exactly what we did to the Native-Americans 150 years ago, and now hopefully we know better. Yet we’re giving bombs and weapons to the Israelis to do this same thing, or even worse, to the imprisoned people of Palestine, as the whole world watches our hypocrisy on social media. I predict, history will not judge America and the Zionist well.

This history will clearly reveal that America had supported the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by our “good friend,” the Israelis. It’s probably accurate to quote a great musician here, Sting, saying apparently history has taught us nothing.

The Zionist media doesn’t tell you, but in an air attack on Iran in October of 2024, the Israeli Airforce was unable to penetrate Iran’s air space, thanks to Russian technology. And we know from FFWN and Judge Napolitano they are failing in their ground invasion into Lebanon. They are losing four to ten soldiers every day in Lebanon, but the Western Zionist controlled media lies about all of this, so most Americans don’t have a clue Israel is losing. Only the cowardly drone pilots are succeeding, shooting women, children, and the elderly, who are completely defenseless.

It was my very first night in the dorm at Michigan State University. My roommates took off, so I decided to crash early, some time around ten o’clock.

This was because I had to wake up early and meet up with one of my tutors, who was going to start showing me around. Unfortunately, I ended up on the third roll-away bed, which was placed next to the door.

About an hour later I was awoken by the sound of voices coming from the hallway, just outside the door. I waited a good while, and tried to fall back asleep, but the voices got louder. Especially one of the girls named Sarah.

So I slipped my clothes back on and slowly opened the door. I recognized the male voices. It was my two roommates. There were also two girls there, I had never met.

As politely as possible, I asked them if they could keep it down a little since I had to get up early. Before either of my roommates could answer, or offer to go out into the lobby where there were dozens of couches available, one of the girls (the louder one) sarcastically asked me a question, apparently in an effort to shame me for interrupting her. A sort of “public shaming”, I suppose.

“Why don’t you open your eyes?” She said. But it wasn’t a question, but rather a command.

Because of my blindness, I’ve never been able to open my eyes completely. And I was surprised by her ignorant question, but decided to say nothing. I went back into the room and tried to set aside my anger and fall back asleep, which took a long while.

One of the effects of my blindness was having droopy eye lids. My grandmother always said it made me look sexy. But I suspect she was trying to make me feel better about going blind. I knew right away that wasn’t the intent of Sarah Rabin’s, formally Rabinowitz, question. As a Jewish person, I suppose she felt it necessary to shame me in front of my roommates, and apparently, make me feel guilty about asking her to be quiet. Something I learned later that most Jewish people like to do to us goy.

I learned that not only was she Jewish, but the daughter of a Jewish professor at Michigan State. I went to a Christmas dance with Sarah later that year in Case Hall. When we showed up, she asked me to wait outside for a moment . And since I was night blind anyway, I agreed but never asked her why. I waited for almost an hour in the hallway for her to come out and get me, but she never did.

I figured out years later that the real problem is that America and the world has been taken over by these arrogant, narcissistic Jews. And here’s two more good examples of Jewish authors, who happen to be blind. I think their writings exemplify this dishonesty and bigotry in our media, which includes the publishing industry which is mostly dominated by Jewish people.

The first author, Andrew Leland wrote a book about going blind from a condition we both have called Retnitus Pigmentosa (RP). Most of his experiences are similar to my own, although some of what he says about RP isn’t completely true.

For example, it’s true most totally blind people see some light throughout their life. But Leland makes it seem as though totally blind people who can see a small amount of light are not blind since they can maneuver through a world designed for sighted people. And he specifically contradicts the fact that those who develop RP at a very early age, like me, almost always lose their vision by age thirty. But Leland isn’t a optomologist, although in this book he pretends to be.

The book he wrote is called “The Country of the Blind,” a title he borrowed from H.G. Wells. And it’s interesting that Leland chose this story, since in Wells version the blind people of the village “pluck out” the eyes of a sighted man who stumbled into their closed community.

