Copyright © 2025 "You're really stupid if you buy any product from Israel," says LtCOL Karen Kwiatkowski, after innocent Arab civilians were targeted by Israel with booby-trapped devices. Meanwhile, the Israel Death Squads (IDS) are shooting Palestinian toddlers in the head from point blank range; saying it's a Mosodomite's right to anally rape Palestinian hostages (held without charges); and they're right to play with the toys of the children and wear the clothing of the women they have murdered; not to mention they're bombing homes and stealing the Palestinian land. What could be more evil than this? Other than the truth about black and Native-American history, which has rarely been told, being "Woke" is mostly a joke on America by the Zionist who run the Deep State. Be real, be awake, and learn what's fake. Wolfe Out! And welcome my fellow theorists against criminal conspirators. Question everything and be sure to watch Judge Napolitano every day and the award winning "False Flag Weekly News" every weekend (at with Dr. Kevin Barrett and an amazing group of rotating guest commentators. Including Courageous Cat Mcguire, 9-11 Whistleblower Dr. J. Michael Springmann, and the Great Dr. E. Michael Jones from "Culture Wars Magazine." And if you like Alternative jazz, be sure to check out my original music at: — Primer WordPress theme by