Open Letter: To Congressman Greg Walton, “Is Secrecy the Real Problem With the FISA Court. And was it Just an Accident?”

February 6, 2018

Re: The responsibility of the FISA Court and the issuing of any “illegally obtained” warrants.

Dear Congressman Walton:

I am writing in regard to the recent illegal warrant issued by the FISA Court and whether or not this court and its complete secrecy is not part of the problem.

First, let me offer my condolences to you and all the people on the train that recently struck a stalled truck, which the entire Fritz family and many, many others know all to well has been an increasing problem, accident or not, in this country. Hmmm…

Congressman, it is my understanding that the identity of the FISA Court judges is secret to protect them from unlawful retaliation or unfair criticism, and this is understandable. However, revealing the identity of judges also protects the people since it forces them to recuse themselves from any obvious conflicts of interest. I suspect there is still much more of this than we know.

however, the FISA Court’s record of issuing almost 10,000 of these secret warrants, while only out right rejecting one of the applications, gives me great concern as to whether there is a lot more of this sort of underhanded manipulation going on in the courts. AS an activist, including working on both of the ‘Recall campaigns against Mayor Sam Adams’, and given all the power Democrats have in this state, whether or not this sort of ‘hanky-panky’ has been, and is, being used against me for political reasons . And maybe, everywhere else.

To restore our trust, I believe the FISA Court must punish these wrong doers at the highest level. And let’s not forget, these people who work at the FBI and the DOJ in DC set an example for all of the U.S. Attorneys and federal agents across the country. Regrettably, our local Portland Bureau seems to be one of the worst in America.

Your effort to hold the FISA Court to the highest standard possible, and in my opinion, seeing treason for what it is, is deeply appreciated.

Truly yours,
Donald R. [DR] Wolfe, Independent Blogger