But what is more interesting that Leland chose this title is that there’s an extremely prejudicial quote about blind people from this story that the reader may have heard from some bigot, like KBOO’s Abe Proctor, that goes, “In the village of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” Really? Even if the one-eyed man is an complete idiot, like Andy Leland?

Along with shoveling this shit about synagogs and the Torah, as if anyone who isn’t Jewish really cares, in his book Leland claims the American Council for the Blind is mostly made up of older blind people who need to be coddled.

In his bullshit book about going blind, Leland claims the National Federation for the Blind is a better organization that attracts younger and more engaging blind people. Except he leaves out a very important point, which is that the ACB is made up of almost entirely totally blind people, Where as the NFB is made up of mostly fully sighted and partially sighted people. This is a very important distinction when we talk about respect and providing accommodations to totally blind people, which I explain in Chapters One.

Obviously, the totally blind people need more assistance and more accommodations then do the partially sighted. Not surprisingly, the Zionist corporate sponsored NFB opposes almost any law that forces corporations to provide accommodations to totally blind people, except when it comes to technology, which most blind people can’t afford.

For example, the NFB opposed creating different size bills when the matter came before Congress. They also opposed putting warning strips at train stations, which is essential to traveling in the city if one is totally blind. In fact, the partially sighted people hate being called blind, which explains their natural bias.

In his book Leland quietly mentioned that he had a trust fund from his wealthy Jewish Grandpa Slimon, so he doesn’t have to worry about purchasing this expensive technology, like the rest of us poor slobs.

One of the most revealing incident of his character that Leland describes in his book involved the NFB convention held in Orlando, that both he and my brother attended. According to his book, Leland and a friend, who was probably also Jewish, were sitting at a table when a totally blind woman heard them talking and asked for directions. She thanked them and quickly became lost, apparently trapped in a confusing corner. Leland says he wanted to help her, but his friend said, “Don’t worry, there’s plenty of people to help her. So Leland, being the selfish Jew he was, did nothing, and she ended up having a complete melt down, that my brother and dozens of other people witnessed.

Not surprisingly, Leland praises his fellow Jew, Eric Weihenmayer, the first blind person to allegedly summit Mt. Everest.

In his book, Weihenmayer admits his success is because he is the son of an abusive marine, who pushed him to greater heights, but some of the details in his book may not be completely true.

For example, Weihenmayer claims to have been an undefeated wrestling champion in high school, winning several state titles, yet was never offered a wrestling scholarship from any college or university.

In the first edition of his first book, “Touch the Top of the World,” not only does Weihenmayer poke fun at Stevie Wonder for his blindisms, such as looking up and rocking , he never actually provides his blind audience with any written descriptions of his historic climb up Mt. Everest. On the web and print version of his book there’s lots of pics of Weihenmayer climbing mountains and standing on summits, that may or may not have been photoshopped, but nothing in writing about his fascinating climb up Everest.

The reader’s left wondering how he did it, and if it’s even true.

In Weihenmayer’s somewhat self-aggrandizing book about climbing six of the seven highest peaks in each continent, which sounds pretty impressive, he never actually describes what happen when he climbed the highest peak of them all. How terrifying it must have been to cross dozens of crevasses, hundreds of feet deep. It seems like this would be the highlight of the book, a blind person climbing Mt. Everest and crossing dozens of deadly crevasses, but instead it’s barely mentioned.

In Edmund Hillary’s book, “High Adventure,” Hillary provides a step-by-step detailed description of his historic 1953 climb up Everest. After reading Hillary’s account, it seems simply impossible that a blind man, no matter how athletic, could have climbed Everest. And knowing the Jewish mind’s propensity to exaggerate the facts, such as the events of October 7th and the Jewish prisoners of WWII, why wouldn’t the reader be skeptical.

Much like Ted Hull, Stevie Wonder’s tutor, waited thirty years to write a book, Weihenmayer’s decision to not write anything about climbing Everst is very suspicious. Undoubtedly, this book would have been a best seller, but he never wrote anything.

It’s possible that Weihenmayer was rescued from a crevasse partly up the mountain, and all of the team members agreed, for their own safety, to lie and say he reached the summit, when he never did.

Maybe this is why Weihenmayer has never written any account of his alleged journey up the mountain, so he wouldn’t break the team’s agreement and ever be called a liar?

The tragic truth, and the theme of my book, is that the Jews have taken control and manipulated everything in our world, and rarely tell the truth, including the Holohoax and October 7th.

With all the corporate sponsored fake news from C the BS and the other Zionist networks It’s hard to know what to believe. And when we find out Scott Slimon from NPR and the Zionist media lied to us about the Holohoax, and now are trying to blame AI for misinformation, what can we do to the wealthy Jewish people who own the media and the publishing industry, and control our money?

It’s sad to say, but the Zionists have knowingly and ruthlessly stolen the hope of the people here in Third America, and since 1948, the hope of the people of Gaza and the West Bank. And I predict this is what they will do to all of the poor goy, who isn’t Jewish, or enough Jewish.

Regrettably, America’s system of exploitative capitalism is responsible for where we are today, where the rich get richer no matter what, while everybody else is a little poorer than they were yesterday. For example, Social Security goes up every year, but the rent and price of food goes up even more.

The average American has no power in how our government is run, yet they call it a democracy. Where the Sack-of-shit-lers, a powerful Jewish family, can willfully murder a half of a million Americans and get away with it. Where our tax dollars are being used to murder over a hundred thousand children in Gaza, according to noted Professor John Mearsheimer in July of 2024. And where our government and Israel can murder three thousand Americans on September 11th and never be investigated or sued, thanks to another corrupt Jewish judge, Judge Alvin Hellerstein.
This is because the wealthy Jewish investment banksters with BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard run the government. Which according to Benito Mussolini is the definition of fascism. Or what John Perkins, a self-described economic hitman, calls the “Corportocracy.”

In 1896, Theodore Herzl, a noted Jewish writer, in an article created the idea of Zionism, calling for the creation of a Jewish State in the land of Palestine, by any means necessary. However historians, both Jewish and non-Jewish, say today Herzl’s idea for creating a Jewish state actually came from the noted Satanists, Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank, who claimed redemption comes from doing evil, “through sin we will have redemption.”

Jacob Frank is also known for creating the Rothchild criminal banking system, known as fractional banking. To know about how corrupt our banking system is, read G. Edward Griffin’s tongue and cheek book about how these wealthy Jewish banksters started this system of perpetual debt, using colonialism and endless wars to subjugate the population. Read the book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island,” and learn why we are in debt to the Zionist banksters.

We can conclude from what’s been going on in Gaza, and from Zevi’s and frank’s twisted Jewish orthodox ideology, Zionism and Israeli Judaism is a form of Satanism which openly sacrifices children, rapes men, and regularly commits other atrocities.

Interestingly, Herzl was an atheist, who also called the non-orthodox Jews “disgusting Yids,” who he said are animals that should never be touched. Curiously, this is what the Israeli leaders are saying about the Palestinians they are killing.

We shouldn’t be surprised, but Herzl was a blatant racist who hated secular Jews more than any one else. And, Anti-Semitism, as it used to be known and spelled, before Ron Wyden, Lindsay Graham, and the rest of these grammar nazis tried to remove the First Amendment — our right to speak freely about Israel and Jewish Supremacy.

One of the best Jewish historians and sociologist around is Ron Unz (from Unz.com). In his 2024 article at the Unz Review, “American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax,” Unz documents how British Intelligence, the Zionist and the Nazis all worked together throughout the 1930’s, using terrorism, to create the land of Israel in Palestine, based on the Old Testament. They have no deed or other proof of ownership, yet they claimed ownership. And this ownership of Palestine is based on words written two thousand years ago, written by Jews. Yet there is no real proof, like the claim of gas chambers that were used to allegedly kill six million Jews during WW II, except the word of the Jew, which probably should never be trusted.

When I raised this question of whether she thought the gas chambers were fake, my eighty-six-year-old Catholic mother told me in 2024 that they had visited the gas chambers at Auschwitz. And therefore she knew they were real. However, recent evidence uncovered by Ron Unz proves the gas chambers at Auschwitz was rebuilt in the early 1960’s, and therefore there’s no way to prove scientifically whether they ever really existed.

Unz’s thorough analysis of the gas chambers and death camps, which is available at his web site (unz.com), is brilliant and extremely convincing that the Germans never used this method of extermination. Instead, they used work and starvation to kill the Jews, so why would the Jews lie about this?

Perhaps we should ask, if the gas chambers were real, why in the world would they be rebuilt, when this would certainly destroy the evidence of the crime? Unless, they didn’t want anyone to know the truth?

After a million and a half Jews in WW II died, mostly from Typhoid and starvation , British Intelligence used this crisis to allow the Zionist to occupy Palestine. In other words, by lying about Zyklon B and Nazi gas chambers, lamp shades and soap, the allies and their media was sympathetic to the cause. Since hundreds of British soldiers were murdered in Palestine by the fanatic Jews prior to the war, one must wonder why the British went along with the plan to create the State of Israel.

It’s ironic that today Zyklon B, which was used to treat Typhoid, was blamed for killing six million Jews. However, according to Unz In the 1950’s, no one believed the lies told at Nuremberg . In the 1950’s the young Israelis were all watching this Nazi Porn about Nazi atrocities that never happened, and soon became traumatized by what they saw. And today in many parts of the “free world,” where most Jews believe this Nazi porn they watched as young people was true, it is forbidden to even suggest it was all, as Ron Unz puts it, a major “Holohoax.” And now these psychotic Zionist run the western world, and they own the politicians and the media.

This is why capitalism under Zionist control doesn’t work. In a given community capitalism works well because the pressures from the community can and do force private businesses to behave ethically. Usually the community does not allow businesses to discriminate against people without a damn good reason.

However, when corporations operate on a global market and are allowed to practice slavery by owning other companies, and are considered to be persons who can pursue profit above all else, we have a serious problem.

And here’s the other half of this problem. Half of America’s billionaires are Jewish, even though Jews only make up 2% of the population. Is that fair?

When one group is over-represented then other groups are automatically under-represented. And hasn’t that always been the problem in America, a lack of proportional representation for certain groups?

Half of Joe Biden’s cabinet is Jewish, even though Jews only make up 2% of the population. Is that fair?

In America the Federal Reserve prints and controls our money. It’s made up of eight private banks, and seven of those banks are owned by Jews,, even though Jews only make up 2% of the population. Is that Fair?

Almost 40% of America’s lawyers, doctors, and judges are Jewish, even though they only make up 2% of the population. Is that fair? Especially when Jews openly practice nepotism, and only hire and support fellow Jews and those who embrace the hundreds of Jewish lies that have been told. Including the lies about the Jewish prisoners of WWII, Leo Frank, the bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty, the killing of President Kennedy, the events of September 11th, etc.

No wonder they don’t want us to ask, what’s in the vaccine, or where did Covid come from?

Ask yourself, Why has Israel been providing millions of dollars in financial support to Hamas for years, an alleged terrorist organization they created to oppose the PLO?

Did the reader know for almost a year, the Israeli Intelligence Services knew about Hamas’s coming attack of October 7th, yet they waited over six hours to respond. And then began massacring everyone wit tank artillery and helicopter gun ships, both Jews and Palestinians. In fact, on October 7th Israel killed more Jewish civilians than did Hamas, yet the Zionist media, both left and right, continue to lie, claiming forty babies were beheaded and claiming Hamas committed massive rapes.

Except one must ask, why weren’t any of the female hostages released by Hamas in 2025 claiming rape? If there were mass rapes on October 7th, as the Israelis claim, why weren’t these women repeatedly raped by Hamas? Because the claim of mass beheadings and mass rapes never happened, but the Zionist media continues to repeat this lie with no regard for the truth., which isn’t surprising for those who have been paying attention

In 2024, because of this ideology known as Jewish Supremacy, they claim the right to murder tens of thousands of innocent children with our American made bombs. They call this massacre their right to defend themselves, from apparently unarmed women and children.

This bloody massacre in Gaza and the West Bank makes Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, and Jake Sullivan, all war criminals. Even perhaps worse than Joe Stalin and Henry Kissinger.

To hide the truth about the history of Israel, the Jewish elite recently changed the word Anti-Semitic to a meaningless word, “antisemitic.” And they did this because over 95% of Jewish Israelis aren’t Semitic and have no genetic connection to the Jews of the Middle East.

About twelve hundred years ago, a war-like people from the land of Khazaria, or Khazar, located in eastern Europe, decided they liked some of the Jewish practices and beliefs. So they adopted the religion and began calling themselves Jews. Other than this superficial connection, most European Jews, who mostly came from Khazaria, have no genetic connection to the Semitic Jews of the Middle East.

In addition, the Palestinians, like the Jews of Juda, are actually an ancient group of Semitic people who were originally sumarian. These groups included Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians (including the Amhara. In the Sixth Century the Israelites of the Bible were conquered,, killed, and disbursed into the general population of Palestine. These people were referred to as the Jews of the Old Testament from the County of Juda. Fact is, Jesus Christ was a Semite from Samara who was most likely Palestinian, and the Jews killed him, according to the Bible (see Acts 2:23-24).

However, in the age of misinformation that simple truth is being removed from the new Bibles by the Zionists who claim the Bible itself is Anti-Semitic. But who really cares what Jews think about the Bible, and what isn’t Anti-So-what-imitic these days?

The Bible specifically describes how two thousand years ago A large crowd of Jews gathered together and called for the killing of the one called Christ. And the crowd of Hebrews were encouraged by the rabbis from Jerusalem. However, make no mistake the mob was the driving force that led to Jesus’s crucifixion, even if Roman soldiers did nail him to the cross. So I ask who is more responsible for the murder of Jesus, the young man with the weapon, or the father who gave him the weapon and encouraged him to go out and kill the other?

Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman used her act to tell the audience she’d like to kill Jesus again, if he were alive today. I’m not Surprised to know a Jew doesn’t realize, Jesus is very much alive today, he’s alive in each of us, even Jews. The reason Jews like Silverman probably don’t know he’s alive, is that these sloppy, unscrupulous talmudic scholars and their Zionist-Christian supporters, who are bribed or blackmailed, insist that the Jews had nothing to do with the killing of Jesus.

It’s convenient that the Jews say the Bible is god’s word when justifying the theft of the land of Palestine and the false claim that they are the chosen people, yet are adverse to the Bible when it comes to the responsibility for killing Jesus.

You npotice they don’t mention the part of the Talmud that approves adults having intercourse, including homosexual anal intercourse, with children.

Specifically it says, “The Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, asfor a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged intercourse the minimum age is nine years. Therefore, just as one who engages
in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse,so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable.”

And they don’t mention that the Talmud shockingly also says, “An adult male who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years
old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye. In the case of an eye, after a tear falls from it another tear forms to replace it. Similarly, the ruptured
hyman of the girl younger than three is restored.”

Having been raised Irish Catholic, I should mention most of us Christians like to imagine Jesus having fare skin and blue eyes, but this isn’t true. Actually Jesus had brown skin and brown eyes, and was most likely a Palestinian.

However, the reader will never get the truth from the Zionist media, which is controlled by Jews. For example, the modern Israelis are mostly Ashkenazi and Saphardic Jews from Europe and America, descendents of Khazar. Therefore, the Israelis have no legal or moral claim to the land of Palestine. And Israel has no right to exist.

Other than 5% of Israelis, most Israelis are simply squatters and narcissistic relatives that would never go home. This is why when a Jew calls someone else “antisemitic” it’s almost laughable. Except for the power they have over our financial and legal system. Like, putting someone they don’t like and who cannot defend themselves on a list for life that they hand out to the media and every vigilante in town to maybe do what they can not do themselves. Their control is based on dividing us and controlling us. Getting men to hate women, and getting women to hate men, and thereby destroying the traditional family. Most Jews want to rule over the chaos and confusion.

Despite that every member of his cabinet objected, in 1948 A.L. Kenes, the founder of AIPAC, bribed Truman with two million dollars hidden in a briefcase, according a letter written by President Kennedy. In exchange, the Jews got the U.S. approval to formally occupy the fertile land of Palestine. And most Jews still claimed today that no one lived there in 1948 except a few Bedouins and goat herders, They totally disregarded the rights of the Palestinians, who were mostly Christian and Muslim.

“When we got here, there wasn’t any jewelry stores, banks, or deli’s anywhere,” they screamed, and rattled their pots and pans.

Then the occupiers put the indigenous people into these prison camps called Gaza and the West Bank, where they can be slowly genocided until there are no more Palestinians. If this isn’t an apartheid state, what is? For example, they have roads and hospitals that can only be used by Jews.

We know the Old testament was written by mostly Jews. And ironically, in the New testament it explicitly says, never believe a Jew. Most modern Christian sects reject most if not all of the Old Testament, because of its violence, racist, sexist, vengeful teachings.

Five books of the Old testament became a Jewish holy book known as the Torah. And later the oral version of the Torah became the Talmud. This isn’t disputed. But what is never mentioned by our Zionist media is that modern Jews, be they orthodox or secular, believe in the basic idea of the Talmud, that Israel has a right to exist, that all Jews are superior to all other people, and their lives are more important. This new religion is known as “Jewish Supremacy.”

True Christians should reject all of this, knowing God created us in his image and that we are all equal. But what is really disgusting, is that if the reader wants to read it, the Talmud says some of the most horrible things about both Jesus and Mother Mary. Which really says something about the Christian Nationalist, like Glen Beck, who defend Israel.

For example, only one Israeli child under five-years-old died on October 7th, 2023, yet in this latest massacre the Israeli Death Squads have retaliated by killing tens of thousands of Palestinian children. And while their doing this, Israeli soldiers wear these t-shirts that show a pregnant Palestinian woman with a target that says, “2 for 1!” Isn’t that sick?

But what is really sick is that our Zionist media never mentions any of this, calling anyone who tells the truth about Israel or Jewish Supremacy is called a “antisemitic,” what ever that made up word means. And who really cares?

Jews say the Talmud, which many of them claim is the most important Jewish book of all, gives them the right as god’s chosen people to “do as thou wilt.” And the Zionists-Christians, who are certainly not Christians, always agree.

Would any real Christian ever condone the murder of a child, yet the killing of tens of thousand of innocent children? Jesus certainly wouldn’t, but the Zionist-Christians and most of the Jews in the world apparently do.

Throughout this book I explain how the Zionist Deep State had selected me when I was eleven-years-old to participate in one of its MK Ultra programs, and then set out to destroy my life when I began speaking out against exploiting kids with disabilities. But it’s really about exploiting everyone on earth who can’t fight back against the empire.

This book is also about the manipulation of the little angry Jews and the gullible goydumb. All controlled by the government and the corporations, which are controlled by these billionaire homosexuals, billionaire pedophiles, and billionaire homosexual pedophiles, who are mostly Jewish.

Here’s my story.